Universal Asylum

Chapter 2412: stone

   Limiting Wang Sheng is never qualitative, but quantitative. It can be said that his perfect state led him to reach the peak of the concept as soon as he broke through.

   Wang Sheng’s breakthrough is relatively simple, but it does take some time. The power of the concept will not be generated out of thin air. During this time, he has roughly summed up a law, which is the degree of transformation of his core power and concept.

   Yes, after understanding the power of concept, Wang Sheng knows that this indescribable power can not only absorb the heaven and earth to supplement it, but also transform the power of one body.

   Achievement concept, it is impossible to achieve the concept of own power, but can form the concept power, but the general trend is this, one's own power can be transformed into the concept power, but that must be a realm that can only be achieved at a higher level.

   can only be transformed now, which also leads to the limit of the power of the concept.

  Absorbs the transformation of heaven and earth aura, the speed is too slow, and the amplitude is not as good as absorbing the spirit of heaven and earth, and then transforms into the conceptual force through itself.

   The fundamental reason is that the level difference between the world's vitality and concept is too great, the conversion channel is very small, the speed of conversion is not only slow, but also too inefficient.

   and transform concepts through oneself, but because one's own conceptual consciousness acts as a bridge among them, the speed will become much faster.

  Now restricting the existence of these concept levels, a large part is because the concept level has too little power to absorb and transform, and the amount is too small, so that their battle must be completed in a short time, otherwise it will not be sustainable at all.

   Therefore, when many concepts exist, they will use the power of the concept to combine with their own power, and the power exerted has far exceeded the realm of the early Yuan.

   Wang Sheng's situation is better than them. His conceptual power recovers quickly and can be used more naturally, but there is still a transformation in his body.

And this is just a battle process. In terms of real concepts, his conceptual strength is not much, because his core strength has not made much progress now. His own power transformation concept must be transformed from the strength of the world, and the transformation of core strength must be Beyond his ordinary power.

   In fact, the core power transformation can provide a lot of power, the ratio between is probably one to three, if the core power increases, then Wang Sheng's conceptual power will be significantly enhanced.

  However, in the realm now, the ratio of ordinary power to core power is one to one hundred. If you transform conceptual power, you need more nature.

Therefore, ordinary power is very slow to transform conceptual power. To solve this problem, the most important thing is to improve its core strength. Once the core strength increases, or Wang Sheng completely transforms, then Wang Sheng’s amount will be It is possible to make a breakthrough directly, thereby breaking through the mid-term of the concept, reaching the late stage, and even reaching the peak.

  Because of the concept of perfection, there is no bottleneck, which is the biggest advantage.

   is only to be transformed into core strength, and still only has to find a way to go the old way, that is, transform the basic strength of the whole body into core strength. This process requires a lot of outside world strength to accelerate the transformation of core strength.

   In the past, the absorption of heaven and earth was due to the awakening stone, the force structure, and more force runes, so that he can construct a structure that absorbs the mysterious energy of heaven and earth, which can help transform the core strength.

In the final analysis, what he needs is not the original force of heaven and earth, but an indescribable force in heaven and earth to help himself, and not directly absorb this force, but because it exists, it can help his power transform.

This power has changed a lot from the awakening stone power at the beginning to the original force and the rune of the original force. It has been promoted layer by layer, and even Wang Sheng now doubts whether there is a higher level. the power of.

   This is why he had been searching for a rock like Awakening Stone before. This structure can help him absorb such energy.

   originally had no clue, but now it is different. The stone he got before made him realize that he ignored the gains from the land of silence.

  Since this stone can accommodate the existence of concepts, it may be able to absorb higher levels of strength.

   This stone is a little different from the previous ones. The awakening stone contains the power absorbed by the awakening stone structure, which can work on Wang Sheng.

   Afterwards, the same is true of the Rune of the Force, which absorbs directly the power of the same level, which can have a stronger effect on Wang Sheng.

   is just this stone now, it only absorbs the ordinary energy of the world, not the kind of mysterious power at all.

   This is also the reason he neglected before. Only after discovering this conceptual stone can he change his mind.

   This stone is likely to be a higher-level structure, worthy of further experiments.

Wang Sheng's experimental method is to exclude the ordinary energy contained in the stone~www.wuxiaspot.com~ became a pure stone, and the power of the concept was also immediately eliminated by him. Wang Sheng poured his own concept again power.

   flooded the stone with his conceptual power. Before absorbing it, he wanted to see what effect it would have if the stone was full of conceptual power.

   unexpectedly discovered that the stone actually contained a tenth of his conceptual power before stopping.

But after it was filled, nothing happened. Wang Sheng suddenly thought that the reason why the stone has the concept power is that the previous owner used the stone as a storage tool to store his own concept power At critical moments, it can be directly sucked out and used as an attack, or for multiple purposes.

  Wang Sheng absorbed the conceptual power that he filled up again, and found that it was still usable.

   can be filled with one-tenth of the power. From this perspective, this is indeed a powerful baby, because at a critical moment, this power will become the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

  Especially if there are a few more stones, even Wang Sheng has to pay attention, enough, even if he has the power to recover, it is enough to let him play enough advantage in a battle.

  Wang Sheng was dumb, but he didn't think about this aspect at the beginning, so he had more expectations. Now even if he knows that this thing is precious, he still has such a feeling in his heart.

  I wanted to come to this stone before it was only used by that concept, and the power of the concept was used up. In the end, it was not used, but instead let the stone supplement the ordinary vitality of the world.


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