Universal Asylum

Chapter 2413: Confirm

  The relationship between the concept and this stone is not as much as expected.

  Compared to this, the move that stone can hold the concept is more unique.

   This kind of concept can not be included in any situation. Stone can hold the concept, which is enough to prove the potential. At least the ordinary awakening stone cannot contain the concept.

  Employed the concept, he also took out the first stone, which contained not ordinary energy, nor the original force, nor the power of the concept.

  The reason why Wang Sheng collected it for the first time, in addition to the reason of the stone itself, is the special energy in the stone.

   His eyes flickered, whether this energy is a higher level of force.

   has been neglected by himself, Wang Sheng feels that this energy should probably be related to the structure of the stone.

Wang Sheng took out the stone and tried to absorb the energy from it. As a result, he absorbed it smoothly. After opening his eyes, Wang Sheng shook his head. This kind of energy did have some effect on himself, but it was only a little stronger than ordinary energy. Compared with the previous level, the level of the original force absorbed by oneself is a supplementary force for the present one.

   If it is this power, it will have no effect on Wang Sheng.

  Wang Sheng feels a strange feeling, this power is more like a mixed power, which should have the taste of the original force, and it should be a high-level original force useful to himself.

   just neutralized a kind of energy, formed this mixed energy, and turned into energy that has no effect on itself now.

  Wang Sheng once again extracted a bit of power, and then tried to decompose, and found that it could not be decomposed at all. This seemed to be a complete energy. All he had felt before was an illusion.

  Wang Sheng doesn't think so, it can only prove that this energy has a very high degree of fit with the previous force, or it is one body, and the force can be extracted from it.

   It's just what role does this energy have. Is this power filled later, or is it actually absorbed by the stone structure?

  Wang Sheng doesn't think that this power has no effect, and it doesn't mean that it has no real effect if it's useless to oneself.

   In other words, the real effect of the original force may not be its own absorption at all, but the use that exists, Wang Sheng can not deny this at all.

  Wang Sheng thinks, it is relatively simple to verify, empty the stone, let the stone absorb energy, and see what energy will be born.

Without waiting, Wang Sheng put away the first stone, but just took out the second stone. This stone has been emptied. Wang Sheng used the previous structure to absorb a lot of the original force and gathered in front of the stone. He wanted to try Whether this emerging force is still related to the original force, if in this case, the original force still cannot be absorbed, then it may be an illusion that you have to feel about the original force before.

   The strong force wrapped the stone. Finally, there was something more in the stone, and the force around it was less. The stone could indeed absorb the force, but this conversion ratio made Wang Sheng a little shocked.

   It may take a lot of force to transform the power in the stone.

  Wang Sheng gathered the force energy several times to let the stone absorb. Finally, a little energy was slowly accumulated in the stone. When it could be used as an experiment, Wang Sheng stopped first.

  Looking at the energy in the stone, Wang Sheng's heart moved. From the appearance, the energy before it can be said to be exactly the same. His heart can almost confirm that the power before and after the two times should be the same.

   But the real result still needs to be tried. Wang Sheng directly absorbed. After a while, he opened his eyes without any accident. This energy is exactly the same as before, and has no effect on Wang Sheng.

   But you can feel the force acting, and this energy is indeed formed by the force.

  Wang Sheng can now confirm that the structure of this stone is indeed a layer higher than the previous force structure, and the same thing is the same, but the things that are useful to Wang Sheng are neutralized.

   As long as the neutralized power is removed, it can naturally extract the useful power.

   But according to their degree of fit, even if it is extracted, it will take a long time, not only that, even if it is extracted, the amount of remaining force naturally returns very little.

   The original force of the past may only be half or less, and the efficiency is low.

   So this choice was directly excluded by Wang Sheng. If Wang Sheng thought about it, he had another option, which was to fundamentally change the structure and adapt it to a structure that absorbs the original force alone.

Wang Sheng is quite confident about this kind of thing. In the final analysis, since he got the awakening stone and found the awful effect of the awakening stone on the child, and then studied the structure of the awakening stone, he has been promoted twice. The first promotion It was because I found the energy beyond the awakening stone, so I reversely speculated on the structure, but the subsequent promotion was that I completely changed the new structure.

   Does not even need to be condensed, and directly absorbs energy through the runes.

But now that this stone can absorb the structure created by Wang Sheng himself to supplement energy, it proves that Wang Sheng's ideas and the original creator's ideas should be similar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ so they can absorb each other without any difference. .

It's just that the founder should have changed after the re-creation of the structure, and it is not intended to simply absorb the original force, or that the simple original force can no longer meet the needs of the other party, so this kind of change occurs, this energy appears .

   This should only be a change in thinking, so it is not impossible to change this result, as long as Wang Sheng's thinking at the beginning is moved back.

   Even because of his initial experience, he can accomplish this thing very quickly. After all, Wang Sheng had the experience of completely creating a stage of the original force. As long as he finds the part of the structure that condenses the original force in this stone, he should be able to transform it.

   Wang Sheng groaned slightly, so the next thing might be to explore the stone structure first.

   In fact, he is also very interested in the current structure of this stone. After all, the energy it creates should have a peculiar use, maybe Wang Sheng will use it in the future.

   Fortunately, now there are two more stones, which can satisfy my collection and transformation, and I will not give up one of them.

   It takes time to study this stone. Although Wang Sheng hopes to study it in a short time, he is destined to have little hope, so he did not have much hope, and he can use this structure to enhance himself in the city.



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