Universal Asylum

Chapter 2419: Kill

   "No one can save you."

   He raised his palm and waved towards the front, a force directly acted in front of the spirit prince emperor, as if playing the partition pulling the thread of the spirit prince emperor.

   But without any movement, the force penetrated directly past, without causing any influence to disperse.

   It was just such a small gap that the Emperor Lingji had appeared in Wang Sheng's hands and was sealed by Wang Sheng.

   "Be quiet, Wang is still a little curious about you." Then he closed his palms and collected the Lingji Emperor.

   There was no chance to say Lingji Emperor, but the expectation in my heart has fallen to the lowest, because the incompetent return of just checking Tianyu has proved that this Wang Sheng is more mysterious than they thought.

  Tianyu's eyes moved slightly, and he didn't seem to imagine such a thing happening, but he would not have any embarrassment, just staring at Wang Sheng.

   "This seat has to admit that you are indeed a bit simple, but it doesn't matter if the waste is collected by you."

   "Next, this seat is going to be serious, I hope you can give this seat more surprises."

  Wang Sheng accidentally discovered that Tian Yu's mind really thought this way, not superficially, really such a rampant person.

   After Satoshi was promoted to this state, it seemed that there were very few, or almost no such people, who were determined and moved old monsters.

   Wang Sheng is really a bit novel, he smiled slightly, "should not disappoint you, you do it."

   "Very good!" Tian Yu smiled with satisfaction, gently moved his palm, and suddenly a jar appeared in his hand, and then the mouth of the jar opened and aimed at Wang Sheng.

  The power of the rich concept directly talks about Wang Sheng's package. The deep power seems to devour Wang Sheng completely. The desire to devour greed is not fake.

  Wang Sheng was only in contact with this concept for an instant, and he knew why this Heavenly Emperor would have such a change. If his nature was not like this at the beginning, then this concept should have influenced him.

   This is the most erroneous and persistent concept he has ever seen, or the concept is not an error, but it should not be controlled by such a realm in the early Yuan.

The concept of engulfing and absorbing is not impossible, but it must not appear early, that is, when the master state cannot match the Dao Xin, although I don’t know how Tianyu does it, the concept at this time is indeed the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. The realm is at its peak, and it has reached the critical point of breaking through. The real strength is only afraid of the existence of the two early wars in the land of weakness and death.

  However, compared to this state, Tian Yu's Dao Xin is fragile as if he were just a young child, unable to control such power at all, and more like a child wielding a sledgehammer, which would only hurt himself without more results.

   Today's Tianyu is the scene after being injured. Its Dao Xin has been affected by this concept, unable to maintain stability, and even engulfing himself in reverse, making this Tianyu integration seem a little crazy.

  However, regardless of this Heavenly Realm, the power of the concepts exhibited during this period is very powerful. The real damage is also the damage of the peak of the realm of the early Yuan Dynasty, and it will not be affected because of its lack of Dao heart.

   Of course, for Wang Sheng, it was a breeze.

   The blue sword shadow flashed, just like the same moves before, the same scene reappeared, this force collapsed directly.

   Tian Yu groaned, the jar clicked, and a crack appeared on the surface.

  Tianyu's face was somber, "Who the **** are you, there shouldn't be people like you in this era."

   Wang Sheng narrowed his eyes. Tianyu's sentence had a lot of information. It seems that it was also hidden.

Even if Tian Yu is affected again, it won’t be really crazy, and his heart is more cautious, and there is no stay. The magic pot changes, as if it had become a black hole that the Spiritual Emperor had cast before, but this black hole is not a spirit. The extreme emperor just contained a little conceptual power.

  The black hole formed by the Heavenly Emperor, all of which are conceptual forces, are very rich, as if the real concept exists, just because the concept is scattered, there is no real core, and it cannot be condensed together, which is also the real reason for not being able to promote the concept.

Speaking of this, this devouring concept is still really qualified to be promoted to the existence of the concept, but because of the influence of the Heavenly Emperor, it is impossible to be truly promoted to the existence of the concept. Its own Daoxin has already been flawed. , Let Wang Sheng know that this concept seems to be a foreign object, but only added to this person, used by him, and therefore, so many discords appeared.

  The conceptual power in the black hole is directly wrapped towards Wang Sheng.

  In the eyes of Emperor Moxu and others, Wang Sheng was wrapped in a heavy black pressure and seemed to be swallowed.

Emperor Moxu raised fears again. She found that after the battle started, she never saw the battle again. It seemed that she could no longer find out what was happening here, nor how exactly they were fighting. Only knowing any of these forces, she could not resist, even with the addition of the palace.

   But the next moment she saw the darkness that wrapped up Wang Sheng directly collapsed, without any leftovers, Wang Sheng's figure appeared again without any damage.

  The obvious contrast is that there is a clicking sound, a magic pot appears again, and it is completely broken at the instant of appearance.

At the same time, there is also a crazy roar~www.wuxiaspot.com~ A figure directly rushed towards Wang Sheng, and his body was so hot that he made the Emperor Moxu feel uncomfortable for a while, even if he was so far away, he felt a heavy, as if Will be killed at any time.

   "Just come here."

   A quiet voice, as if it contained power, directly disappeared the heavy atmosphere of the audience, and at the same time, there was a body wrapped around Wang Sheng, which was directly blasted out.

   Tian Yu's body collapsed in the air, there was only one true spirit, but he still didn't escape, and still rushed to Wang Sheng, looking completely mad.

  Wang Sheng shook his head and moved his palm lightly, suddenly containing the true spirit in his palm.

   "Why!" The voice was sad and unwilling, but before he finished speaking, he was directly sealed by Wang Sheng.

   Moxu Emperor looked surprised, did not expect that things ended so quickly.

   Wang Sheng turned his face calmly, first nodded gently at the Emperor Moxu, and then suddenly looked to the side, and there was still no movement of Gu Meng.

   "If you don't shoot again, you really have no chance."

   The Emperor Moxu suddenly realized what he was doing, and quickly backed away, squinting at Gumeng, "Gumeng, you have already changed."

  Gu Meng raised his head and smiled bitterly, "In the face of such words, Wang Daoyou really has no courage to shoot."


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