Universal Asylum

Chapter 2420: 1 forward

  Moxu Emperor stared closely at Gumeng, she would never have thought about the changes in Gumeng.

   This is the time when a figure slowly emerged from the void on the side, which is the ancient Meng deity.

   If Wang Sheng's strength is not too terrifying, Degumeng has already shot.

   "Not bad." Wang Sheng suddenly said, and still admired, "Being able to rely on yourself to get to this point proves that your talent is indeed good."

  In his eyes, it can be seen that this ancient Mongolian is still the original himself, but at this time his strength is already about to be promoted to the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is not much worse than Mengchu.

   "It seems that your previous strength is already extraordinary, at least it should prove that the emperor is hopeful."

There may be only one of them, that is, Degumeng was not an ordinary emperor, but an emperor who was about to prove it, so he could come to this realm naturally. After all, according to Wang Sheng's expectations, the realm of the emperor should have been able to It is comparable to the late stage of the Hunyuan Supreme, but it is a little more than the peak level.

   Moreover, with his current vision, it can be understood that the reason why the road of the emperor is much stronger than that of the Hunyuan Supreme Lord is that the emperor came into contact with something from the five main streets of the Hunyuan Supreme, that is the concept.

   I am afraid that the power of the emperor is because of the concept.

   From this perspective, the emperor wanted to advance to the early Yuan realm, which was much easier than playing the Hunyuan Supreme.

   This should also be the reason why Gu Meng can make rapid progress in a short time, because he was about to be promoted to the emperor. If someone gives him a little inspiration at this time, it is not incomprehensible to have such a leap forward.

Emperor Moxu was obviously a little shocked. She thought that Gumeng and Emperor Lingji, the devil boy, were not the same as they used to be, but now it seems that he is still himself, but why would he suppress her with such great momentum, this strength Not even inferior to the ancestors who had won the spirit extremely before.

   Gumeng smiled bitterly, "Wang Daoyou's eyes are like a torch. Gumeng is indeed Gumeng. There has never been any change."

   He looked at Emperor Moxu and sighed, "Disappointed Daoyou."

  Moxu Emperor was puzzled, "Why is this, why did you make such a choice?"

  Gu Meng has calmed down, and his answer is that Wang Sheng did not expect, "It's very simple, Lingji Daoist gave me hope for promotion. For the sake of the road, I really refused to do it."

   In fact, if it was just for this, Gu Meng would not agree, but Lingji Emperor, they promised to let these emperors in the end, this is the reason why Gu Meng had no worries to agree to come down.

  After all, he didn't want to be an offender in the world of latitudes, he still wanted to make some dedication.

  Moxu emperor has nothing to say, for the sake of the road, this reason is really no one can refuse.

   And she thought to herself, if this kind of temptation is put in front of her, I am afraid that she will also have a very difficult choice.

   She sighed and really didn't know what to say. It turned out that in the end, everyone was not fighting with her. If there was no Wang Sheng, I was afraid that she would not be well off now.

   "Do you still need to be obsessed with Taoism?" Emperor Mo Xu asked.

There is no deep hatred between them, especially Gumeng has not yet shot, no matter what the reason is, this is the fact, and Emperor Moxu believes that Gumeng may be slightly inadequate to deal with Wang Sheng, but it should be more than enough to deal with himself. Have a chance.

   Ancient masked hesitation, it is better not to do it, but he agreed to the two before. This is a causal commitment. If he does not take action, he is afraid that his Dao Dao will hinder him.

   He also understands that at the last moment, Tian Yu's question is to question himself. At that time, if he shot, he should be able to give Tian Yu a chance.

  An opportunity to escape.

But is it really possible? As a bystander, he clearly knew that Wang Sheng had already far exceeded their strength before. It was not that they could compare. It was no longer the world they could imagine. He just shot to death. That's it.

   He did not hesitate, but since he knew the final result, there was no need to take advantage of others.

He hesitated to dissipate, looked at Wang Sheng, his eyes were bright, set aside everything, Wang Sheng was the highest wait he had ever seen, he practiced Taoist sword for his life, and saw such peaks, there was really a desire to climb .

   "Daoyou, please advise." Gu Meng arched his hands with a solemn voice.

  Wang Sheng had understood his choice, and nodded calmly, "I won't keep my hand."

Emperor Moxu also sighed. She also understood Gumeng's choice, but it was impossible to say anything pleading. After all, Gumeng ultimately made a choice. This is the battle of the road, just because Wang Sheng For the sake of making it all look so cruel, or not so cruel to them.

  Moxu Emperor said, "The ancient Mongolian Daoyou, read it for the sake of once friendship, I hope you can tell the concubine body spirit extremely emperor and the magic pot boy what happened."

Gu Meng shook his head, “It’s not to deceive Daoist, but to know little about it. The Taoist Daoist must be no longer his original identity, but there should be some real spirits in Lingji Daoyou. Now."

  Moxu Emperor nodded, "So, Daoyou, please."

  Gu Meng nodded.

Then closed her eyes and adjusted her momentum~www.wuxiaspot.com~ It seemed calm and unwavering. In fact, in the eyes of Emperor Moxu, the ancient Mongolian at this time has become extremely powerful, even the same strength as before, but she has no Way to understand.

  Wang Sheng didn't shoot, and he didn't mind Heigumeng for a chance, a chance to learn a new realm.

   A sword shadow was formed on Gumeng's head, which was extremely large and pure, and the meaning of the sword was as if it would explode in the next moment. Gumeng opened his eyes at this time.

   He looked at Wang Sheng and Shen Sheng said, "Dare to ask Taoist friends, what is the state after the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty."

   Wang Sheng smiled, "This is no secret, concept!"

  Moxu Emperor, Gumeng is thoughtful, especially Gumeng, even if he just hears this title, he feels that his strength is growing, although this is only an illusion.

   He not only sighed, "Thank you Daoist for your success, so please pay attention to your Daoist."

   His fingers stretched out, and the shadow above his head was aimed at Wang Sheng at the same time, "This sword was realized when he was promoted to the emperor. There was no time to perfect it. It was already the best sword.

Going forward, it doesn’t sound like a sword move, but you can hear the endless sword intention, and the will of Gu Meng. If you go forward, you will never retreat. This sword is to do everything and leave no way until you see The dawn of victory.


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