Universal Asylum

Chapter 2433: meet

   Both of them had lost their homes, but they were originally in silence, but after entering the land of silence, they began to be inexplicably active.

   Eventually completely regained consciousness until they completely defeated them.

  When they met Wang Sheng separately, the two seized things had not yet begun to awaken, that is, when Wang Sheng left and brought together the gods and other people, there was a change.

  While there is no direct evidence, Wang Sheng is almost certain that this change has something to do with the God Operator.

  As for what matters, although the **** operator can't give Wang Sheng any answer, Wang Sheng himself can probably guess.

   has something to do with those phantoms in the land of silence.

This is where Wang Sheng was really surprised, because the existence of the two was two of the great powers that came out of the opportunity at that time. Only one step away can achieve the peak of the early Yuan of the concept of existence, and one of them even Very close to the concept realm.

They did not fall in the land of chance, but successfully came out, but also when they were lingering, so they pinned on the two, until this time came to the land of chance again, affected by some means, the beginning of success Recovery.

   If Wang Sheng didn't guess wrong, he was afraid that he would be affected by the time shuttle, so that the two beings could see them again before they had entered the land of opportunity, so they successfully started to wake up.

   As for the method of witnessing, it should be provided by God's operator.

  As for why the God Operator knows this, Wang Sheng can only speculate that it is because of its unique avenue. After all, it wants to exist together and can drive giants outside the latitude world. It is not surprising that there are some unique news.

   This is the true truth, and Wang Sheng was also surprised. Those two surrendered existences exist in the true sense from ancient times to the present.

   What is more important is that their origin does not belong to the latitude world, that is to say, it is not that the latitude world has entered the land of opportunity, but the existence of other worlds.

   Entering the land of opportunity is naturally not just a latitude world. The existence of other worlds that Wang Sheng saw in the mother river is countless, and he also knows that there are countless worlds outside the latitude world.

   He knew only these from the two consciousnesses of seizing existence, and he had no way of knowing why they could travel to the latitude world, nor did he know what happened in which chance, but just knew such a result.

  Wang Sheng sighed, no wonder that Mok Tongzi and Lingji Emperor could not resist, after all, these are two very close to the concept of existence.

   Knowing this, some doubts in Wang Sheng's heart finally disappeared. He waved his hand, and the last residue in his hand disappeared.

   The Gu Meng with them really did not have any traces of seizing the house, everything was cultivated by himself, plus the conceptual meaning given by the two people, with a breakthrough can be said to be a truly talented person.

  Wang Sheng did not disturb Gu Meng, let him start to recover in his world of Chaos Avenue.

Wang Sheng finally looked at the film again. At this time, the mother river had returned to calm. Wang Sheng went through the mother river as if he could see the true spirits contained in the mother river. That is all the strong people get the seal. This is a real civilization.

   But now because the mother river is silent, they are also in a state of silence. To really know something, only wait for the mother river to return, or in the city, his contact with the mother river.

  Wang Sheng closed his eyes again, conducted an enlightenment, and restored his concept.


  On the city wall, after Wang Sheng was out of his avatar, he once again shuttled the black hole, and began to draw a map according to the unique road in his heart, and had to change the road by his own avenue again and again.

   Now he has traveled a lot of roads, and he has added a lot on the map. He also has a general understanding of Wang Sheng of the city. In this shuttle, he has gained a lot from the map. This city should exist in the inner city.

   There is also an inner city in the countless outer city packages. This inner city should contain the real secret of this city.

  Wang Sheng wanted to arrive, but now there is no way to reach it. After all, the only thing he zooms in now is to reach the streets through the center origin.

   As for what flies high into the sky, it is even more nonsense to watch the integrated city, because every street is a real space world, here is closed and cannot be shuttled at all.

   And Wang Sheng did not try to break the integrated street space for forcible shuttle, but in the end, it just made him re-confirm that the city is powerful and the owner of the city is strong.

  Because he could not penetrate the space here, even if he could not use the power, he could feel that there was a concept force wandering in the integrated city. It was this concept force that made him unable to break through the space at all.

   So only honestly shuttle again.

   He has a speculation that after exploring all the outer streets, he should be able to find the same inner city channel, just like this core origin.

He believes that because he can change the path ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ such a shuttle speed should be able to exceed the existence of other concepts. If the same inner city road is achieved through all streets, then he believes that he should not be slow. Open the road, even if he is a latecomer.

   So now Wang Sheng doesn't even have any thoughts about it. He has to walk through the streets honestly.

The streets that    traversed before are basically the same content, the same room, and then the strong ones with different levels of strength.

   But not every street has a strong concept.

  But whereever a strong concept has a house, the existence of those concepts can keep alive, and there is a chance for recovery. Even just this is enough to explain the strength of the concept.

  Wang Sheng has left a mark in these houses with conceptual existence, and can guarantee the power to come there anytime, anywhere.

   It is best to meet those who set up an ambush on him to see if there is a chance to solve the hidden dangers in one fell swoop.

Just thinking about this thing, Wang Sheng suddenly moved his face, his mouth slightly tilted, and it was a coincidence that, before he shuttled to get a street house, there was a concept existence entered, and the real coincidence was that this existence It was one of them who set an ambush on himself before.

  Wang Sheng didn't do it immediately. This was the first time he really saw the true body of this concept. What he saw before was just a mark.

  It also made him know that he was afraid that he had been exposed to many existential eyes before, because he was a latecomer and was destined to be discovered.

  I don’t see anyone else until I don’t follow the normal route.


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