Universal Asylum

Chapter 2434: 2/3

  Wang Sheng waited for a while, and did not wait until another concept existed, he no longer hesitated, and consciousness descended into that room world.

   The concept of existence is being explored in the world, and it is impossible to find that an invisible sword has appeared on the side of the void, densely decomposing into countless blue sword shadows.

   The concept of "who!" Suddenly came to alert, but it was too late, the sword field broke out, drowning him.

   exploded violently, in which Wang Sheng's concept force was urged infinitely, and in a short period of time, he continued to bombard the concept.

   The energy intensity is much more than it used to be, and Wang Sheng has no trace since he shot.

   The concept of energy exists in a breath that is getting weaker and weaker, and it has reached a moment when serious injuries cannot be cured.

   But at the last moment, its reaction came, and the concept package finally got the body to directly break through the explosion range and leave the house at a rapid speed.

   Invisible Excalibur has long been ready to penetrate, penetrate the void, and also penetrate the concept and the final true spirit wrapped in the concept.

  Everything vanishes, and the existence of a concept just falls.

   The blue sword flickered slightly and disappeared directly. The world of this room fell into silence again, but the countless world fragments around it can prove that a war has occurred here.

   But if they look closely, they won't find any trace of Wang Sheng.

  Wang Sheng in several other streets opened his eyes, and finally he used the Excalibur to cut off all traces before recovering the Excalibur.

At this time, his face was pale, and the energy in his body was completely exhausted. Although the body was not there before, but that degree is not much different from his body. His energy is extremely urged, and he is not afraid of consumption. This concept exists to kill.

  'S previous doppelganger dealt with the matter of the land of silence. The concept has not yet been restored. Coupled with the outbreak this time, his concept has been exhausted, so he can't ignore it.

   is no longer able to move forward at this moment, and the concept must be restored.

   recalled the battle between them, or the one-sided suppression, it seemed simple, so that the opponent did not have any ability to fight back, in fact, the opponent was resisting from beginning to end.

   Otherwise, the other party should have disappeared the moment he shot.

   The fact is that before his own shot, the opponent has reacted, the concept is shrouded, and the road is scattered, trying to take the initiative to attack.

It’s just that Wang Sheng’s speed is faster, his power is stronger, and he is more decisive, so that this person directly falls into a defensive posture, and then under his own sword attack, this person’s pure defense simply has no effect, and the concept is consumed, too late When supplementing the power of a new concept, he was already attacked by the Excalibur, and with just one blow, he collapsed his real body, leaving only the concept package of True Spirit.

  Because the body collapsed, a large area of ​​space was exposed, and it was too late for the Excalibur to replenish, which gave the other party a chance to escape.

   The last trace of the real spirit was directly broken through by the concept, although in the end it was still unavoidable that the sword would catch up with the direct Tao and eliminate the result.

   This battle seems to be swift and seemingly one-sided. In fact, it already includes the battle.

   In the final analysis, just because Wang Sheng is stronger and has the advantage.

   Thinking of being attacked before, one can imagine how confident the other party is. After all, the two concepts exist at the same time, and it is a sneak attack. This situation basically cannot be turned over.

   But what they didn't expect was that Wang Sheng's strength exceeded them too much, and the powerful role of consciousness.

   Actually had to fight before, the only consciousness, that is, the avenue played a great role. Without this avenue, it was impossible to fix it for a moment at the beginning, so that the Excalibur could have a chance.

   And finally, when the true spirit fled, it was also because the consciousness forcibly locked it for a moment, and finally let the Excalibur succeed.

Even so, Wang Sheng has consumed a lot of concept power. Although I have consumed a lot of reasons before, if I replace the sneak attacker with another person, I will recover the speed with their concept, even if it has not been consumed before. , Still intact, will consume huge amounts, and there is no possibility of shooting for the time being.

   And if there is no real safe resistance, who will let themselves fall into this situation.

   So the existence of concepts is really difficult to kill. Even if the level difference between them is too large, it is not possible, because it may not kill the other party, but let yourself be in a dangerous situation.

After Wang Sheng tried it once, he knew what he was thinking about. Fortunately, it was only a concept. If both of them attacked himself, I was afraid that he would not be able to stay, and seriously hurting the other would have no effect. In this special case In the environment, there is no way to pursue.

   And I tried my best to kill a concept. In the end, I didn't get any benefits. After all, there is nothing that does not belong to a concept, because in them, the concept is the most powerful weapon.

  Want to have a weapon that works, at least it has to go beyond the conceptual level to work~www.wuxiaspot.com~ And this kind of weapon is so easy to get.

   was flattered, that is, a threat was extinguished, and the key had not formed a deterrent. As a result, Wang Sheng was not satisfied.

   He crossed his knees in a room for a while. After the strength in the body recovered a little, it was enough to ensure a big battle, so he got up and continued to explore. Now is not a time to delay.

   The remaining conceptual power will recover by itself.

   Since the concept of killing, I have never met other concepts. The rules of shuttle here are indeed groundless. I cannot control the road by myself. I am destined to shuttle at will.

  According to the path here, Wang Sheng can basically conclude that the concept of entering here will not exist too much, otherwise, not one will be encountered.

  The map on Wang Sheng's hand has been filled for more than half, about two-thirds of the way, that is to say, only the last one-third is left unexplored.

The map is relatively complete, Wang Sheng estimates that the rest of the place should be explored soon, but it also means that contact with other people is coming. Although he may have made several advances on his way through his ability The change has avoided several possible ambushes, but it is still difficult to determine whether I got rid of everyone's sight. In the final analysis, I was the last one to enter here, and I am afraid that I will be far behind in time, which is naturally rejected by everyone.

  If he has to face a later encounter and is really rejected, Wang Sheng has to consider the matter of safety. Faced with so many concepts, he does not think he can maintain his advantage, and he may even fall into a real crisis.



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