Universal Asylum

Chapter 2435: Pinnacle battle

Therefore, if he can, Wang Sheng still hopes that someone can form an offensive and defensive alliance with himself, even if he can’t, he won’t be able to make the world enemies. Chance.

   Of course, Wang Sheng is not too worried about his life safety. He still has avatars. After the concept of avatars is formed, even if the ontology falls, the avatar can become the ontology. This is his avenue.

   is not the same as before before promotion. At that time, if the body falls, all the avatars will disappear, and he will really fall asleep, only waiting for the avenue to recover.

   Now, the three avatars mean that he has three lives. With the ontology, each of the four beings can be an ontology or an avatar without any difference.

Of course, every time one falls, it is not as simple to restore energy as you want to recover. Once again, the strongest score can only be the Hunyuan Supreme Realm. You have to wait for the concept to conceive itself, and then reborn, and continue to generate until and Several other avatars have the same concept, so they can become concept avatars again.

   is very troublesome, which is equivalent to re-cultivation, so if it is not necessary, Wang Sheng can not let his avatar fall, which is not good for himself.

Now the concept energy has recovered 10%. At his recovery speed, as long as there is no accident, it is destined to recover faster and faster. The most important thing is that it does not affect his actions. Of course, he did not encounter the need to shoot during this period. enemy.

Wang Sheng’s hunch is correct. This last third is indeed a period of high incidence between him and those concepts, but not the same street as him, but the streets he has explored before, ushering in one by one. The concept exists, and under his gaze, each has left its mark.

   The most peculiar thing is that there is a street, two concepts exist one after the other, they actually came to the same street.

   Unsurprisingly, the two didn't know each other at all. After facing each other for a long time, they left each other vigilantly, explored the house separately, and also left their mark, and then left through the origin.

   It’s not surprising that there was no war, but this is normal. The war between concepts is extremely troublesome. How can a sudden war occur without interest entanglement.

  Wang Sheng is the strange appearance of these concepts. Except for some peculiar existences, most of them have five senses and seven tricks, which are more like normal creatures.

   He also saw a familiar figure among these people, exactly like the dragon clan he remembered, but a black divine dragon. He made a leap while walking, and he could never fly. Leap should be his racial talent.

   This is also the appearance talent that makes Wang Sheng feel more intimate, so this dragon talent is actually very powerful and has the potential for the promotion concept.

   is a human figure. Wang Sheng has not seen any of the concepts that he has seen so far, and there is no similarity.

There is also a Cthulhu type, but a group of indescribable things. Its existence is a concept in itself. After seeing this creature, Wang Sheng suddenly felt that this creature must be very talented. Because of this shape, I am afraid that it is a conceptual meaning from birth, and it is relatively simple to promote a concept.

   So far, I have seen more than ten concepts exist, plus those that have been encountered sporadically before, I am afraid that it is close to the twenty, but I still have not seen those top-level existences, just like the mother river.

   is more in the early stage of the concept, and rarely in the middle stage.

This is certainly not all the concepts that exist, but it should also occupy the majority. The remaining concepts that have not been seen should be very few, and the top existence is only afraid of more, because only this kind of top existence is more likely to be explored. Quickly, it appears directly in the third he hasn't explored yet.

   Wang Sheng's eyes flickered, so the situation was more dangerous.

   It was at this time that he suddenly discovered another concept existed in a street that attacked him before.

   However, Wang Sheng did not have the opportunity to shoot, because this person did not appear alone, and there was a concept with him. Just glanced at it, Wang Sheng knew that they were only afraid of a short-term alliance.

   Faced with these two people, Wang Sheng didn't mean that he couldn't win, but he certainly couldn't stay all. The best result was a fall and a serious injury, but he didn't expect to keep the serious injury at all.

   Therefore, Wang Sheng only gave up temporarily, unfortunately, if such an enemy survives to the end, he is afraid to aim at himself desperately.

  Wang Sheng groaned slightly, maintaining continuous attention to the existence of this concept, as long as there is a chance, he still needs to work hard.

  If the two concepts of attacking yourself are falling, I must make those other people think more clearly. At least it is not a weak deterrent, so this matter is still very necessary to do.

There is no chance now. After Wang Sheng temporarily put his brain behind, it is just to separate conscious attention~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His consciousness stays in the house of two-thirds, and then only more and more of these concepts will be discovered. There is no need to worry about not being able to find opportunities.

   Wang Sheng is also alert in his heart. Perhaps this is what others think of themselves, and will he also look for opportunities.

If there is a chance, Wang Sheng will still choose to return to the second floor street. There are two concepts in the last room there. You can try to see if you can give him the door. If you take it, you can not only know here Many secrets can also increase combat power and help.

   However, in the sense of consciousness, that room still has existed and experienced, until just now there are people shuttle.

  Wang Sheng remained cautious and continued to shuttle, but just didn't expect to see a war just after passing through the original black hole this time.

   And it is a battle where three concepts are at their peak.

   War broke out on this street. Even such a war did not cause the city to be rejected, but it could not cause harm to the city.

   looks a lot less dynamic, ignoring the power of those concepts, as if it is just a normal battle between fist and flesh.

   Take a closer look, two of the three are obviously together, and the two have to be together except for the existence of the pinnacle, and the other should be close to the pinnacle, just the ninth level of the concept.

   They suppressed another concept peak together, but even then, the battle situation was only flat, enough to see the strength of that existence.

  There is no concept around to watch the excitement, maybe it is not found, or it is afraid that the battle will affect yourself. After all, there are two peaks here, and one is also close to the peak.


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