Universal Asylum

Chapter 270: Turbulent

One hundred years is not worth mentioning compared to a few million years ago, but after all, Wang Sheng touched the world a hundred years ago and made some things familiar, but these hundred years have let these familiars pass away, Turn into dust.

This century of the lower realm is not stable. I don’t know when, there are rumors between the world and the world. If you can occupy the Central Plains, you can gather the world and luck, unify the world, and be the master of the world!

There are also rumors among the monks, if it can help the world commander of a country, it is also favored by luck, and the road can be expected.

These two rumors quickly spread throughout the world and into the ears of every sovereign and monk.

It was originally rumored that catching the wind and catching the shadow is not credible, but the self-powerful man calculates that both rumors are true!

At the moment, both the host and the monk of various countries are all excited and start to prepare for war.

I don't know what caused it. The first war, like a fuse, involved a large area of ​​war. Just like this, it affected one piece at a time, but for several years, the war burned all over the wilderness.

On the contrary, it is the Central Plains countries. I don’t know what they thought, but the four major powers were still intact, and other small powers were not allowed to move. Therefore, the four major powers forcibly suppressed, and the Central Plains did not make much waves.

The big countries are at war and the small ones are suffering, because it is the fundamental purpose of these big countries to devour them.

The war has blossomed on all sides. In the past ten years, nearly 100 small countries have been destroyed in the wasteland, and several medium-sized countries have been destroyed.

In the past ten years, the law of the military battle array is not to mention, the battles of the ancestors of the various phases have made the world's spirits burned, countless deaths and injuries, solitary souls and ghosts everywhere, become graveyards, and hundreds of people move to live, but at this time the mainland is fighting everywhere There is no place to hide.

In addition, wild beasts are rampant, and many people have been reduced to blood, and few can successfully migrate.

No one sympathizes with these people in distress. The rulers of the great powers only intensified their attacks. The war has been going on for ten years but there is no sign of a halt. The owners of several big powers have changed from one to another, but they have not changed the war. The policies adopted are all based on the strategy of raising the country by fighting hard.

Five years later, all the small countries in the four wildernesses were basically flattened, and only medium-sized countries could linger under the coercion of the big countries.

Because of the demise of small countries, large countries have also acquired enough territories and resources. In addition, medium countries are not so easy to deal with. The wilderness has stopped for a while, and there was a short period of calm. This period of calm lasted for a full five years. Powerful countries seize the time to digest resources to supplement their national strength, but medium-sized countries are in danger of self-defense and it is difficult to calm down.

Finally, after five years passed, the war started again.

The beginning of this time was not that a large country dealt with a medium-sized country, but that the two big powers in Nanhuang had some war between them for some reason.

Both are great powers and have strong national strength. They originally thought it was a protracted war, but what they did not expect was that the military battle was invincible, but the battle between the high-end and French ancestors was one-sided. An ancestor from the peak of the late French phase appeared in the southern kingdom, and his magical power was strong. None of the other ancestors of the other country were his opponents. The nearly ten ancestors were only equal.

The sudden appearance of this ancestor, as if killing the gods and killing nearly half of the ancestors of another phase, immediately changed the situation.

As a result, the Tiannan Kingdom successfully wiped out the opponent's forces in the second month of the war with weak losses, and after annexing the opponent's resources, it was already the largest country in Nanhuang.

But before waiting for other countries to react, the Tiannan Kingdom has once again raided another great power, with the existence of a killing god, and this country has also repeated the same mistake. Two consecutive great powers were destroyed, and the southern wasteland was shaken for a moment. Only the last big power intuition left Unable to resist, he bowed his head and claimed his position.

There is an example of a big country, and other medium-sized countries are naturally obedient. Since then, Nanhuang has been unified, and Tiannan has completely ruled the area of ​​Nanhuang. It has strong national strength and has the qualification to dominate the Central Plains.

The series of wars in the Tiannan Kingdom has stunned the other three great powers like a textbook. In order to prevent the backwardness of the Tiannan Kingdom too much, the great powers of the three wilderness land also started the battle at the same time. The tragedy far exceeded the first ten-year battle.

This war was not so smooth. The victory of the Tiannan Kingdom was due to the fact that except for a killing **** and powerful forces, the other great powers had similar strengths, and there was no great supernaturalist who could set the battle. .

This stalemate has continued for several years. During this period, most of the medium-sized countries have relied on the neighboring big countries. It is another kind of reunification. Only a few medium-sized countries have been insisting on not relying on any one big country.

Among them, Sanshui, which is also a land of northern wasteland, is the most outstanding!

The Sanshui country is rich in various resources, and the terrain is stuck between the Great Northern Wilderness State and another big country. No matter who is seized, it will occupy a great advantage. Naturally, it will be tolerated by the two big countries for the first time.

Fortunately, another big country is far away from Sanshui, but Sanshui was originally a vassal state of Dayan, which is very close to Dayan, which is equivalent to another frontier land of Dayan!

Therefore, Dayan will never let go of Sanshui!

Coincidentally, the general sent by Dayan to attack the Sanshui Kingdom was the one who had once listened to it. Now the general of Yingdu, who came with him, still has nearly ten ancestors of the Fascination. It is said to be strong~www.wuxiaspot.com~ But in the face of such combat power, the Sanshui Kingdom did not mean the slightest weakness, and bravely confronted each other. It was meant to deal with the ancestor of the French phase by the method of battle.

When this battle array was put out, it felt strange, because it had never been seen before, and each formation consisted of hundreds of people responding to each other.

But even so, they are faced with nearly ten ancestral ancestors, an existence that cannot be threatened by any formations in the world, unless the battle array is also the ancestor of the phasor, otherwise the ants will bite and die like the ancestor of the phasor. Words never apply.

But this principle has failed in Sanshui.

This kind of unprecedented formation actually trapped several French ancestors in the formation, and there were a few congenital peak practitioners who held the magic weapon and entered the large formation. After a while, they held ten heads. Appeared, awe-inspiring is the head of the great ancestor of the State of the Great Yan State!

Everyone was too shocked, because the ancestors of the Sanshui Kingdom had already taken the opportunity to destroy Dayan's army, leaving only the remnant soldiers defeated and fleeing, but the general General Ying also escaped his life.

After this war and the Warring States came out, Beihuang was shocked that there was a formation that could deal with the ancestor of the French ancestor! And so sharp, for a time, the fame of the Sanshui nation was completely spread out. Although it is still a medium-sized country, it has been scolded by all major powers.

Even Dayanguo, which suffered heavy losses, was in a state of disappointment and had no idea of ​​revenge.


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