Universal Asylum

Chapter 271: 8 countries and Taoism

There are a lot of forces greedy for this battle, and sent a lot of people to steal the Fa. Among them, there are many ancestors of the Fa phase and even the ancestors in the late phase of the Fa, but it is easy to get out of it. One escaped.

Despite this, there are still some news that came out through supernatural powers, it is a picture.

It is a distant high mountain. There is a broken small temple on the high mountain. The plaque on the small temple seems to have text, but it is not clear. This is an ordinary small temple, but when a man broke into the Sanshui Kingdom, he broke After the ancestors flying into the mountain in the late phase of the Fa phase, the ordinary small temple suddenly opened a big mouth, with its fierce teeth and exposed teeth, and the cold light shone, this is only the second, but the important thing is that the black paint is like a black hole. mouth.

It seemed to be able to devour the world and everything, swallowing hundreds of miles of the world in a single opening, and even the sun rays were dimmed, but the broken temple was floating white light.

The picture was silent, but everyone seemed to hear a playful roar. When the picture flickered, the ancestral ancestor disappeared, leaving only the **** hole mouth closed slowly.

The picture is so far, everyone is shocked, secretly passed to all directions.

After a few days, there was news from the deepest part of Dayan Kingdom. It is said that the ancestor of Dingding Dayan’s top beam was speculating. The small temple is probably the reason for the great increase in the strength of Sanshui Kingdom. Fazi also came from the small temple.

But regarding the owner of the small temple and the beasts who swallowed the world with their giant mouths, the great ancestor of the Great Yan Kingdom was extremely afraid and speechless.

Only the great Yanguo talent who served the ancestor intimately knew that there was a word coming from the mouth of the ancestor.

"The fairy is born!"

All in all, after several months of trial and error, the Northern Wasteland has a public opinion that the Sanshui State should not provoke it. Therefore, although the Sanshui State is a medium country, its status is very strange, it is feared by the big powers, and it is far away from the middle countries.

The Sanshui nations did not have the idea of ​​revenge or counter-aggression against other countries. They generally did not move with the four major powers of the Central Plains, and seemed to be watching the situation around them.

In the following years, the stalemate in the Northern Wasteland was finally broken, but it was broken by Dayan.

The method is also the same as that of Nanhuang Tiannan Kingdom. It was the ancestor of the Dayan Kingdom who was at the top of the column, who could not hold back, and attacked the ancestors of the other two great powers in Beihuang. The situation changed in an instant.

It was only a few months. Dayan, like the southern wasteland and the sky south, basically ruled the north wasteland. Only the Sanshui Kingdom was like a thorn in the eyes, so it was so fiercely stuck in the north wasteland, making Dayan State helpless.

Dayan seems to be afraid of the ruined temple and the wild beast, but has been enduring no movement.

Firstly, Nanhuang Zhuyu came first, followed by Beihuang. After a few years, Donghuang and Xihuang were finally unified. The dominance of Donghuang was named Ling Kingdom, and the dominance of Xihuang was named Manguo. Many princes in the wasteland have disappeared, only Tiannan, Dayan, Mausoleum, and Barbaric Kingdoms stand up and look at the Central Plains.

The war finally came to an end. With decades of tranquility, the four great powers rested and healed the wounds brought by the war, but they were like a fierce beast, patrolling the four sides, and greedily staring at the Central Plains. For a long time, there have been rumors of immortals coming to the world, I am afraid that the war has already been launched.

After another ten years, finally, the barbarous country of Xihuang couldn't help but launch a tentative attack on Chi Guo, one of the four great powers.

However, even Chi Chi’s territory was not seen, the news of the collapse of the lord and the succession of the young son was reported in the barbaric country, and then 18 successive edicts called the army to the emergency to protect the young king from ascending the throne and prevent wars in the Western Desolation.

This is only external news. Only some people who have contact with the four major state-owned states of the Central Plains know that the king of the barbaric country died from assassination, and the assassin did not hide his identity. He was removed from the ancestors and left in peace. Go, and he is a well-known worship of Chi Guo.

The Western Barbarian State's offensive was ruined, and a sovereign was still dead. The domestic situation was turbulent, and the loss was not small. With this situation, how could the other big powers in the three wildernesses dare to start in a hurry and continue to wait and see.

The wild continent has therefore settled down.

On the contrary, it is the Central Plains countries. Although the four great powers did not follow the example of the four great famines, everyone was still in danger. In the end, many countries secretly surrendered to the four great powers and were willing to be princes. Without the slightest loss, getting the surrender of so many countries is equivalent to their battle for decades.

But there is no way, this is the background and power of the four great powers in the Central Plains!

Therefore, until one hundred years later, the wilderness continent is divided by the four outer powers and the four powers of the Central Plains, and the four Central Powers share the situation in the Central Plains. There has been unprecedented unification. No matter whether it is the Central Plains or the Four Powers, it has never faced this situation. The good situation is so close to unification!

In the dark, there is already an undercurrent, and it is concluded that the battle for the Central Plains is not far away!

In the world of great controversy, evil spirits will be born. In these years, the Land of the Four Wildernesses and the Central Plains, in addition to a lot of geniuses of moral training, and many wizards who are called evil spirits, have been practicing for decades. After that, I went all the way, as if there were no obstacles to the late stage of Fa-sectification.

The Mighty Men inferred that this situation was due to the accumulation of luck, so many good talents like jade luck were born, but it was to shine in this great world of competition~www.wuxiaspot. com~ The emergence of cultivating wizards has undoubtedly promoted the progress of the path of moral training. Although it did not break through the higher realm and opened up new roads, it has clarified all the realms including the fascination, and discovered the magical power. The cultivation civilization of qi practitioners flourished unprecedentedly.

A hundred years, the changes of this century are dazzling, and it is also the shortest time line in a few years, but the results achieved are faster than the previous time line of millions of years.

And on this day, the fast timeline ended, the world time was unified, and it came to the stage of the chronic timeline.

Also on this day, a valley within the hinterland of Dayan Kingdom in the Northern Wilderness suddenly cleared, and two huge black and white yin and yang fish rose from the valley, interlocking with each other to form a black and white tai chi figure covering the sky for a hundred miles.

Immediately after hearing a light drink, a golden bridge suddenly stood straight from below to the top of the Tai Chi figure, while a tall, old man with white eyes and white beard stepped slowly on the golden bridge and gradually stepped on the Tai Chi figure. There are two people, one is tall and one foot tall, the body is majestic like a giant, and the other is elegant and handsome, with a smile full of confidence.

The two followed step by step, always lagging behind the old one to show respect.

The old man took the two people to the Tai Chi map, and then the Tai Chi map turned slightly and took three people to fly high into the wilderness. If Wang Sheng was here, the direction in which the Tai Chi map flew away could be seen. Tenjin Mountain location!


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