Universal Asylum

Chapter 543: Past cause and future result

The wild time was dragged and kept approaching the main world. Although it was slow, it finally embarked on the journey, and the great supernaturalists in the wild world did not respond high, but there were few great supernaturalists forever between heaven and earth.

The extreme sun disappeared in the sky, replaced by a weak day and even a big day with a three-legged golden black figure faintly seen.

The heaven that deterred the world disappeared as the Tianzhu disappeared, which was even more shocking.

There are only four great supernaturalists on the bright side of the world, and the two are missing. The remaining one of the innate gods disappeared many years ago and no traces can be found. As for the ancestor of the ancient Wu family, It is said that he died dead many years ago, but only vaguely frightened, so it is suspected that the news is true.

Heaven and earth had a sign of great chaos, and finally launched a terrifying battle after a long time. This war also completely submerged the ancient barren history in time, and could not trace traces.

But at this time, there are always three sights to pay attention to, and even after this period of history has subsided, the sky is shaking, which proves the true power. This world feels the power of repulsion, and in a certain period of time, it will There is a space floating in the upper space of the world that is sufficient to accommodate the authenticity. This space is gradually called the realm and becomes a powerful shelter.

The establishment of the real world, the shadows in the heavens and the earth that have appeared to cover the sky since the shock of the reverse world disappeared, and there is no sign of disappearance. Only after disappearing, Jin Wu in the sky first noticed and issued an excited roar, sound Throughout the wild.

It was also at this time that the space in the real domain appeared again silently. There were traces of world-destroying destruction in the space. It used to be an entire world, which was forged by a man with great magical power.

When the space appeared, at the micro level, the entire wild time was completely dragged into the long river of the main world, and began to merge into it, and this was above the real upper level of the space, because the initial deployment began to contact the real, contact That long-standing river of time, a strange breath of air began to be born in this world, it seems to be constantly grabbed from the river of time.

At the same time, there are three Qi Qis running through Li Changhe and disappeared directly in this time, returning to the original world!

And in the center of the world when returning to the main world, a reverse world is gradually unknown, and at the very center of the reverse world, there is a huge figure bound back by chains, exuding a golden light, and in this golden light There was a murmur from time to time on the top of the head, like a Buddha singing, looking closely, it was a young and handsome monk.

If Wang Sheng sees all these changes, he will suddenly realize that all of this has happened so much. After all, all kinds of later generations still have clues and sources at this time, but there is no explanation. The source of later generations is in the past. It was originally a time paradox, but in this world where time can be detached, there is a reason for this.

The ancient **** fled to the distance with silence, running in the dark, at the foot of the real land that can be touched, here is the other side of the time, but it is like a real physical land, more real than the world below local.

The ancient god's flesh itself does not touch any rules of existence. Even without this crystallization of the heart, you can feel the true existence. At this time, the feeling is particularly profound. In this real place, the golden crystal that is integrated into the ancient god's flesh has The change, the gradual blurring, seems to transform into a ray of light, and the deep hidden Wang Sheng's subconsciousness is changing towards the light.

Suddenly, the flesh of the ancient **** stopped suddenly, and the whole body was more cracked. The severe pain swept the body. His eyebrows twitched, and the flesh of the ancient **** hummed all his life, and then extended his finger but in the heart of the eyebrows, the remaining eight purple stars burst again. The powerful force swept through the body again, pressing down the pain, and even repelling the destructive power below the chest.

Behind the flesh of the ancient god, there is a huge figure appearing dimly, just like the ancient **** blessing. Under this blessing, the ancient **** seems to be in his arms and running forward again, but at this time, there is a light in front of him, which is a looming fairyland There is a figure vaguely gazing out, holding the chin with one hand, looking at the ancient god's body thoughtfully.

The light directly incarnates a gate that appears before the ancient god's flesh. The ancient god's flesh froze, his eyes flickered to the inside, and suddenly saw the figure in which there was no trace of concealment.

The flesh of the ancient **** was only a slight pause, and then he stepped forward into the fairyland and appeared before that figure.

"Wang has seen Senior, and has not thanked Senior for his help several times before." The ancient god's flesh said indifferently~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The figure's eyes glowed with different colors, "Are you an avatar or a subject, It doesn't seem to be the way to cut the three corpses."

The ancient **** did not respond.

This existence is naturally a man of heaven who has shot many times before. He looked at the flesh of the ancient **** Wang Sheng with interest.

Heaven and Man existed and waved toward the entrance of the fairyland in the distance, and suddenly the darkness disappeared all around. When I entered here, I found that it was actually a small world, where there were heaven and earth, mountains and rivers, and various exquisite colors. Wonderland has a unique scenery.

"Looking at you can also find me here, hehe, are you so sure that I will accept you." Tianren existed and looked at Wang Sheng.

The ancient god's flesh was indifferent, "Seniors don't appear."

Heaven and human are both laughter and speechless. They have a deep understanding of how it is to talk to this ancient god's physical body. If you change to another great supernaturalist, I am afraid that I am already furious at this moment. It is good to not see him. .

"In this case, you can find a place by yourself." There is a boring wave of heaven and earth, and then walk slowly to the depths of the fairyland.

Wang Sheng arched his hand, "Thank you."

He felt the original position of the deepest part of the fairyland, stepped deeper into it, and finally sat cross-legged on the top of a mountain, and expelled the destructive power of the lower body, and the black of the destructive power floated around him.

The world here is very strange, and it doesn't look big, but deep inside it is found that the size is by heart, it is very magical, Wang Sheng's huge body sits on the top of this mountain, it is not crowded, and blends in perfectly.

The sight of the existence of heaven and man has been looking at this ancient god's flesh, and it seems to have found something interesting, constantly looking at it, "This is really interesting."

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