Universal Asylum

Chapter 544: Change of time

The ancient **** flesh has been sitting on the top of the mountain, and it is gradually connected to this mountain top, constantly drawing strength from it, and shaking the earth and earth. ? WwW.suimeng.lā

The power here is very abundant, just a small world, but it seems to be more in line with the survival of the ancient **** than drifting in the universe. When the ancient **** draws no exhaustion, the star in the ancient god's eyebrows constantly flashes and slows down. Slowly lit, densely covered with the previous large consumption, and even the two broken stars gradually recovered, but the speed is very slow, and it takes a long time to evolve.

Time flows slowly. In this small world on the other side, time seems to have lost its meaning. Since that day, people have fallen asleep since accepting Wang Sheng, lying lazy on a big stone, yawning and squinting. And a mouthful of mysterious wine, and then fell asleep again, ignoring Wang Sheng's ancient **** flesh from the beginning to now.

In this long time, the eight shining stars of the ancient god’s eyebrows exuded a pure purple luster. At the remaining moment, there were also signs of gradual recovery. The body below the chest of the ancient god’s flesh was still not there, and even the bones had passed through the count. The second smash was reborn, and now, the power of destruction lists the bones in a crack, but it can no longer be completely smashed, showing how strong the bones of the ancient gods are.

The power of destruction in the body of the ancient **** has not decreased, but it is gradually increasing, but relatively, the power in the body of the ancient **** is constantly increasing, and even marvelous changes have occurred, beginning to evolve towards the peak of the ancient **** of nine stars.

The flesh of the ancient **** has no worries for the time being, and then there is the time of water milling. If there is no accident, the nine-star tendency of the flesh of the ancient **** can no longer be stopped.

The black extinction beside the ancient god's flesh is even darker. The smell of extinction is getting stronger and stronger. Even without nutrients, the extinction is constantly growing, and the purity in it is also increasing. But at its core, a brilliance began to be born not long ago. Although it is weak, it actually exists.

At the time of the birth of this brilliance, the golden crystal that melted into the flesh of the ancient **** was injected into the silence and connected with that brilliance. The original golden crystal has been constantly evolving toward the light, and it is more related to the light at this time. Melted into one, a more unique flavor bloomed.

The appearance of the light does not mean that you can resist the extinction. In this extinction, the darkness has regained several times. Today, it has been countless times. Guanghua is tenaciously enhanced, but the enhancement of the extinction is also not small.

Up to now, Guanghua is still in a state that may be extinguished at any time, and this extinction of Guanghua will undoubtedly fall Wang Sheng's last hope, and this fall is even with the ancient god's flesh. The will is not independent, and is connected to Wang Sheng’s body with a mysterious connection. The reason why the ancient gods are not comatose is because the subconsciousness in the golden crystal still exists, and there is also a ray of Wang Sheng in the silence. The existence of consciousness.

After the green consciousness completely disappears, even if the ancient god's flesh successfully promoted to nine stars, it will not help, and the consequences of retaining the subconscious mind of the golden crystal are still more serious, because the golden crystal's light also makes it really lose its hard shell.

Wang Sheng is still in the process of robbing him. The only thing he did was to ignore it. The only thing he did was to accept vigorously and gave him a chance to concentrate on cultivation. Every time I woke up, when my eyes glanced, I shook my head slightly and sighed, not knowing what I was thinking.

Time is constantly changing, and the change of time cannot be experienced in the other side, but in this small world, the speed of time seems to be similar to that of the main world below. In the long time, the world below has also transitioned from wild time to myth. era.

The once savage powerhouses disappeared, and the history was buried in the past. Only the real domain and the higher space still have these traces. In this history, the heaven and the earth appear again. The powerful figures also appeared one by one, evolving the hardships of the road.

And in such history, the mythological era has finally come to an end, when all the fairy gods and ghosts and gods have disappeared together, in a sarcophagus, where there is the existence of the earth, a small bridge floating in a **** river, white bones The interweaving flows through the river, where are the powerful souls of injustice flowing, and even a tyrannical soul escaping from the river, stepping towards the bridge step by step, exuding a tyrannical spirit, it seems that the reincarnation will be broken, and the life and death will be reversed, but in When passing the small bridge, they were all blocked by the seemingly weak old lady on the bridge, and the lightly waved hands waved the powerful souls back into the river and drifted away.

At the moment when the earth and earth were overturned, there was no ghost in the earth mansion, and the earth mansion also fell into silence. Only the old lady was still holding on to the small bridge, holding on to the pot of steaming thick soup on the small bridge, his eyes were thick, and he looked up from time to time. The looming path in the distance.

"It's time to come!"

When the time came, the old woman looked at the sky with her eyes, and the colorful light of time filled in her hands, rippling in the sky, leading an existing aura from the future.

And the looming footsteps also step by step from the remote path. The old lady slowly raised her head, looked at the sky and thunder, and her fingers were ready to sketch in the air. But at the critical moment, there was a force born. This force is so unique. Although it is not powerful, it breaks the time. Then it disappears to the seventh level, and the sound of footsteps disappears.

In the shocked eyes of the old lady ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ this history that should have existed was changed. After all, that figure did not come from the future, nor did I hear the whispering heaven.

Time is immutable, but in front of this figure, there is a contradiction, the history of this figure all disappeared, it seems that it did not exist from the beginning.

Not only this era, in the past several times, the disappearance of the figure with the help of time and space may disappear in the future as the subject wakes up, but it is not this time.

The moment without this figure does not affect the main world at all, or the moment without this is the real moment.

In this kind of history, heaven and earth are destroyed, a new era is coming, and heaven and earth have ushered in a group of visitors from outside the world.

As time goes by, wild human beings appear, the dispute begins, and the fairy gods come to the world, and the world of great struggle begins!

In such an era, fairy gods are no longer called fairy gods, but have become legendary powers, and because the avenue has just been perfected, it is impossible to prove the complete longevity. It is called the post- fairy age, and there are more than one wild natives. , And the fairy that was rebuilt in the world, except for a few, longevity has become history in this world.

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