Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 101: Bloody battle among three tribes, withering of all tribes

After Ancestor Hongjun noticed the Dragon Clan's plan, he quickly flashed and disappeared into the Zixiao Mountain together with the Zixiao Palace.

boom! ! !

The terrifying aura of the Dragon Clan spread across the entire prehistoric world. Although the Dragon Clan was not planning a decisive battle with the Phoenix and Qilin Clan at this time, the terrifying deterrent of the millions of Daluo Golden Immortals was extremely high. Resolutely hide in your own territory and never leave the house.

Apart from the endless panic among the birds and beasts, the scale-armored clan is inexplicably happy. The dragon clan is their leader. If the dragon clan really dominates the ancient world, their resources will also expand.

Behind Zu Long, golden light shone, making his originally golden body even more majestic and taller.

In the Dragon Clan Divine Court, the Supreme Dragon Emperor will appear!

After sensing the actions of the Dragon Clan, the Phoenix Clan mobilized their entire clan to rise up in anger.


Following the sound of the dragon's roar, the sound of the phoenix's cry also spread. Although it was not as shocking as the dragon's roar, it was still heard by all the races and spirits of the ancient world.


The Qilin clan also began to roar, venting their dissatisfaction.

Billions of Phoenix Clan and Billions of Qilin Clan brought countless birds and beasts to fight against the Scale Armor Clan headed by Dragon Clan in the rivers and lakes all over the world.

Boom! ! !

The sound of endless conquests sounded, and the millions of Dragon Clan Da Luo Jinxian had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​killing the innate saints, dispersed, and joined the battle.

Long Han's calamity has begun.

Someone with supreme power entered the Phoenix Divine Courtyard and used his supreme power to kill the Dragon Clan Daluo Jinxian.

As soon as this battle broke out, a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood spurted out in an instant. The endless sky was now covered by the energy of blood, and the endless creatures of the ancient world fell into madness.

If the Dragon Clan wins this battle, then all living beings will surrender at the Dragon Clan's feet. Therefore, all the birds and beasts will fight against the Scaled Man Clan in unison.

However, those who wear scale armor have endless descendants, and their numbers are more than billions and billions, and their strength is also stronger and more powerful. The clan of scale armor can not fail to fight against the clan of beasts and birds.

The main battlefield of endless prehistoric times.

This is the center of prehistoric times and the tomb of Daluo Jinxian.

The creatures here are all members of Da Luo.

The dragon clan is headed by the Ancestral Dragon. The Ancestral Dragon manifests its true form. Its body is more than ten thousand feet long. The body of the nine-clawed golden dragon stands impressively. Four dragon kings follow closely behind, and one hundred thousand dragons form an array.

Here is the real main battlefield.

The dragon clan dispersed millions of dragon clans in all directions, and every thousand Daluo dragons formed a group, searching for the enemy Daluo and fighting everywhere.

The dragon clan of one hundred thousand Daluo Jinxian in the mid-to-late stage was left behind to help the ancestral dragon on the battlefield.

"Yuanfeng, Shiqi, have your brains been caught in the door?!" Zulong held his heavenly title in his mouth, his voice was like thunder, and he looked at each other with infinite anger.

"Hmph! What do the Erlong Clan want to do when they gather millions of people?!" Yuan Feng snorted coldly, showing no fear of Zulong.

"It's useless to talk more, it's just a fight!" Shi Qi opened his mouth and spat out, manifesting the true form of Qilin, not afraid of the hundreds of thousands of dragons.

However, the Phoenix and Qilin clans on their side totaled a hundred thousand people, and dozens of top innate saints gathered here.

There are more than dozens of innate saints, but those gathered here are the top ones in the ancient world, and most of the rest of the innate saints go to fight in various places in the ancient world.

"How could Father God give birth to such a stupid person!!!" Zulong's eyes were full of anger. If Yuanfeng and Shiqi saw that after the innate saints were destroyed, they would also be destroyed and fight against the dragons. That’s all.

But the two people in front of them, Yuan Feng and Shi Qi, clearly thought that the Dragon Clan led millions of Daluo to attack their two clans. They were extremely stupid.

"No such stupid people should survive in this primitive world!"

Zulong looked up to the sky and roared angrily, looked at the opponent again, and opened his mouth to vomit.

A huge amount of energy was spat out from Zulong's mouth, exploded, and headed towards Yuan Feng in front of him. Wherever the energy passed, the space collapsed and time stopped.

boom! ! !

Seeing this, Yuan Feng quickly spread his wings, intending to block the attack, but he didn't know the difference between Da Luo Perfect and Da Luo Perfect.

This blow had no effect, just like water falling into a quagmire, without making any sound.

Yuan Feng quickly dodged and avoided. There were countless Daluofeng people behind him who wanted to escape, but could not.

Boom! ! !

Dozens of Daluo Jinxian's phoenixes exploded and died under this blow. The blood mist exploded and filled the sky, as if there was a blood rain.

Roar! ! !

In an instant, many great golden immortals from the Dragon Clan were fighting with many great golden immortals from the Phoenix Clan and Qilin Clan.


Bang bang! !

Countless powerful Da Luo Jinxian turned into a bloody mist during this war, dripping to the ground.

Infinite Tao rhymes collided together, all races screamed, and the common people cried blood.

For a time, the entire prehistoric era was filled with blood mist, as if the sky was crying.

In the endless wilderness, apart from the barren endless starry sky, there is no paradise at all.

In the boundless starry sky.

"Three tribes fought bloody battles, all tribes withered, and the innate sacredness, alas..." Xingchen Taoist looked at the scene that happened in the prehistoric era, and then looked up at the starry sky barrier. There was a sinful atmosphere brewing on it, which could not be resolved, and he did not know how to eliminate it.

"Only the realm of Hunyuan can be infinite and unique in time and space, and can be immortal. I must reach this realm and save all the races and spirits in the prehistoric world!" The eyes of the Taoist Xingchen flashed with a gleam of light, and the endless stars seemed to be in his eyes, deep and hard to see.

The scope, disaster and strength of this calamity far exceed the calamity of fierce beasts in all aspects. It is indeed the first calamity since the Heavenly Dao.

After three hundred Yuanhui of recuperation, the foundation of the prehistoric world and the strength of the creatures of all races are far beyond the time of the calamity of fierce beasts in the past.

Among the prehistoric races and spirits at this moment, the strongest one should be Zulong, who is also the only one among the three races who can suppress many top innate saints.

Zulong was born in the calamity and made the greatest contribution in eliminating the calamity of fierce beasts. With the help of luck, the dragon clan is powerful in the prehistoric world. The strength of its dragon clan leader, Dragon Emperor Zulong, is even more unfathomable and supreme.

At this time, Zulong was fighting Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang, two Daluo Jinxian perfect beings.


As the three bodies collided continuously, the Dao rhyme appeared, and the laws were generated, isolating this battlefield, creating a small battlefield among the thousands of battlefields, and not many beings dared to approach here.

The space here was shattered, time was difficult to exist, and even the sky began to tremble, as if it would be turned into layers of fragments in the battle between the three.

Zulong soared above the nine heavens, looking down at the two phoenixes below him, and his four claws tumbled up and down, cutting through the void and reaching the bodies of Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang.

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