Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 102: Dragons win, Phoenix and Qilin lose

Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang phoenixes screamed for nine days, making all races surrender and stand proudly on top. At this time, they were spitting out Nanmingli fire, burning all time and space, making it difficult for the ancestral dragon to escape.

In the battlefield, no matter the children of the three tribes or the innate saints, they were all entangled with each other at this time, and inexplicably reached an extremely strange balance.

The three tribes continued to bleed, and the innate saints continued to be injured.

Time passed slowly, and this battle lasted ten thousand years.

Ye Xuan thought about it and returned to the wilderness.

"Hiss..." Even though Ye Xuan had seen the ferocious beasts in the wilderness measuring calamity, he was shocked at this time.

In the wilderness, there were mountains of corpses everywhere, rivers of blood, and all the rivers and lakes were stained with blood, turning into a dark color.

But it's because the blood of each race is different in color, and when it gathers here, it turns into black.

Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Yuanhuang are still fighting.

Suddenly, Zulong discovered that in this battlefield, the corpses of the dragon clan were constantly withering. There were only dozens of Daluo Jinxian left in the dragon clan. Although the same was true for the Phoenix and Qilin clans, as for the innate sacred, there was only one left. He struggled to hold on, not because he didn't want to escape, but because he was locked by the surrounding dragons and couldn't escape.

There was endless anger in Ancestral Dragon's eyes. He opened his mouth and spat out, and a dragon ball appeared. It was the essence of the dragon clan's strength and was also the companion treasure of Ancestral Dragon.

With the appearance of this dragon ball, it seemed as if there were infinite waters located in the battlefield, making Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang feel a little uncomfortable.

"Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang must be punished!!!"

The Ancestral Dragon is the origin of all dragon clans, the beginning of all dragon clans, and the end of all dragon clans!

This blow, which contained the meaning of the Ancestral Dragon's supreme strength, fell suddenly towards Yuan Feng and Yuan Huang.

Seeing that something was not going well, Yuanhuang quickly blocked Yuanfeng with his own body. The feathers on his body turned into an endless sea of ​​fire, burning all the heavens. Each feather was a field of fire.

Use the infinite fire domain to fight against the might of the world-destroying dragon!

Boom! ! !

Ancestral Dragon's most powerful blow collided with Yuanhuang's burning soul blow, making a huge sound.

One after another, the power of infinite divine power spread in all directions, killing Shi Qi, Shi Lin and others wherever they passed. The four dragon kings were severely injured and only left with broken bodies.

And the only remaining innate holiness also fell here, and the three remaining tribes were all destroyed here.

The Dragon Clan used to have millions of Daluo, but now there are only tens of thousands of Daluo Golden Immortals left. The Phoenix and Qilin clans are not much better. There are no Daluo left in the clan, and they are almost completely lost. There are only a few dozen left in each clan. Daluo Jinxian.

One battle will bring sorrow to the world, and one battle will change everything.

"Hehehe..." Zulong's body was all injured at this time, and he had suffered extremely serious injuries. He looked at Yuanfeng, and found that Yuanhuang had been killed by him, and Yuanfeng was also dying.

Shi Qi and Shi Lin were already dead and wounded.

Now in the center of the war, in the center of the prehistoric times, apart from the dragon clan, there is only one other alien left, Yuan Feng.

Except for the Ancestral Dragon, the four dragon kings still have one life left, but they are not much better than the Ancestral Dragon. As for the hundred thousand dragon clan, they have already been killed and injured along with the Phoenix and Qilin clans.

Dozens of the original top innate saints also died in this battlefield.

In the central area of ​​​​the prehistoric era, hundreds of millions of miles to the left of the Kunlun Mountains, this area was filled with endless Taoist rhymes, and it was in chaos. I don't know how many years it will take before it can be restored to its original state.

The surrounding spiritual veins were completely destroyed. If it weren't for the great restriction left by Pangu in the Kunlun Mountains, I'm afraid it would have been impossible to escape the destruction.

"Yuanfeng, is this the ending you want?!" Zulong's eyes were full of sneers.

In the end, he won this battle, and the Dragon Clan also won.

Although the Dragon Clan's hundred thousand Da Luo elites were killed and injured, and only tens of thousands of millions of Da Luo people remained, they still had some foundation. Compared with the Phoenix and Qilin clans, which were almost wiped out by the top leaders, they were not that good. How many.

A miserable look appeared in Yuanfeng's eyes, and the hatred contained in his eyes was so rich that it seemed as if it was about to turn into substance and spurt out.

"Ancestral Dragon!!! The Dragon Clan killed my people first and stirred up trouble. Now it's just the Phoenix Clan that has been defeated!"

Yuan Feng yelled wildly, with endless resentment.

"Hahahaha! What a big joke. With your brains, you are worthy of fighting with me?!" Zulong did not rush to explain, but looked up to the sky and laughed. How could the Phoenix Clan be so ignorant?

"The reason behind this incident is that the innate saints pretended to be dragons and killed Phoenix and Qilin in order to stir up trouble and watch the three clans fight. I gathered millions of people to destroy these innate saints. But you and Shi Qi, Hahahaha, hahahaha!" Zu Long was still explaining at first, but then the more he thought about it, the more ridiculous he became, and he started laughing crazily.

When Yuan Feng saw this, it was as if he was struck by lightning. He was stunned on the spot, and then his face turned pale, and he showed regret.

Zulong looked at the other party and shook his head, sarcastically saying: "How can you fight with me with this kind of character? I used three days to conquer the beast clan, made great achievements, plotted against you, and killed them for three days, Divide the land and rule.”

"I thought you were a person, but now that I think about it, it's ridiculous. It was really a mistake to approach you in the first place."

"Look at what you are like now. I dominate the world and have more than hundreds of millions of people under my command. I originally wanted to destroy the sacred, but I accidentally wiped out your two tribes. It's really interesting."

"Although I didn't want to have a decisive battle with your two clans so quickly, but it has already happened, and you are still regretting it. If I were in this place, I would definitely not be like this."

Zulong looked at Yuanfeng with great disdain. In terms of strength, Yuanfeng and Yuanhuang combined were not as good as him, and the same was true in terms of character and intelligence.

Even if you can't see this, since you have united with the Qilin clan, then fight, and if you lose, you will lose.

Now that he knows what the Dragon Clan's plan is, Yuan Feng actually feels regretful. Shouldn't he feel that his decision was right? !

If Yuan Feng and Shi Qi hadn't been stupid and caused this great war by accident, after the Dragon Clan had destroyed the innate saints, there would have been hundreds of Yuanhui, and then there wouldn't even be a need to destroy Phoenix and Qilin. So bleak!

Although Yuan Feng and Shi Qi were ignorant, they determined the timing of the fighter plane very accurately. In this way, they would at least cause heavy casualties to the Dragon Clan. If it were delayed any longer, I am afraid that the Dragon Clan would be able to suppress the two clans in a matter of seconds. .

"go to hell!"

Zulong was too lazy to talk nonsense with Yuanfeng. After enjoying the fruits of victory, he raised his hand and destroyed the dying Yuanfeng.

"No, return to East China Sea Dragon Palace quickly!"

Zulong felt some innate divine aura and quickly said to the four dragon kings beside him.


The Ancestral Dragon looked up to the sky and roared, telling the dragon clan in the world to shrink their front line and not to pursue any more pursuits or to hide in the water.

Then he and the four dragon dynasties left for the East China Sea Dragon Palace.

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