Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 108 I am the ancestor of demons, and I will stain the sky with demons!

In fact, Hunyuan Jinxian is also Daluo Jinxian. It was named just to distinguish the cultivation and combat power of the two.

"Don't talk too much, read more, and understand more!"

Pangu said with residual obsession, he had long realized the true meaning of Hunyuan, but due to the residual thoughts, it was difficult to condense his true self in the endless wilderness, so he has never stepped into that realm.

As Pangu opened his mouth with obsession, the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not dare to speak, and quickly began to meditate and comprehend the rhyme of the two Tao.

In the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea.

"Hongjun, Luohu..."

"Have you entered the realm of your true self so quickly..."

Zu Long spoke softly, shook his head slightly, and then a spiritual thought came out, reaching all over the world.

"This is a God-given opportunity. You all should gain more insights and enhance your cultivation."

The four dragon kings, Bingyi, Zhulong, Canglong, and Qinglong, quickly spread these words to the Great Luo Dragon Clan of the Four Seas, and then they began to realize it.

Zulong, on the other hand, abandons foreign objects and does not observe the fight between Hongjun and Luohu. For his state, it is of little significance to understand the battle between the two. It is better to seize the time to condense the true self in the endless wilderness. Step into the realm of Hunyuan True Self.

Boom! ! !

Luo Hu stretched out his hand and waved, and the endless chaotic sword energy moved towards Hongjun, as dense as the falling stars in the nine heavens. The avenue of demons whizzed past, and the chaotic sword energy in the Zhuxian Sword Formation seemed to be enchanted and enchanted.

The chaotic sword energy combined with the demonic avenue transformed into demonic shapes, heading towards Hongjun.

Infinite evil thoughts emerged from Hongjun's heart, triggering his own evil thoughts in Hongjun's heart.

The so-called innate holiness is transformed by the residual thoughts of the great gods and demons. Naturally, it has the general characteristics of the great great gods and demons, as well as demonic thoughts.

If there were no demonic thoughts, there would be a lot of boredom in the world.

If there were no demonic thoughts, Hongjun would not be so eager for the realm of Hunyuan.

Hongjun's expression did not change, and a stream of immortal energy drifted out of his body, suppressing the infinite evil thoughts in his heart.

There is also mighty immortal energy coming out of the Immortal Wheel, and various auras of creation are also emerging from the jade plate of creation. The two are combined and entangled with each other, constantly resisting the attacks from Rahu.

In the battle between the two, I don't know how many spiritual veins around the body were affected, and how many living creatures were affected.

Endless creatures fell into the battle between the two and exploded instantly, turning into rain of blood that infected the ancient continent.

The sky began to cry for it, and the boundless rain of blood rained down, making the heaven and earth begin to mourn together.

"I am the Demon Ancestor, and when the Demon stains the sky, the Demon stains the common people!" Luo Hu's demonic thoughts came out, and a demonic thought emerged in the hearts of countless creatures in the ancient world. This is a great method and a great supernatural power.

Although this kind of demonic thought is extremely weak and is instantly suppressed by many powerful powers, many creatures with low cultivation level still suffer and fall into the demonic path, which enhances Rahu's strength.

The boundless demonic thoughts are still expanding outwards. Hongjun's face changes drastically when he sees this. He knows that if Luo Hu is not stopped as soon as possible, there will be a group of demonic creatures in the wilderness. It is not a big deal, and Luo Hu in front of him does not know what will happen to him. Being strong is what really matters.

"I am the Immortal Ancestor, when the immortal energy washes the sky and cleanses away all evil thoughts!" As Hongjun finished speaking, boundless immortal energy emerged spontaneously, washing away the evil thoughts in the hearts of all the creatures who had just fallen into the devil's path.

"Praise the name of the Immortal Ancestor!"

In the ancient wilderness, countless weak creatures felt this and bowed to Hongjun in the midst of the battle, chanting the Immortal Ancestor.

"Hongjun, seek death!"

Luo Hu's roar spread throughout the world, and the boundless demonic thoughts returned to himself and strengthened themselves, making Luo Hu even more powerful than before.

Seeing this, Hongjun followed suit and took back his immortal thoughts, making his own Taoist charm more perfect and complete.

The two fought together again, and in the constant battle, they destroyed each other's Tao Yun.

The battle between the two was so powerful that a huge crack appeared between the ancient world and the earth, and the endless abyss blocked it, turning the ancient continent into the west and the east.

At this moment, the two suddenly stopped.

"One move determines the outcome. If we continue fighting like this, sooner or later the Great Desolate World will be overturned. Even if we obtain the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, it will be useless." Hongjun stopped and said.

"That's what I meant!" Luo Hu nodded and replied.

I saw Hongjun and Luohu's whole bodies burning with Taoism, using the power of the Immortal Avenue and the Demonic Avenue to surround their bodies.

The Demonic Way manifested, causing all the spirits in the world to tremble. Countless innate saints who were watching here withdrew their spiritual thoughts and did not dare to explore further, for fear that they would be unable to resist the temptation of the Demonic Way and fall into the Demonic Way.

This is the power of the Demonic Way, but Rahu can only use it one in a billion.

The great road of immortality is also manifested, with endless pressure, filling the east with the aura of immortality, and the boundless evil thoughts in the west are like water and fire.

The two looked at each other and took back all the previous treasures. Only Luohu left behind the accompanying treasures, the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus and the god-killing spear, while Hongjun left behind the jade plate of good fortune and the fairy wheel.

Both of these are their accompanying treasures and are consistent with their lives, so they can carry their own great ways and manifest them.

This is the role of the companion treasure. After reaching a certain level, except for the companion treasure, no matter how good the other treasures are, they are not as good as their own companion treasure. This is why even ancestor Hongjun clearly possesses the innate treasure Pangu Banner. Take back.

The same goes for Luo Hu, who took back the Immortal Killing Sword Formation.

Because such treasures that are not in line with one's own Dao cannot carry one's own Dao, and in such a fight, even if it is an innate treasure, not only can it not exert its own strength, but even the treasure itself is very likely to be damaged and fall down again.

Boom boom! ! !

The two strongest attacks of the Hunyuan True Self Realm collided with each other, and a very loud sound occurred, shaking the prehistoric world.

No innate sacred dared to stare at this place with divine thoughts, for fear of being assimilated by the Dao rhyme of the two, resulting in either falling into the immortal way or falling into the devil way. The innate sacred who deviated from his own Dao could not reach the top of the Hunyuan Realm.

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! !

The continuous bombardment sound came from the place where the two collided.

Luohou was transformed from the remnant of the devil of the Great Dao of Demons, and he cultivated the Great Dao of Demons. Although his cultivation level was a little behind Hongjun, his Great Dao foundation made Luohou and Hongjun evenly matched.

Then Hongjun supported his extremely broken Dao body, and a golden light appeared and went towards Luohou.

Bang! ! !

Luohou's equally broken Dao body exploded, leaving only his soul.

"Hahaha!" Hongjun couldn't help laughing, thinking that he had cultivated for so many years in vain.

The golden light before was nothing else, but a hint of the Great Dao of Creation hidden in his Great Dao of Immortality, which became his trump card at this time, breaking Luohou's Dao body.

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