Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 109 Hongjun becomes Hunyuan, and takes away half of the Dao Fruit

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!!!"

"Hongjun!!! Do you really think that I will be defeated if my body is broken!!!"

Luo Hu Yuanshen was seen laughing and staring at Hongjun, and then the Demonic Avenue used up the last of its charm to transform Luo Hu into a strange form.

This form cannot be described or contemplated.

"Hongjun! I can't get the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and you can't even think of getting it so easily!!!" Luo Hu's mouth showed a strange look, and he laughed crazily.

Hongjun's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he secretly said something bad. The Tao Yun appeared on his body, but helplessly, the Tao Yun of the Immortal Avenue was also completely consumed just now. He could only watch Luo Hu do what he did without being able to stop it.

Luo Hu used up the rest of his Dao rhyme, and his voice was like a loud bell, resounding throughout the whole world, and said word by word: "From now on, the immortals will rise and the demons will be destroyed, and the immortals will fall and the demons will rise! I am the Demon Ancestor, among the three thousand avenues, The endless ways of tomorrow, all the ways that are contrary to the devil's path, will rise and fall one after another. One day, the immortal will emerge, and I, Luohu, will return and become the supreme demon ancestor!"

In the next moment, Luo Hu's extremely strange soul form dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Rahu! He is a powerful enemy!"

Hongjun looked at this scene and murmured to himself.

He could not stop Rahu from using the demonic path to trigger the path of curse and fall into boundless demonic thoughts.

Boom! ! !

After Rahu's death, the strongest person was determined between heaven and earth.

A golden light flashed, and a Hunyuan Dao Fruit appeared in the mid-air, attracting countless divine thoughts to covet it. Although these innate saints did not know what it was, they all knew that it must be extraordinary and powerful. The person, taking advantage of Hongjun's poor condition, suddenly appeared between heaven and earth, reaching out to snatch away this fruit.


The divine thunder descended from the sky and turned this powerful person into ashes, leaving no trace behind.

This scene frightened all the innate saints who coveted the Hunyuan Dao Fruit and did not dare to move.

Those who are not as good as the true self of Hunyuan cannot bear the fruit of Hunyuan Dao. Those who covet it will die!

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun looked around with a sneer, and infinite divine thoughts appeared densely on the side.

Then in front of the infinite innate saints, he swallowed the Hunyuan Dao Fruit into his belly.

As soon as the Hunyuan Dao Fruit entered Hongjun's belly, it entered the Hunyuan True Self. When the two were combined, they emitted infinite golden light, illuminating the heavens, making many saints dare not look directly.

Hongjun walked in the sky and understood everything instantly.

"In the past, present, and future, in these time and space, in the endless parallel time and space, you can realize the realm of Hunyuan!"

"From now on, everything will be for me!"

Hongjun laughed. At this point, all Hongjuns in endless time and space have become him. He has achieved the realm of Hunyuan, so that all Hongjuns in endless parallel and non-parallel time and space can now achieve the realm of Hunyuan. realm.

And those Hongjuns have all assimilated into him, and now he reflects all the heavens and all time and space.

In the realm of Hunyuan, once you prove it, you will always get it, that's how it is.

"The Hunyuan has been completed, why don't you retreat!" In Hongjun's few words, there was infinite terror contained in them, and the countless innate saints fled here one after another as they could not avoid it.

"Yes! Hunyuan has been completed! Hahahaha!!!" Luo Hu's voice suddenly appeared next to Hongjun's ears, and he laughed crazily.

Hongjun's face turned fierce, with a look of death. The Hunyuan Dao Fruit in his body appeared with Luo Hu's voice and split into two, turning into half the demonic path and half the immortal path.

In an instant, Hongjun fell from the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit. The realm of Hunyuan was no longer there. All the Hunyuan Hongjuns in the endless time and space fell into the realm. They were difficult to repair and unable to assimilate. Hongjun had just understood the secrets of all time and space. But it no longer exists, leaving only Hongjun who has half-stepped into the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo.

Then Hongjun's face changed drastically, and he appeared in Zixiao Palace in a flash.

With a wave of his hand, the Immortal Avenue came out, shielding Zixiao Palace from all exploration.

The so-called Hunyuan realm is actually the concept of the fourth-order creation god in the universe where Ye Xuan lives, which is also the concept of Da Luo Tianxian in Taoism.

That is, in all time and space, eternity is free and carefree, one proof is eternal, and in thousands of time and space, it is eternal and immortal.

Of course, the so-called immortality is only a relative term. If there is a supreme being that uses supreme power to destroy it simultaneously in endless time and space, wipe out all traces of its existence, and make it endless in the heavens. Eternal annihilation in the space-time universe can only be eliminated in this way.

Just wanting to achieve this method is obviously not something they can do if they are both in the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo.

The realm of Hunyuan should be the highest. Ever since Hongjun knew the meaning of Hunyuan, he spent a lot of effort to finally achieve Hunyuan.

First, he destroyed the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn as their overlord, so that no one could compete with him for the realm of Hunyuan.

Later, he condensed the only true self in the infinite parallel and non-parallel time and space, and then stepped into the realm of the Hunyuan True Self. Although he has not yet achieved the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, he is far from being a Daluo Jinxian, but a real one. Having broken away from the realm of Daluo Golden Immortal, it is completely different from the so-called Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

Finally, he defeated Luo Hu, swallowed the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and achieved the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit. This is the true realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

But suddenly Luo Hu's mind came to mind. The Hunyuan Dao Fruit was actually divided into two. One was Hongjun's own immortal path, and the second was Luo Hu's demonic path.

He suddenly fell from the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo. Although he was still in the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, his strength was completely different from before. The Hunyuan Daoguo could destroy the true self of Hunyuan with a snap of his fingers.

The Hunyuan True Self can destroy the Hunyuan Golden Immortal Perfection in a snap of a finger, this is the gap between the three.

Now Hongjun is neither high nor low, just stuck in the middle, and can collide with the Hunyuan Dao Fruit Realm, and can also be collided by the Hunyuan True Self Realm. Although he can't beat the Dao Fruit, he can also fight and forcibly support it for tens of thousands of years.

But the problem is that the True Self Realm can also support him for tens of thousands of years, which is very embarrassing.

"Luo Hou!!!"

Hongjun roared angrily, but at this time he had no way to deal with Luo Hou who had already stepped into the Hunyuan Dao Fruit Realm, and this half of the Dao Fruit still fell into the devil's way.

"Hahahaha!!! Want to take the Hunyuan Dao Fruit from me?! Hahaha!" Luo Hou laughed and mocked Hongjun crazily.

Thinking back to when he realized something was wrong, he immediately made a backup plan, but he didn't expect that he would fail. Then he simply sacrificed his soul and used the supreme magic to infect the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

It's just a pity that because Hongjun was the one who carried the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, he could only steal half of the Dao Fruit at most, but this was enough.

Although Luohou has succeeded now, he actually only has a trace of regret left. He doesn't know how much time it will take to repair his soul.

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