Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 111 Seeking the Way of Heaven, Changes in the Wilderness

"That's it!" Di Jiang then remembered what the idea of ​​Hunyuan was.

What he had just forgotten was the thought of Hunyuan. After Pangu's obsession awakened him, he would not forget it again.

"By the way, Father God, why did we forget this matter?!" A trace of doubt flashed across Di Jiang's eyes. Logically speaking, they would not forget things. How could they still forget things?

The other ancestral witches and great witches also set their sights on Pangu's obsession.

"That's because there is a supreme being who uses great supernatural powers to erase the thoughts of Hunyuan and shield the thoughts of Hunyuan again, making you forget them." Pangu shook his head persistently and said.

"Father God, who did this to be so vicious?!" Zhu Rong said with anger, as if he wanted to tear the man into pieces.

Pangu said slowly and persistently: "This person has achieved great freedom and freedom. You cannot call him by his real name, otherwise he will definitely know it. You must remember it."

Hearing this, the Twelve Ancestral Witches nodded and kept this in mind.

"I dare to ask Father God, but which immortal ancestor won the battle between immortals and demons?!" Di Jiang asked.

The real name spoken by Father God cannot be called directly. If you use the name of the Immortal Ancestor instead, you will be fine.

Pangu nodded persistently and said: "It's the Immortal Ancestor!"

East China Sea Dragon Palace.

"Immortal Ancestor! Haha..."

A trace of ridicule appeared in Ancestral Dragon's eyes, and he immediately informed the four dragon kings and the Daluo Jinxian of the Dragon Clan about Hunyuan's thoughts. At the same time, he secretly told them not to leave the world at will.

Now Hongjun is powerful. Although Zulong has achieved the true self of Hunyuan, he has not realized the realm of Taoism and Taoism after all. But now that Hongjun has achieved Taoism and Taoism, and swallowed a piece of Taoism fruit, my fate is up to me.

Therefore, it is extremely difficult to preserve the Dragon Clan. The Dragon Clan is too large and the Four Seas can accommodate it. Most of those innate saints have no desire for the Four Seas, so Hongjun should not break up with him.

In Zixiao Palace.

Immortal Ancestor Hongjun is sitting cross-legged, with the aura of the great path of immortality surrounding him, and golden light blooming all over his body. The so-called true moral immortal is nothing better than this.

"The Dao Fruit is incomplete and needs to be repaired." In Hongjun's eyes, thoughts were everywhere and disappeared in an instant.

"Between heaven and earth, there are gods and demons who are born strong. Unfortunately, the bodies of gods and demons are beyond my reach."

"In this way, we should use merit and luck to make up for the Tao and Fruit!"

"Immortal Ancestor? Haha... I want to become the only one in the world, so that I can be like the one among the heavens, and achieve the name of Taoist Ancestor!" A light flashed in Hongjun's eyes, and a scene filled the sky appeared in his eyes, which was what he had just done in the past. When he stepped into the realm of Hunyuan Taoist Fruit, all the Hongjuns of the heavens were assimilated by him, thus knowing that Hongjun had achieved the name of Taoist Ancestor in endless time and space.

How could Hongjun, who was in such a prehistoric state, be willing to be called an Immortal Ancestor?

Although he is actually the Immortal Ancestor, just like Rahu, he achieved the name of Demon Ancestor.

If the Dao gods and demons are the sons of Dao, they can ignore the so-called Dao fruits. If they can achieve Dao gods and demons, then they are born with Dao, and there is no need for Dao fruits to be added to their bodies.

"Like the great jun in endless time and space, I will integrate myself into the way of heaven, complete the way of heaven, and seek great merit and great luck from it. When the fruits of the way are completed, that will be the time for me to escape, and it will also be the time for Rahu to be destroyed. At that time!" A trace of hatred flashed in Hongjun's eyes. If Luo Hu hadn't harmed him, how could he have ended up like this.

If Luo Hu hadn't existed, he would have been able to come to the door right now, wipe out the Ancestral Dragon, destroy Taoist Xingchen, and make him the only one in the world who knew the true meaning of Hunyuan.

But after condensing the only true self, it would take a lot of time for Hongjun to even defeat the opponent, and it was even impossible to kill the opponent.

"The Great Dao is fifty, and the Heavenly Evolution is forty-nine. If one of them escapes, I will become one and complete the Heavenly Way!"

"It's just that the body is in line with the way of heaven. It needs to carry the destiny of all the spirits in the world and be recognized by it. Otherwise, it will be reviled by the way of heaven."

"Accept disciples to preach, and spread the name of the Immortal Way throughout history!"

Possessing Hongjun's thoughts in endless time and space, Hongjun's level of thinking at this time is obviously far beyond that of other prehistoric creatures. These so-called roads are most of the roads he has found from endless time and space. , obviously more suitable for him to go.

"Pangu is the authentic sect. The Three Pure Ones should enter our Immortal Sect. The two Western Saints should enter our Immortal Sect. Kunlun Nuwa, who has come with a mission and is of great merit, should enter our Immortal Sect..."

Hongjun began to make plans one by one. As long as he took the leaders of the new generation in the prehistoric era into his sect, and with the help of their luck, he could mend the way of heaven and achieve the fruit of Hunyuan Dao.

Then, Hongjun began to make calculations.

In the void.

"Hongjun actually glimpsed a corner of the world, saw many time and space, and thus stepped into the way of heaven?" Ye Xuan looked at this scene with some surprise.

The way of heaven in this world is not like the way of heaven in other worlds.

The way of heaven in this world can be said to be a special way similar to Pangu's way of power.

If this Hongjun is really integrated into the Heavenly Dao, it is naturally possible to complete the Dao Fruit. If his talent is amazing, he may be able to transform himself into the Heavenly Dao gods and demons, and step into the realm of the Dao gods and demons in one fell swoop.

It's just that the ancient way of heaven is not as good as the great road after all. Although it is special, it can only exist based on the ancient times. If the ancient world is destroyed one day, the way of heaven will also be lost, and Hongjun, who is the incarnation of the gods and demons of the way of heaven, will completely sleep in it, and will never be restored.

"Although this Dao fruit has appeared, there is no real cultivator in the Dao fruit realm. I am stuck at this half-step fourth level cultivation, which is extremely uncomfortable. The Dao fruit has not been practiced into reality..." Ye Xuan was a little helpless. Although Luo Hou's trick was indeed of great benefit to the balance of the prehistoric world, it was also a hindrance for Ye Xuan himself.

However, from a long-term perspective, this hindrance is a good thing.

If Hongjun really achieved the complete Dao fruit realm, the prehistoric world would probably become the prehistoric world of the past, and fall into the rule of Hongjun alone. At that time, Ye Xuan could only take action himself to eliminate Hongjun.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he left the prehistoric world. When he came back again, it had passed the first Yuanhui.

In the prehistoric world.

After the three races' hegemony faded, new races began to appear in the prehistoric world.

The Wu Clan has also emerged. The twelve ancestor witches are all Daluo perfect cultivation. They stepped into the prehistoric world and led eight hundred great witches, that is, eight hundred Daluo Jinxian, to open up tribes in the prehistoric world.

After a Yuanhui of development, this group of Wu Clan, who claim to be the authentic Pangu, began to emerge in the prehistoric world.

The twelve ancestor witches became twelve major tribes, and there were many tribes. The number of great witches has reached three thousand, and the number of small witches has exceeded 100 million.

The Wu Clan, which inherited the legacy of Pangu, has developed extremely rapidly. Once it was born, it was the most powerful among many tribes. Today, the Kunlun Mountains and the area near the Pangu Palace are all governed by the Wu Clan. Not only that, the Wu Clan is expanding madly.

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