Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 112 Hongjun preaches, the way of the saint

The eastern part of the prehistoric world.

Where the sun is, many innate gods also love this place.

There is a supreme emperor named Di Jun, who unified the innate gods born from Pangu. His name is Yao. Di Jun should be the emperor of the demon clan, known as the Demon King.

The Demon King gathered hundreds of millions of demons, recruited ten demon commanders, and dominated the eastern part of the prehistoric world.

The sun was transformed from Pangu's left eye, and it is also the head of the endless stars in the boundless starry sky. Di Jun was born in the sun, and he is the sacred of the sun. He controls the glory and supremacy of the sun and should be the emperor of heaven.

When Di Jun watched the battle between the Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor in the past, the Demon Ancestor laid the Immortal Sword Formation, and suddenly realized on the sun, and realized the Zhoutian Star Formation, with the sun as the core, involving 365 powerful stars, and absorbing the power of the remaining endless stars, it should be the first formation in this world.

In the Four Seas, under the protection of the Ancestral Dragon, the dragons hid themselves, as if they were isolated from the heaven and earth. No one entered the Four Seas, and no one from the Four Seas stepped out.

Hongjun seemed to have reached some kind of strange balance with the Ancestral Dragon, and they did not interfere with each other.

Although there were thirty-three heavens in the boundless starry sky, they were useless to Hongjun. Hongjun was concentrating on planning merits, luck and body in harmony with the way of heaven.

Although the two tribes of witches and liches had not yet achieved the name of the overlord of the prehistoric world, they had already begun to emerge and show their own power.

At the same time.

In these years, Hongjun did not sit in vain. Outside the prehistoric world, in the chaos, the gate of the Zixiao Palace opened wide, and an infinite force swept towards the prehistoric world.

In this great force, the breath of immortals emerged, and there was an infinite rhyme of Taoism, which was mysterious and wonderful.

All the creatures in the world, infinite and sacred, looked up at the prehistoric sky.

In the Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun opened his eyes, and it seemed as if there was an infinite space and time flowing in them. They were so deep that one could fall into them after just one look.

"I am Hongjun. Before the Yiyuan Conference, I killed the Demon Ancestor Luohou and saved all the spirits in the prehistoric world from being invaded by the demons of the Demon Ancestor."

"Today, I have successfully broken through the Daluo Perfection and entered the realm of the Saint. I want to preach in the prehistoric world. Ten thousand years later, in the chaos, I will open the Zixiao Palace. If there are people who want to listen to the way of the saint, they should enter the Zixiao Palace."

"All living beings in the world, all races and spirits, those who are predestined can hear the way of the saint."

Hongjun's words spread throughout the prehistoric world. This is the power of Hunyuan. Those who are not Hunyuan, unless they are blessed by the Great Dao or the Heavenly Dao, cannot spread their own words throughout the prehistoric world.

As Hongjun's words fell, all the endless creatures in the prehistoric world were shocked. The more powerful the cultivation, the more they can understand the rhyme of the Tao in Hongjun's words.

All the creatures who had experienced the battle that year remembered that Hongjun had disappeared since that battle, and no one knew his current realm of cultivation.

Now that he was born again, he had already crossed the threshold of Daluo Jinxian and entered the realm of saints.

In Kunlun Mountain.

"Sure enough, there must be other realms above Daluo Jinxian! I must enter one of them!!!" The Yin-Yang Patriarch was excited, and a passion of hearing the truth in the morning and dying in the evening was revealed.

There are many innate saints like him, most of whom are acquainted with Hongjun, but none of them can enter the realm of Hunyuan. Even if their cultivation has long entered Hunyuan Jinxian, they still belong to the realm of Daluo Jinxian.

The so-called Hunyuan Jinxian is just called Zulong, which is popular in the four seas and has not flowed into the prehistoric world.

Countless innate saints woke up from the realization of the Great Dao. Since that battle, they have been hiding from the world and realizing the Great Dao, just to seek the possibility of breaking through the Daluo Jinxian.

On the sun.

"Surpassed the Golden Immortal?! How is it possible!!"

Di Jun's eyes narrowed, he had already reached the Golden Immortal's Perfection state.

"If it's him, it's not impossible. You know, the power shown in the battle in the past is something we can't do now, not to mention that the One Yuan Meeting has passed, and it's not impossible to break through the Daluo." Taiyi frowned and said.

He was born to be the strongest, and it's hard for him to tolerate a stronger existence than him, but the fact is that the existence in the prehistoric world is overwhelming the entire prehistoric world.

"In this case, we should go and listen to the way of the saint!"


Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

"Brother, second brother, there is actually someone so powerful, that existence is worthy of the battle with the Demon Ancestor in the past, we should go and listen to the way of the saint and enter the realm of the saint!" Tongtian showed joy on his face and quickly said to Taishang and Yuanshi.

"That's right!"

Yuanshi also nodded slightly, it was rare that Tongtian agreed with him.

"In that case, the three of us brothers will go to the Zixiao Palace!" Taishang made up his mind, and then the three brothers went to the sky.


The land of the four seas.

As usual, although Hongjun's words penetrated the endless prehistoric world, they did not penetrate the land of the four seas.

Although the land of the four seas was still in the prehistoric world, it was isolated from the world, as if it was not in the same space as the prehistoric world. This was the method of Zulong.

After a Yuanhui, Zulong was only one step away from achieving the supreme Dao fruit, and this step was like a natural moat, so he was still in the process of enlightenment, hoping to be able to realize the Dao fruit.

In Pangu Hall.

"Brother, how can that old thief of the immortal ancestor be so shameless!" Zhurong, who had the hottest temper, couldn't stand it anymore and cursed.

After the twelve ancestor witches established twelve major tribes outside, they left the most powerful witch to guard them, and the other ancestor witches usually practiced enlightenment in Pangu Hall.

"You can curse, but you must not call that existence by name!" Di Jiang warned.

"I know, I know, isn't this the Immortal Ancestor who is being called by name?" Zhu Rong smiled awkwardly and replied quickly.

"This villain first blocked the existence of the Hunyuan Realm, and now he is bringing up the so-called Saint Realm, which is ridiculous! If I were not weak, I would definitely cut this villain into pieces and torture him in endless suffering!" Gong Gong also cursed from the side.

The people of the Wu Clan have always been like this, and they are true to their nature. They cannot stand such filth.

It's funny to say that the Wu Clan, which was born from the blood of Pangu and the turbid air of the earth, should have been muddleheaded and extremely violent, but now they are more straightforward and sincere than some of the so-called immortals. It's really a great irony.


In the boundless starry sky.

"Teacher, I have entered the Daluo Perfection for a long time, and I also want to hear the way of the saint!" Ziwei Taoist looked at his teacher beside him, that is, Xingchen Taoist.

Xingchen Taoist did not respond. He had sat down before the Yiyuan Meeting and condensed his only true self in the endless prehistoric world.

Seeing that his teacher did not respond, Ziwei Taoist bowed three times and went outside the sky. The so-called chaos is outside the boundless starry sky. After crossing the boundless starry sky, you can see the prehistoric fetal membrane. After stepping out of the fetal membrane, you can enter the chaos.

Chaos is extremely dangerous, and only Daluo Jinxian can survive.

At the same time, countless beings who want to hear the way of the saint flew towards the outside of the prehistoric world and the chaos.

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