Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 113 The thief Hongjun! Daozu Hongjun


Ten thousand years passed in a flash.

In the Purple Sky Palace, countless Golden Immortals had already gathered.

Emperor Jun wore a three-legged golden crow robe, and the sun shone brightly on the world, which was the most eye-catching, making many innate gods pale in comparison to him. Only Taiyi and Xihe, who were also born from the sun, were not affected by him.

The reason why Emperor Jun did this was to show his strength in the Purple Sky Palace, so that many innate gods would not fight against the strength of the demon clan, and to attract as many powerful people as possible to join the demon clan.

"May I ask, fellow Taoist, are you the Emperor Jun who was manifested by the sun?" Fuxi smiled and came forward. Standing next to him was Nuwa.

Emperor Jun looked back and quickly replied, "That's right, I don't know..."

"I am Fuxi, who was born in the Kunlun Mountains. This is my sister, named Nuwa. We have been dependent on each other for tens of thousands of years." Fuxi said with a smile.

Nuwa also hurriedly saluted and said, "Nuwa, meet fellow Daoist Dijun."

"Dijun, meet fellow Daoist Fuxi and fellow Daoist Nuwa." Dijun hurriedly returned the salute.

These two people are both people of great cultivation and great fortune, and should not be neglected.

"This is my second brother Taiyi, and this is my younger sister Xihe." Dijun introduced Fuxi and Nuwa.

"Taiyi, meet the two Daoists." Taiyi's face was as hard as iron, and his words were extremely cold. If it weren't for his elder brother Dijun's introduction, he would not even bother to talk to them.

It's not laziness, but disdain.

"Xihe, meet the two Daoists." Xihe bowed slightly, with a peaceful and warm face, which made people feel warm as if a spring breeze was blowing.

Fuxi thought to himself that Taiyi and Xihe were really two extremes, but he also hurriedly returned the salute.

Nuwa seemed to be intimidated by Taiyi, and quietly retreated and hid behind Fuxi.

Seeing this, Di Jun hurriedly smiled and said, "My second brother is like this by nature, I hope you two Taoist friends will not be surprised."

"I dare not, I see that fellow Taoist Taiyi has profound cultivation, but he is extraordinary." Fuxi also said.

Just like Di Jun and Fuxi, the people in Zixiao Palace seemed not to come to listen to the teachings, but to make friends. I don't know how many innate gods have found like-minded friends here.

Suddenly, two Taoist children closed the door of Zixiao Palace.

"The ten thousand years have come, and the law will not be passed on to the six ears. If the ten thousand years have not arrived, then I have no chance."

The figure of Hongjun Xianzu appeared on a high-end cushion, and he said leisurely.

It was like the sound of the great way, which was transmitted to the ears of many innate gods. In an instant, the originally noisy Zixiao Palace was silent, leaving only Hongjun's words.

At this moment, in the boundless starry sky.

The aura of Xingchen Taoist changed, but he successfully condensed the only true self.

He just sat cross-legged here, and the stars around him were rotating, as if there was an infinite space and time running in it.

"Is this the realm of Hunyuan?"

After years of hard practice, the Star Patriarch finally entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self. He still had some way to go before he could condense the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

But if there was really a Hunyuan Dao Fruit that appeared in the world at this time, he could also swallow it into his stomach and achieve the Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

But there was only one Hunyuan Dao Fruit between heaven and earth, and now he could only practice hard in the Star Avenue and condense a star Hunyuan Dao Fruit before he could enter the realm of Hunyuan Dao Fruit.

The Star Patriarch looked around and frowned, but he found that the Ziwei Taoist, who he usually took care of, had disappeared.

He looked at the boundless starry sky with his eyes, and the endless stars appeared in his eyes, and the creatures born in countless stars appeared in his eyes, but the figure of Ziwei Taoist was the only one missing.

"So it's here! Hongjun! How dare you! Thief Hongjun!!!"

The Hunyuan realm can call Hongjun's name directly without being known by him. This is the power of being in the same Hunyuan, even if one has achieved the Hunyuan Dao fruit.


In Zixiao Palace.

"I am the immortal ancestor. Today I preach the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world should praise the name of the Taoist ancestor."

As Hongjun's words fell, the faces of the innate saints changed slightly. If they acknowledged his name as the Taoist ancestor, they would undoubtedly draw a trace of luck from them. This Taoist ancestor is not the immortal ancestor. The immortal ancestor is the ancestor of the immortal way, and the Taoist ancestor is the ancestor of the great way.

"It should be so!"

Finally, after someone made a sound, many innate saints also said so.

If they could really hear the realm above the Daluo Jinxian, even if it was just a wisp of Hongjun's luck, what would it be like?

Hongjun looked at this scene and nodded slightly. Then, the infinite Dao rhyme appeared. The Dao of Creation and the Dao of Immortality loomed. With one finger, six cushions appeared under him.

"Sanqing, the authentic Pangu, should be my disciples. In the future, you will definitely enter the realm of saints!"

A Dao rhyme came out, with a hint of bewitching breath, which made Sanqing sink. Taishang, Yuanshi, and Tongtian sat on the three cushions in front.

Although Sanqing was reluctant when he heard that he would be a disciple, when he heard that he could enter the realm of saints like Hongjun, and there was another breath of immortal Dao bewitching on the side, he sat down.

"We pay our respects to the teacher."

Sanqing bowed and bowed.

Hongjun smiled with great satisfaction, then looked into the endless innate sacredness, and according to what he saw in the endless time and space, he spoke again: "Nuwa, you will have great merits in the future, you will enter my sect, and you will enter the realm of saints."

Nuwa looked hesitant. She was born extraordinary and was a congenital saint. How could she accept someone else as her teacher? Fuxi, who was standing by, saw the congenital saints around her looking at her with envy, and hurriedly urged, "Little sister, hurry up and sit on it!"

Hearing what her elder brother said, Nuwa did not hesitate any longer and hurriedly sat on the cushion.

"The two people from the West, Jie Yin and Zhunti, have great perseverance and great ambitions. They should become my disciples and achieve the realm of saints in the future!"

Seeing this, Hongjun said the last sentence.

The two people from the West did not need his bewitching. Upon hearing this, they immediately jumped onto the cushion and bowed to Hongjun with a smile, saying, "We greet the teacher."

"The rest of the Taoist friends will have other opportunities in the future and can also enter the realm of saints." Hongjun said to the other congenital saints with a serious face, ignoring the pleas of many congenital saints.


All the congenital saints sighed, as if they had missed a great opportunity.

"Teacher, what is the way of the saint?"

Tongtian, who was the most impatient, sat on the third cushion and asked.

"The so-called way of the saint is the way of heaven and earth. There is no realm above Daluo, but I found a new realm in the infinite. Between heaven and earth, the saint should be respected. The saint is not affected by cause and effect, is not invaded by all laws, and is indestructible. He can preserve himself from destruction in countless calamities and reopen the prehistoric world."

Hongjun said.

When many innate saints heard that there was no realm above Daluo, they all frowned. Then, when they heard that there was a new realm, the realm of the saint, they all turned their eyes to Tongtian.

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