Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 114 The so-called saint, the stars are disrupting the situation!

Tongtian seemed to feel the gazes of the crowd, bowed again and asked: "Teacher, can you explain it in more detail?"

Hongjun was not annoyed at all, he just needed such a person to speak out his bewitching words.

"In the prehistoric world, the cause and effect of sins are so serious that every period of time, there will be a catastrophe, just like the catastrophe of fierce beasts, just like the catastrophe of Longhan. There are many killings in the catastrophe, and countless lives have fallen."

"Therefore, there should be a saint who will bless the world and will not be destroyed in the infinite catastrophes, and will last forever."

The so-called way of the saint is actually the fruit position obtained by Hongjun's comprehension of the One Yuan Club.

In the infinite prehistoric world, he refined seven primordial purple qi and gave them to six disciples, so that they could achieve the realm of saints. After they entered the realm of saints, Hongjun had already merged with the Tao. The primordial purple qi originally belonged to the world, so Hongjun could firmly control it.

In other words, once you enter the path of a saint, you will never be able to recover and will never be able to enter the realm of Hunyuan again. This is the evil path that Hongjun came up with, and the purpose is to prevent the possibility of Hunyuan appearing in the prehistoric world.

However, the land of the four seas is isolated from the world, and Hongjun is powerless to stop it. He can only let it develop. After he completes the fruit of the Tao, he will destroy Zulong, and then the world will be settled.

In fact, the path of the saint can really improve the realm of strength, but it just means that you have stepped into another path and will not enter the realm of Hunyuan.

"The path of a saint is too long. There is a huge gap between a Daluo Jinxian and a saint, so I found another method, which is called beheading the three corpses. After beheading one corpse, you can enter a new realm. Although it is not the realm of a saint, it is not far away. I call it the realm of quasi-saints."

"The quasi-saint realm has supreme cultivation and strength. It can destroy Daluo with a wave of its hand. This is the supreme saint. It is only one step away from the saint, but it is also far beyond Daluo. First enter the realm of quasi-saints, and after beheading the three corpses, the three corpses will merge into one, and you can enter the realm of saints."

Hongjun spoke slowly and frightened those innate saints.

"May I ask the immortal ancestors, if the great way seeks perfection, why do you have to behead yourself? Wouldn't this make you fall into imperfection? How can you find the great way?!"

Everyone looked at the voice and woke up in their hearts, but they saw that the man was Di Jun, the demon king, who was meticulous and had a great cultivation.

Taiyi had a look of disdain on his face. Although he didn't know what a saint was, he knew that this so-called quasi-saint was just icing on the cake. Although he was called Daluo Jinxian, his actual cultivation and combat power far surpassed Daluo Perfection. Since he could enhance his cultivation and combat power, what was the use of this realm?

The so-called quasi-saint might not be stronger than him.

In addition, in order to do these useless things, he had to cut out his three corpses. Although he didn't know what the three corpses were, how could he cut off himself for the sake of this great way?

Therefore, he was certain that the way of the quasi-saint must be the way of a liar, and the way of the saint derived from it was probably also false.

Hongjun's eyes flashed with a gleam of light, and he secretly thought that there were indeed smart people among the innate saints.

This so-called quasi-saint is also specially set up to prevent other cultivators who have not entered the realm of saints. After killing the three corpses, it is impossible to merge the three corpses. If it is so easy to merge, why did he let them kill the three corpses?

Once the corpses are killed, they can no longer enter the Hunyuan. A Hunyuan must be perfect in order to condense the only true self from the endless prehistoric world. If even the self cannot be perfect, how can it condense the true self.

"First kill yourself, in order to enter a higher realm, so that you can better pursue the great way. After the three corpses are killed, the three corpses will merge into one, and you can enter the realm of saints."

During Hongjun's words, there was another immortal air, and many saints sank into it, and no longer doubted.

If the three corpses are killed, they cannot merge at all. At this time, the role of Hongmeng purple air comes, which can make people directly become saints, and lead many quasi-saints in the prehistoric world with saints, and then let one of the Hongmeng purple air flow out.

In this way, many saints in the prehistoric world will no longer be able to pursue Hunyuan, and will pursue the so-called Hongmeng purple qi one by one, striving to become a saint in the prehistoric world.

At this moment, a loud shout came.

"Hongjun! You are so calculating!!!"

It was the Star Ancestor who rushed to the outside of the Zixiao Palace. With just a sound, the door of the Zixiao Palace opened, and infinite purple light flowed, and many innate saints in the prehistoric world woke up.

The person that the Star Ancestor hated the most was not Luohou, who had stained the blue sky with evil, nor the Zulong who killed Santian, nor the fierce beast that caused chaos, but the big thief Hongjun who wanted to dominate the prehistoric world for eternity!

"Is this the Star Ancestor?!"

The eyebrow-raising ancestor recognized him at a glance. He saw that the Tao rhyme on the Star Ancestor was revealed, and the endless stars added to his body, it seemed that he was not much worse than Hongjun...

Since the fierce beast calamity, the Star Ancestor has never appeared again, and has been hiding in the boundless starry sky. Today, when he saw it, he was so advanced in cultivation.

When Di Jun saw this, his eyes widened. He was the Great Sun, the head of the endless stars in the sky, and he held the power of the Great Sun and the Great Way of Light, but the Taoist of Stars in front of him was the origin of the endless stars.

If he was not born from the Great Sun and belonged to a special and cultivated Great Way of Light, he would have to respectfully call him a teacher.

Hongjun was shocked when he heard the words of the Star Ancestor, but his face did not change at all.

"Daoyou, what are you doing here?" Hongjun's voice was like the rhyme of Taoism, indifferent.

A touch of the true meaning of Hunyuan emerged, and it pressed towards the Star Ancestor. Many innate sacreds only felt that a great power appeared, and they did not know what it was.

Hongjun was testing whether Xingchen Patriarch had also entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self. If not, then don't blame him for turning his face against his old friend today.


Xingchen Patriarch snorted coldly, and the Hunyuan Dao rhyme emerged, sweeping away Hongjun's Hunyuan True Meaning.

An invisible contest had already begun, but Hongjun chuckled, put away his breath, and said: "If you are here to listen to the Tao, I will sweep the floor."

"Listen to the Tao? What a joke! What Tao?!" Xingchen Patriarch's face was frost, not giving Hongjun any face at all.

In his heart, this Hongjun is a thief who intends to take the peak of the prehistoric world, but he deserves to die.

"Teacher!" After seeing Xingchen Patriarch, Ziwei Taoist bowed his head and said guiltily.

He originally followed Xingchen Patriarch to practice, and for a while he couldn't bear the temptation of the realm above Daluo, so he came here to listen to the Tao.

"No problem. If I hadn't just stepped into the realm of the primordial true self, I'm afraid you would have really gone astray!" Xingchen Patriarch shook his head slightly, not blaming Ziwei Taoist.

Hearing the truth in the morning, dying in the evening is enough, this is the thought of all the innate saints.

He only saw his words spoken, but the saints around him only heard the rest of the words, and did not hear the four words of the primordial true self.

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