Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 115 The Dao Rhyme Appears, the Great Dao Divides

This is Hongjun using his great magical power to block the thought of Hunyuan. Although those in the realm of Hunyuan True Self can also express this realm, in front of Hongjun, if Xingchen Patriarch can express this thought, then wouldn’t his half-Dao fruit be cultivated in vain?

"Teacher, what realm?" Ziwei Taoist asked hurriedly, with a hint of doubt on his face.

The other innate saints also looked at Xingchen Patriarch after hearing the words. Why did Hongjun say that he had entered the realm of saints, but Xingchen Patriarch could not express that realm? !

No! It’s not that it can’t be expressed!

It’s that they can’t hear it!

All kinds of thoughts appeared in the ears of the innate saints. When they heard that there was another realm, and then thought of the saint realm that Laozi needed to cut himself with a knife, they began to have doubts. Once these doubts came up, it was difficult to reduce them.

The Star Patriarch frowned. After all, his cultivation was not as good as Hongjun's, so he could not speak in front of them. Then he said: "The way of the saint is a false way. If you fall into this state, it will be difficult to step into the real avenue again!"


A thunderous explosion sounded.


"The realm of the saint is actually fake?!"

"Can what fellow Xingchen said be true?!" The Shichen Patriarch also looked at the Star Patriarch. In his memory, the Star Patriarch has always been a good man who does not fight for everything and only wants to destroy the beasts that destroy the prehistoric world.

Compared with the Hongjun Patriarch, he is more willing to believe in the Star Patriarch.

Now, those innate saints are completely blown up, and they look at Hongjun with frightened eyes.

"Teacher? What does the Star Patriarch mean by this!?" Tongtian began to show doubt in his eyes. He was seeking the supreme avenue, so he was willing to put down the dignity of the Pangu authentic sect and worship Hongjun.

But now, after hearing what Xingchen Patriarch said, he suddenly had evil thoughts in his heart. If what Xingchen Patriarch said was true, he would fight to the death with Hongjun Immortal Patriarch!

Blocking the way of others is a matter of life and death.

"Above Daluo, there should be the realm of saints. This is the ultimate realm of prehistoric times, which can survive countless disasters."

Hongjun's slightly bewitching voice appeared again, and the rhyme of the immortal way was revealed, and infinite deterrence followed.

A group of innate sacred weak people were bewitched by him again, but there were also many top Daluo Jinxians like Yangmei Patriarch, Shichen Patriarch, Dijun, and Taiyi. With their defense in their hearts, it was difficult for them to be bewitched by Hongjun again.

"Oh? If the realm of the saint is above Daluo, then please ask, Daluo is infinite and endless, reflecting all bodies in infinite time and space. May I ask the Immortal Ancestor, what is the form of your so-called saint realm?" The Star Patriarch refuted, and the Dao rhyme belonging to the Star Avenue appeared, making the people who were previously bewitched by him sober up again.

"The saint is the infinite fruit position above Daluo. There is no realm above Daluo. It is because I sought the fruit position of heaven and earth in the endless prehistoric world, and I can be indestructible in countless calamities." Hongjun's words came again.

He did not continue the words of the Star Patriarch, but turned to call the saint a fruit position, not a realm.

It must be said that the infinite calamity is indestructible, and the cause and effect of the heavens are not touched. This sentence is too lethal. I don't know how many innate saints dream of this realm.

But there are those who have been careful and powerful, and heard that the saint mentioned before is a realm, and now it has become a fruit position.

Suddenly, the innate saints such as Yangmei Patriarch, Shichen Patriarch, Yinyang Patriarch, Dijun, Taiyi, Tongtian, Taishang, etc. woke up completely.

And on the six cushions set by Hongjun, Taishang, Tongtian, and Nuwa had already stood up. The three of them looked at Hongjun with hatred, wishing to eat his flesh alive.

"Big brother, third brother!" Yuanshi frowned when he saw this. Although he had doubts in his heart, compared with the saint mentioned by Hongjun, the Xingchen Patriarch could not even name the realm, and between the two, Hongjun was stronger, so he would rather believe Hongjun.

"Haha, Hongjun, are you really determined to do this?!" Xingchen Patriarch looked at Hongjun with anger in his eyes. His wish was to turn Honghuang into a Honghuang where everyone was Hunyuan.

Let Honghuang no longer have a catastrophe, and let endless creatures no longer be in danger of falling.

But Hongjun almost went against him completely. If he could not defeat him, he would have killed him today to eliminate this disaster for the prehistoric world.

"Daoyou should know that I am not in the right state at this moment. If you insist on destroying me, I will fight to the death with you. If I can completely enter the realm of Dao fruit in the future, I am afraid that my cultivation will turn into flowing water and go to waste." Hongjun's eyes were cold. He had blocked the surroundings, and only the Star Ancestor could hear this.

The Star Ancestor sneered and said, "If you just want to be in harmony with the Heavenly Dao, then I will not stop you from the Great Dao, but if you want to isolate the thoughts of the prehistoric world, I will fight with you no matter what!"

Since he entered the Zixiao Palace and fought with Hongjun, he found that the other party was not in the right state, with only half of the Dao fruit manifested. Although he didn't know why, he didn't think much about it.

Otherwise, he would not have said these words in front of Hongjun and ruined Hongjun's place.

At most, they would take Taoist Ziwei away, and Hongjun would not stop them. However, Hongjun was not in the complete Dao Fruit realm at this time, so Xingchen Patriarch was not afraid of him.

"Does Daoist friend mean that he will fight to the death with me?!" Hongjun's words were cold, and his face had become extremely ugly.

Although the innate saints did not know what Hongjun and Xingchen had said, they all felt that something was wrong.

Boom! ! !

Endless Dao rhyme emerged from the Taoist of Stars, and the meaning of Hunyuan broke through Hongjun's blockade. Many innate saints could not know or comprehend it, and they only felt that this was the true Dao.

However, Hongjun's methods were brilliant after all. He was the only one who had Hunyuan Dao fruit left between heaven and earth. When the Star Ancestor rioted, he had boundless immortal thoughts falling down, and the panic-stricken holy power was overwhelming, overwhelming the Hunyuan Dao rhyme.

In fact, this was also the Hunyuan Dao rhyme, but it changed its appearance and shape, which made many innate saints change their faces.

They didn't know what realm this was and the realm of the saint in front of them, and they didn't know how to choose.

"Brother, third brother, the power of the saint is like the panic-stricken power of heaven. Are you still stubborn?" Yuanshi scolded. He felt that Hongjun's holy power was much stronger than the strength of the Star Ancestor.

After the competition between the two, there is a conclusion.

The way of the saint is so powerful!

"Second brother, don't say too much. If you believe me, get up quickly!!!" Taishang was anxious, but he couldn't speak directly. Xingchen Patriarch could speak directly, but he didn't have that kind of cultivation. If he told the truth, the three brothers would surely perish here.

"Second brother, get up quickly!" Although Tongtian had the weakest cultivation, he had the most insightful mind. He had already known which of the two paths was right.

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