Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 116 Re-dividing the Holy Position, Red Cloud Kunpeng

Following the break between Immortal Ancestor Hongjun and Ancestor Xingchen, the Taoist rhyme spread throughout the Zixiao Palace. Infinite Sacred wanted to comprehend it, but did not dare to comprehend it at will. They understood in their hearts that among the two avenues, There must be a true path.

On the one hand, there is an unknown avenue that is elusive and untouchable. On the other hand, the ancestor Hongjun is already clear and powerful. Many innate saints are in confusion.

But the top Pangu saints such as Taishang, Tongtian, Dijun, and Taiyi, as well as the top innate saints of the past, have begun to realize the Taoist charm contained in the Xingchen Avenue, the ancestor of the stars.

The two of them didn't really take action, they just put their Tao Yun in front of many innate gods and let them choose by themselves.

In front of Hongjun, the ancestor of Xingchen could not express the thoughts of Hunyuan, and he could not defeat Hongjun, so he could only do this.

For Hongjun, this was the time for him to talk about the path of sainthood and gather his luck. In order to avoid falling into the endless fight with the ancestor of Xingchen, he had no choice but to do this.

This can be regarded as a subtle balance temporarily reached between the two, just like Hongjun and Zulong.

Gradually, more and more innate saints chose to come behind the ancestors of Xingchen. Among them, Emperor Jun and Taiyi forcibly pulled Xihe over, who was immersed in Hongjun Avenue. Xihe was also extremely obedient and did not Just like Yuan Shi was so insistent, in her heart, the eldest brother and the second brother would not harm him.

Taishang and Tongtian looked at Yuanshi with helpless expressions. The three of them sighed at each other, thinking that each other had gone astray.

The lunar goddesses Chang Xi and Wangshu also came to the side of the ancestor of the stars. They are both the spirits of the stars, so they have innate affinity.

As for the ancestors of Yin and Yang, the ancestors of Yangmei, the ancestors of time, the ancestors of fate, and other saints who have existed since ancient times, they all followed the ancestors of Xingchen.

The reason for their choice was not different from that of Di Jun and others, and there was also a more important factor, that is, they believed in the ancestor of Xingchen who cared about the common people more than the cunning and cunning Hongjun.

In the Zixiao Palace, there were originally a hundred thousand people, but now there are more than ten thousand people standing behind the Xingchen Patriarch.

When Hongjun saw this scene, his face was extremely ugly. After seeing that three of the six saints he had appointed were gone, his face became even darker and ugly.

"Fellow Taoist, you can take them away! From now on, fellow Taoist will stay well in the depths of the boundless starry sky, and never set foot in the wilderness again!!!" Hongjun threatened coldly.

If Ancestor Xingchen dares to set foot in the wilderness again, Hongjun will definitely suppress him at all costs!


Ancestor Xingchen snorted coldly and left the Zixiao Palace with more than ten thousand people.

In Zixiao Palace.

Ancestor Hongjun's face was dark. He looked at the departing people and secretly resented in his heart. If it weren't for that damn Luo Hu, how could he have fallen to the point of conforming to the way of heaven? How could he be treated like this in front of the ancestor of Xingchen now? Many people have lost their skin!

"Teacher, the eldest brother and the third brother are young and ignorant, I hope the teacher will not blame them!" Yuan Shi bowed his head and excused his eldest brother and third brother.

Hongjun looked down at one of the only remaining Pangu Three Purities, his face even more ugly, but then he softened a lot. After all, Pangu's merits in opening the sky, he can now share some of his luck.

So he said with a calm face: "Nothing, just sit on the first futon, and you can take the second and third seats."

"Thank you, teacher!" Yuan Shi was overjoyed when he heard this. Immortal Ancestor did not blame his eldest brother and third brother, and allowed him to continue to be a saint.

Not to mention Jie Yin and Zhunti, they quickly stood up and sat forward.

The aura emerged from Hongjun's body, and the Great Way of Immortality emerged. He appeased the remaining ninety thousand people, and then said: "Tai Shang, Tong Tian, ​​and Nu Wa have shallow blessings, and they have not been destined to the Great Way of Saints. Now, There should be nine saints in heaven and earth. I have become a saint and have six of them under my sect."

"Although the number of saints is nine, heaven and earth can only hold eight. If the ninth saint appears, it will inevitably cause immeasurable calamity. Therefore, I have seven rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi to help him enter the realm of a saint more easily. "

"Yuanshi, Jieyin, and Zhunti should enter the realm of saints and be given the Hongmeng Purple Qi. When the opportunity comes, they can step into the realm of saints."

After saying that, as he waved his hand, seven rays of Hongmeng Purple Qi appeared, three of which flew into the eyebrows of Yuanshi, Jie Yin, and Zhunti and disappeared.

"Thank you, Teacher, for passing on the foundation of the Great Dao!"

The three of them bowed and bowed.

"I still have three disciples under my sect, who can be regarded as saints." Hongjun said indifferently, his indifferent eyes closed, waiting for the innate divine voice below to speak.

Those who did not respect the Holy Way have all left, and the remaining ones are just those who pursue the Holy Way. For these people, he must thoroughly convince them, and must not let them think that it is easy to enter the realm of saints.

So he closed his eyes and said nothing, waiting for everyone to plead.

"Please Immortal Ancestor take pity on me and accept me as your disciple."

All the innate saints bowed their heads and worshiped.

Hongjun opened his cold and ruthless eyes and said, "Hongyun, I see that you have great compassion in your heart. You should be my fourth disciple. You can bestow Hongmeng Purple Qi, and you should be honored as a saint!"

Ancestor Hongyun is the first cloud between heaven and earth, and it is also a red cloud, so he is called Ancestor Hongyun.

He and Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuangguan were close friends. Just now Zhen Yuanzi persuaded him not to stay, but to leave by himself and leave him here.

There is no way. Pursuing the Great Dao is what every living being desires, including the Great Dao gods and demons who are the manifestation of the Great Dao.

It is enough to hear the Dao in the morning and die in the evening. This sentence has never been just talk.

Even if the two sides are close friends and brothers, accompanying each other all the way, if they encounter the difference in the Great Dao, they will also embark on the path they recognize.

The Great Dao is long, and I will search up and down.

"Thank you teacher for your love!!!"

The Red Cloud Ancestor immediately sat on the fourth seat, and a primordial purple air flew towards him and sank into the center of his eyebrows.

"Please have mercy on us, Immortal Ancestor!"

The innate saints bowed again.

Hongjun looked at it and thought to himself, Sanqing took one, the West took two, and now he got the innate sacred Hongyun, and the two tribes of witches and liches will definitely dominate the prehistoric world in the future, so he should take a demon tribe to make up for the huge loss of luck.

So he cast his eyes on Kunpeng. Among the people of the demon tribe, Kunpeng was the best one present.

"Kunpeng, you are a sacred demon. You will have great merits and great fortune in the future. You and I are destined to be my fifth disciple. I will grant you the primordial purple energy and you will become a saint in the future!"

"Kunpeng thanks you, teacher!!!"

Kunpeng was overjoyed when he heard this. His mouth was cracked. After sitting in the position of the saint, he kowtowed repeatedly.

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