Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 117 Dong Wanggong, Xingchen talks about Hunyuan

A ray of Hongmeng purple energy moved towards Kunpeng's eyebrows and submerged into it, which was extremely sacred.

Now that there was only the last seat left, Hongjun didn't know who to give it to.

Among these people, they are all people with extraordinary luck, and most of them have about the same strength.

Suddenly, Hongjun saw a person with blood gushing out from his body, but it was the Ancestor of Styx who was born in the sea of ​​blood.

"Styx! You should be my sixth disciple. You will also have great merits and great luck in the future, and you will enter the realm of a saint!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, Ancestor Minghe was shocked and overjoyed. He quickly kowtowed and sat on the last futon.

"There are seven saints under my sect, and only this last Hongmeng Purple Qi is left. However, the nine saints in heaven and earth cannot come together, so there are only eight saints. My sect has already occupied the seven saints' thrones. The last saint's throne should be... Among you.”

Hongjun closed his eyes and said nothing.

When many innate saints heard this, they were all shocked and quickly fell to their knees and begged.

There was only one holy throne left, so they couldn't be in a hurry.

"That's all, I will throw it into it. Whoever can get this last Hongmeng Purple Qi will be his creation!" Hongjun pretended to sigh, as if he loved the world.

With a wave of his hand, the last ray of Hongmeng Purple Qi flew towards the many innate saints.

Many innate saints took action one after another, trying to hold the Hongmeng Purple Qi in their arms, but no matter how they behaved, they could not touch the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

Suddenly, as if the Hongmeng Purple Qi had its own consciousness, it instantly penetrated into the eyebrows of one of them. When everyone saw it, they saw that the man was the Duke of the East, the leader of many innate saints in the eastern part of the prehistoric world.

All the innate saints looked around, their eyes revealing endless greed.

You know, this is the only one Hongjun has not said that he will definitely become a saint, and he has not been accepted as a disciple, so it means that he has no backing.

"Greetings, teacher, thank you very much for your kindness in preaching!"

How could Duke Dongwang not feel the greedy looks from many innate saints, each of whom wanted to kill him immediately and replace him?

So, without waiting for Hongjun to say anything more, he prostrated himself on the ground and called him teacher.

However, Duke Dongwang's plan finally came to an end, and Hongjun opened his eyes and said, "You and I have no relationship as teacher or student. You are the leader of the immortals in the ancient world, and you should set an example for all the immortals."

This immortal is what Hongjun named the innate saints who entered the Zixiao Palace to listen to the sermon.

From now on, all those who practice Hongjun Avenue will become immortals.

Duke Dongwang was stunned when he heard the words, and then he became extremely vigilant. He was not stupid if Hongjun said such words. How could he not know what the implication was, and he could also know how bad the consequences would be.

However, he could only do this and thank Hongjun again.

"The holy throne has been divided. The next step is to talk about the way of the saint. If you want to listen, just sit down and listen. The way of the saint is told three times in total, with an interval of three thousand years between each time. Each time the sermon is preached for a thousand years, and it ends after nine thousand years. sermon."

Hongjun forcibly suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart, closed his eyes and began to talk about the path of saints.

The way of the saint is the result of Hongjun's great supernatural power from heaven and earth. The so-called Hongmeng purple energy is the essence of heaven and earth. As soon as the way of the saint is taught, heaven will sense it, and golden lotuses will emerge from the ground and flowers will fall from the sky.

When everyone saw this, they all felt that this was the real avenue. Even the heavens felt this and sent down golden lotuses and flying flowers.

Therefore, one by one they immersed themselves in it, closed their eyes and began to carefully understand the path.

And when Hongjun closed his eyes and preached, a wisp of demonic aura flickered from the center of Hongjun's eyebrows. Not only did many innate saints not feel it, but even Hongjun himself did not feel this aura. 's appearance.

After the demonic aura appeared from the center of Hongjun's eyebrows, it flashed towards the innate sanctity.

In the boundless starry sky.

Xingchen Taoist brought more than ten thousand innate saints to the depths of the starry sky, into the Ziwei Emperor Star.

These innate saints also come here to seek the true way. It’s not that they believe in Taoist Xingchen, but they are more willing to believe in Taoist Xingchen than Taoist Hongjun’s so-called quasi-sage way of killing oneself with a knife. A realm beyond words.

Taoist Xingchen is located in the Ziwei Emperor Star, sitting high on the clouds. Below him are more than ten thousand innate saints.

Just sitting there, he kept many innate gods out of reach, as if the person sitting high in the clouds was not a person, but the great road of heaven and earth, the law itself.

At this time, the endless stars also seemed to be somewhat eclipsed in front of Taoist Xingchen.

Taoist Ziwei stood up quickly and bowed: "Teacher, I know I was wrong..."

Taoist Xingchen shook his head and said slowly: "No problem, you are not wrong, so why are you guilty? Pursuing the great road is the foundation of all things and spirits. This matter has passed and there is no need to mention it again in the future."

"Thank you, Teacher, for your kindness." Taoist Ziwei bowed his head and asked again: "Teacher, is the way of the saint really a wrong path? I once saw that the power of the Immortal Ancestor was even greater than that of the Teacher. Why is it such a path? Or astray? "

Taoist Ziwei is a little puzzled. This sentence is what many people want to ask. Although the way of saints has many flaws, the combat power displayed by Hongjun is real. This is a fact that cannot be erased. .

Taoist Xingchen was not upset when his disciple said that he was not as good as Hongjun. This was a fact. For them, losing was losing, and there was nothing to hide.

He smiled, nodded, and said, "I know what you are thinking. It's not just you, but many fellow Taoists must think the same way."

After saying that, he looked at everyone, and saw that everyone nodded.

The ancestor Yangmei couldn't wait, so he stood up and bowed and asked, "Fellow Taoist Xingchen, please help us solve our doubts for the sake of seeking the Tao together in the past."

The Taoist Xingchen nodded and said, "Fellow Taoist Yangmei, there is no need to be so anxious. This time, we are here to spread the Hunyuan Dao in the prehistoric world!"

Buzz! ! !

As soon as the Hunyuan Dao was spoken, more than ten thousand sacred beings were shocked.

If you don't hear the Hunyuan Dao, you will be a passerby all your life.

If you haven't heard the Hunyuan Dao, it would be fine, but now just hearing the two words Hunyuan, the innate sacred beings felt the boundless avenue in their minds, and many sacred beings showed joy on their faces.

Countless innate saints have understood it now, and there is no doubt in their hearts. When they first hear the name of the Great Dao, they can know the truth of the Great Dao. This is the real Great Dao, the supreme road between heaven and earth, and the realm far beyond the Golden Immortal!

"Thank you for your teachings!!!" The old ancestor Yangmei bowed, this time with a sincere bow.

He asked himself if he knew the way of Hunyuan, he would probably hide this Great Dao like Hongjun and not let the sentient beings of heaven and earth know.

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