Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 119: The Supreme One realizes the true meaning, and the Supreme One follows

"So this is the true meaning of Hunyuan! Di Jun thanks you for your kindness in teaching the Dao. I will definitely remember your kindness." Di Jun also bowed. As the Demon King, he was naturally endowed with infinite power.

No one in the world could bear the bow of the Demon King, but Xingchen Taoist had the grace of teaching the Dao, so he could barely bear this bow.

Before, he just bowed slightly and did not really pay homage, but now he really bowed down and said.

"Daoyou, as the essence of the sun, is loved by the heaven and earth. Now you are the Demon King, there is no need to be so polite. You and I should talk more about the Dao." Xingchen Taoist looked at Di Jun with joy, as if Di Jun could sense him. He had already sensed Di Jun and knew that he had some of the same goals as himself.

That is to make all the creatures and spirits in the prehistoric world live better.

This is what Xingchen Taoist thought and thought, adhering to the idea of ​​eliminating the ferocious beasts for the prehistoric world in the past three days.

This is also what Emperor Jun thought in his heart. He inherited the glory of the sun and was born with it. His broad mind can embrace all living beings in the world.

In the vastness, more than ten thousand sacred gods seemed to witness the birth of a peerless emperor, and they were horrified.

"Congratulations, brother, for understanding the idea of ​​Hunyuan!" Taiyi said with envy.

There was only envy in his eyes, not jealousy. He was so proud that he asked himself that he would definitely be able to enter the realm of Hunyuan, so why should he be jealous of others, not to mention that this person was his elder brother.

"Congratulations, brother, for understanding the idea of ​​Hunyuan." Xihe on the side also hurriedly congratulated.

"Congratulations to the Demon King for understanding the idea of ​​Hunyuan." Many innate sacred gods reacted and hurriedly congratulated.

"Thank you, fellow Taoists. Emperor Jun congratulates you all on entering the realm of Hunyuan as soon as possible." Emperor Jun was delighted and returned the greeting.

Chang Xi, who was standing aside, looked at Di Jun, and felt an infinite admiration in his heart. He felt that Di Jun was the most powerful existence among all the gods in the heavens.

"The Hunyuan is the great freedom and the great freedom, so those who step into the Hunyuan are all Daoists." Xingchen Taoist nodded with a smile, and now he truly recognized Di Jun's identity as a Daoist.

The other innate gods just gave them a little face, so they were called Daoists. In fact, only those who entered the Hunyuan realm were real Daoists.

"Next, I would like to invite all Daoists to observe my Hunyuan Dao."

After Xingchen Taoist finished speaking, waves of vibrations appeared, and infinite Dao rhymes appeared. A touch of star power turned in it, and infinite starlight reflected the heavens and the worlds, as if all time and space were contained in it.

Many innate saints tried hard to comprehend the Way of Hunyuan, but the Way of Hunyuan was not an ordinary way. Their cultivation was not enough, so no one could comprehend it. They could only frown and try to remember it, and comprehend it later.

But as soon as they remembered it, they forgot it again.

It is difficult to understand the meaning of Hunyuan without entering Hunyuan.

Among them, only Emperor Jun could comprehend it. Unlike others who scratched their heads and could not understand the meaning of the Tao, he sat cross-legged, with a mysterious aura on his body, and a Dao rhyme appeared behind him, manifesting the world.

The Dao rhyme manifested as the sun, a round sun shining on it, faintly seeming to suppress the infinite starlight transmitted from the star Taoist.

As the saying goes, infinite starlight gathered, it is difficult to resist the sun shining.

This is the power of the sun, this is the transformation of Pangu's charm.

However, Di Jun had not yet entered the realm of Hunyuan, and only understood the true meaning of Hunyuan. Therefore, although the sun was prominent, it was difficult to cover the brilliance of the stars.

The Taoist Xingchen nodded vaguely, and a smile appeared in his heart. This was exactly what he thought. This Hunyuan Dao was actually opened specifically for Di Jun. He knew that others could not understand it at all.

After a long time, many innate saints finally began to slowly give up the idea of ​​understanding the Hunyuan Dao. They were surprised to find that everyone present was the same, and only Di Jun could faintly comprehend a little bit...

I don’t know how long it took, but gradually, Tai Shang began to show a hint of true meaning, but he also understood the true meaning of Hunyuan. What he understood was what the Taoist Xingchen said before, that the Hunyuan person could do everything, so he understood the meaning of Hunyuan inaction, and therefore understood the true meaning of Hunyuan.

At the same time, Tongtian, who had been frowning, suddenly had a peerless domineering intention coming from his body, which was even more domineering than Taiyi. He also understood the true meaning of Hunyuan.

Unlike Taishang's inaction, what he understood was the infinite domineering sword meaning of dominating all living beings in the world and destroying all living beings with one sword.


Taiyi, who was standing aside, had a domineering intention that was even stronger than Tongtian. If Tongtian's domineering intention was to dominate all living beings in the world, then Taiyi's domineering intention was to dominate everything, the infinite time and space, all things and spirits, Taiyi dominated everything, which was the infinite domineering true meaning.

It's just that Tongtian entered the Heavenly Clear Way and Sword Way, while Taiyi entered the Bright Avenue and Domineering Way. Although they both had the intention of domineering, one was incidental and the other was the main practice.

At the same time, countless top-level innate saints realized the true meaning of Hunyuan, but they realized the true meaning of Hunyuan from the Hunyuan Avenue of Xingchen Taoist.

Although they are unable to comprehend the great Dao, they can be influenced by its aura and realize the true meaning of Hunyuan that belongs to them. These beings are undoubtedly the top ones in the prehistoric world.

Ancestor Yangmei entered the Dao from space and comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, becoming more and more ethereal. Once he comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, he relied on his special space avenue. After all, Hongjun had not yet reached the true Dao fruit realm, so he was able to walk in the prehistoric world without worrying too much about Hongjun's attack.

Ancestor Shichen entered the Dao from time and comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, becoming more and more profound and difficult to look directly at. He and Ancestor Yangmei were close friends, so they went together. The two worked together to manifest the avenue of time and space, which was not inferior to the five supreme avenues.

Ancestor Yinyang entered the Dao from Yinyang and comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan.

During these hundred years, there were innate sacred beings who comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan. From Emperor Jun to the last one, Chang Xi, a total of thirteen beings comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan.

Afterwards, the Taoist Xingchen restrained his own Dao and did not show it again. Those who could not understand the true meaning of Hunyuan were all because they did not have enough foundation and had not yet touched the true meaning of Hunyuan. Even if he showed it for another ten thousand years, it would be useless if they did not strengthen their cultivation.

These beings who had comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan saw the Taoist Xingchen restrain the Dao rhyme of Hunyuan, thanked him, and left the starry sky one after another, heading towards their own Daoist caves.

This trip of more than ten thousand innate saints, in the end, only thirteen beings who comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan were born, and three of them were among the five saints of the sun and the moon. It can be seen that the world loves them.

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