Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 120 Three powers stand side by side, the Star Domain Competition begins

In the void.

"Have you thought of a way to mend the way of heaven with your body?! As expected of you, Hongjun, you have finally taken such a step, but only two of the three pure beings have been eliminated, and the two demon kings and Taiyi have endured most of the fate. The innate saints are not here, let alone the witch clan. None of them are here. Is your luck really enough for you to be in line with the Tao..."

Ye Xuan was in the void, looking at the creatures that were constantly advancing in the wild world below.

I have to say, this is also a lot of fun.

In today's ancient world, it can be said that hundreds of flowers are blooming and hundreds of schools of thought are contending. It is no longer the ancient world where Hongjun covered the sky with one hand.

Zulong did not die, but entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self, only one step away from condensing the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo.

It also isolates the land of the Four Seas from time and space and separates it from the ancient world. Although it is in the same ancient world, it is essentially in another dimension.

This is the Hunyuan method, which transcends time and space and condenses the true self.

And in the boundless starry sky, there is an ancestor of the stars who has stepped into the realm of Hunyuan True Self. Infinite stars are added to his body, and the Tao Yun manifests out, forcibly breaking into the Zixiao Palace, and taking along more than ten thousand innate gods.

These more than ten thousand innate saints are not ordinary. Most of them are people with excellent mental strength. It can be said that, except for the Four Seas Dragon Clan, those who are born among these people in the future will definitely be the best in the world.

After all, most of the people in the world who are innately sacred and powerful in Qi gather in Zixiao Palace, and those who remain in Zixiao Palace to practice the so-called holy way will eventually limit their own development.

Neither Xingchen Ancestor nor Ancestral Dragon are people who hide their selfish interests. One hopes that all the spirits in the wild will enter the realm of Hunyuan, and the other hopes that everyone in the Dragon Clan will become Hunyuan.

It was like a three-legged situation, and this situation was developing in the direction Ye Xuan had in mind.

But now, because of the presence of the Xingchen Ancestor, there are thirteen more saints who understand the true meaning of Hunyuan. This means that after a period of time, there will be thirteen more existences in the Hunyuan realm in the world.

As more and more people reach the Hunyuan realm, it will become increasingly difficult for Hongjun to block the idea of ​​Hunyuan.

Nowadays, the reason why Hongjun is blocking the prehistoric world is because there are only a few so-called Hunyuan people, and he is the only one who has entered the Daoguo realm. If there are more and more Hunyuan people in the prehistoric world, the idea of ​​blockade will naturally be There is no way to talk about it.

But even if more and more Hunyuan people are born in the prehistoric era, and they cultivate their character according to Hongjun's methods, as long as they don't touch the interests of the vast majority of the Hunyuan people, they will probably still be able to stay at the top of the prehistoric world.

"Is this Demon Emperor Jun? This directly comprehends the true meaning of Hunyuan. From the words of Taoist Xingchen, one can comprehend the true meaning of Hunyuan. If Hongjun hadn't blocked the thoughts of Hunyuan, I'm afraid he would have realized the true meaning of Hunyuan long ago. That’s true!”

"The other three, Taishang, Taiyi, and Tongtian, are all the pinnacle beings of the new generation. They are worthy of being Sanqing and Taiyi. It's just a pity that Yuanshi has fallen into the so-called way of saints and cannot extricate themselves. In the future, the cultivation of the three of them will probably be The gap will become wider and wider.”

"The three sacred gods of Yangmei, Shichen, and Yin and Yang of the older generation are also good. They have finally understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, and they must not be far away from entering the realm of the true self of Hunyuan."

"The remaining six people, Fuxi, Nuwa, Zhen Yuanzi, Ancestor Tianji, Ancestor Five Elements, and Chang Xi, are also very good. They can be regarded as the leaders in this ancient world."

When Ye Xuan thought of this, he just allowed the prehistoric world to develop again. After all, it was already developing as he had in mind.

With a thought in his mind, Ye Xuan left the ancient world.

At this time, there are only a few days left before the Star Territory Competition. It is not too long, and it passes in a blink of an eye.

It is extremely difficult for Daxia to cultivate a group of extremely powerful players, and if they are only cultivated among the flowers in the greenhouse for a long time, it will be extremely unbearable. Therefore, this kind of star field competition will be held.

The Star Domain Competition does not tell you about being soft-hearted. Those who have reached the current level are not proud people, and who are not decisive people. Therefore, there is no such thing as a stop-and-go in the Star Domain Competition.

If you don't surrender, then all the creatures in your Kingdom of God will be slaughtered directly. If so, if you don't surrender, then the Kingdom of God will be directly destroyed for you, and the Kingdom of God that you have worked so hard for so many years will be destroyed.

The destruction of the Kingdom of God is different from the massacre of all living beings. After all living beings are dead, a new batch can be bred, but it will only take a longer time.

If the Kingdom of God is destroyed, the cultivation level of the Creation God will also completely decline. After all, everything about the Creation God depends on the existence of the Kingdom of God. If the Kingdom of God is strong, the God of Creation will be strong. If the God of Creation dies, the Kingdom of God will be destroyed. .

The two are interdependent and interdependent.

Time flew by and the day of the Star Field Competition soon came.

The Star Field Competition is not really about competing in a ring, that would be too low-level.

The scene of the star field competition is called the star field competition. There is such a ring in every star field.

As long as a contestant successfully registers, as the competition progresses and arrives, a spiritual thought can be transmitted to it as soon as the thought occurs.

Moreover, although the Star Field Arena does not look large, it is filled with infinite spaces. In theory, it can accommodate unlimited people at the same time, and every two opponents are in a separate space arena.

In other words, no matter how many people enter, they will see opponents who belong only to each other.

Here, the two kingdoms will also open up to each other, opening up many channels to connect the kingdoms of God, allowing the creatures of the kingdoms of God on both sides to enter until the winner is determined.

Under normal circumstances, most of the Creation Gods will surrender directly after the top creatures in their kingdoms of God have died, or when they are obviously going to lose. It is rare that they will really kill all the creatures in the kingdom of God.

In the Da Zhou Academy.

"Ye Xuan, it's up to you next." Ji Fa looked at Ye Xuan with a smile on his face, and trusted Ye Xuan very much.

Such a talented person, Ye Xuan is the only one since the birth of the Creation God.

Perhaps, he can step into the ninth-level Creation God that no one can step into in the legend, and become the eternal Creation God.

"Don't worry, Dean." Ye Xuan nodded and said very confidently.

Now he was only half a step away from entering the realm of the fourth-level Creation God. No matter how powerful the contestants of this session were, they would not be able to reach the realm of the fourth-level Creation God. However, his combat power could destroy fourth-level monsters. Only the fourth-level Creation God of the same level was extremely difficult to deal with. As for the others, he was already invincible.

As for the same class, there was no one who had even entered the realm of the fourth-level Creation God. Therefore, this so-called competition was Ye Xuan crushing the others from the beginning.

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