Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 121 Knockout Round, Three-legged Golden Crow

Buzz! ! !

An extremely powerful and majestic aura appeared in the minds of all the students who participated in the Star Territory Competition. The shape of a spiritual thought was that of a man. He was the principal of Dazhou College Ji, one of the five principals in charge of the Star Territory Competition. fresh.

Ji Xiannai is the principal of Dazhou College in the Chinese Star Territory and one of the five deans in charge of this Star Territory Competition. As a sixth-level creation god, he possesses all kinds of incredible magical powers. There are thousands of manifestations, appearing in the minds of countless players participating in the Star Field Competition.

Although this Star Field Competition is nominally open to all freshmen students, in reality this is not the case. Only a very small number of players who have strong confidence in their own abilities will sign up.

"The first round is the knockout round, which will eliminate those players who are not up to standard. Strictly speaking, this is not the first round. After the first round, the remaining players will compete in the real first round. "

"In the end, after continuous elimination, the top ten players from the star field will represent the star field to participate in the finals of the three thousand star field. Those who break into the top thousand will have corresponding rewards."

"The top 100 players in our star field will also receive corresponding rewards, and the top ten will have extremely generous rewards. As for what they are, we can't tell you yet, but this does not prevent the rewards for each session from It’s extremely valuable, and the next step is the knockout round.”

"I wish everyone can pass the knockout rounds and participate in the real competition!"

Ji Xian's words were left behind, and an infinite divine power emerged. I don't know where it started and where it would go. A black light pillar suddenly appeared in the world of endless contestants.

This is the light pillar that transports monsters. Each black light pillar hides a fourth-level monster and thousands of third-level monsters.

This is the knockout round, which eliminates those who are unable to cross levels and kill enemies. Creation gods who cannot cross levels and kill enemies are not considered true geniuses and will eventually be eliminated.

In Zhang Bin's mythical world.

"One fourth-level monster, ten thousand third-level monsters..."

Zhang Bin stared at this scene with a headache. If it were just ten thousand third-level monsters, he would naturally have great confidence in getting through it, but there was also a fourth-level monster in it, which would be an extremely headache.

Not all creatures can cross levels and kill enemies. After all, third-level monsters are already much more powerful than third-level gods of the Kingdom of God, let alone fourth-level monsters.

In Zhang Bin's mythical world, a huge three-legged golden crow stands in the sky.

It is the incarnation of the three-legged golden crow, a divine bird that symbolizes the sun, and one of the infinite manifestations of the Tao of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

"Three-legged Golden Crow, show your brilliance!!!"

As Zhang Bin's shout came, an infinite light was born from the Kingdom of God, and infinite divine fire fell from the sky, as if it was going to burn everything alive.

His three-legged Golden Crow is the most powerful existence in this kingdom of God. Although it is only the third level of strength, it has already reached the top of the third level and stands above all spirits.

Although there are many creatures in the third-order world in the Kingdom of God, none are as powerful as this three-legged Golden Crow.

Because this three-legged Golden Crow can kill enemies across levels. Although its strength is at the third level, its majestic cultivation and infinite laws can stack its combat power to the extreme. Killing enemies across levels is no longer a problem. Dreamland.

However, countless monsters were constantly emerging from the black light pillar.

The monsters did not all appear in an instant, but appeared slowly, one after another, as if they were deliberately giving many creatures of the Kingdom of God a chance to react.

At this time, more than a hundred third-level monsters have appeared in the mythical kingdom.

These third-level monsters did not rush to all directions, but stood in the air, quietly looking at the world in front of them, and began to size up the strength of the creatures in this world. At the same time, they were also waiting for the arrival of their allies.

"My people, wake up from your slumber! A powerful and evil existence appears again in the heavens, intending to destroy this world!"

The three-legged Golden Crow did not rush forward recklessly, but soared above the nine heavens, and its voice spread throughout the world.

Those powerful beings had already gathered towards the Nine Heavens after feeling the soaring demonic energy. However, they did not need the call of the Three-legged Golden Crow. However, there were always some beings in seclusion or sleeping.

The Three-Legged Golden Crow needs their power at this time to protect this world together, so its sound penetrates the sky and falls into the deep spring. The entire infinite world is penetrated by this sound.

Countless powerful people woke up from their slumber and realized the call of the Sun God. Rays of light rose from the sky and rushed towards the nine heavens and into the sun.

In the middle of the day.

"The world crisis is coming. In this battle, many people may die, including me. If you see me fall, don't be sad or feel uncomfortable. You must rush towards those evil existences and must destroy them once. Otherwise, this world will be destroyed together with you and me, and there will be no new life!"

The three-legged Golden Crow soared in front of many powerful beings. These powerful beings have all entered the third level. There are more than 100,000 of them. They are still gathering at this time. The number is getting larger and larger, but compared with Each of the opponent's monsters was extremely powerful, yet they seemed so weak.

The Three-Legged Golden Crow is not a real mythical creature. He is just a manifestation of Emperor Jun or Taiyi. He is not the real Emperor Jun or a clone of Taiyi in the endless time and space.

When the world improves and his strength increases to a certain level, maybe he can become the Emperor Jun in the myth, or a clone of Taiyi in infinite time and space, or one of the ten sons of Emperor Jun...

At that time, the Kingdom of Mythology will be the true Kingdom of Mythology.

"Tch! You're dead. It's too late for me to be happy, so how can I feel sad and uncomfortable!" An extremely discordant voice appeared, and many powerful people heard the voice and went to see it. It was the one who loved telling the truth the most and was the most powerful person besides the Sun God. The strongest gods of darkness kept silent, for fear of offending this great god.

If it weren't for the radiance of the Sun God shining all over the world, this world would have long been plunged into darkness.

Although the God of Darkness is not an allusion in mythology, he seems to be the strongest existence in this world besides the Sun God.

The Sun God glanced at the God of Darkness and didn't say anything else. The situation was so urgent that there was no time to say anything else. Then he said: "For the sake of the world, please join me in fighting!"

After saying that, he soared into the sky, jumped nine days away, and came to the sky. This place was desolate, and this was where those monsters settled.

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