Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 122: Fourth-level monster, great dark magic!

The Sun True Fire on the Sun God burned thoroughly at this moment. The infinite Sun True Fire seemed to burn all the darkness in the world, and turned all the monsters in front of him into nothing.

Wherever the Sun God went, monsters continued to fall. With his strength, it was not too easy to deal with these third-level monsters.

At this time, the third-level monsters around him also besieged him one after another, and gradually he became a little tired.

At this time, the 100,000 third-level creatures behind him also came.

Among these creatures, there was the light side belonging to the Sun God, and the God of Light under it was the strongest, with a powerful strength second only to the God of Darkness and the Sun God.

There were also infinite gods appearing, and countless powerful monks were fighting at this time.

The addition of these creatures of the Kingdom of Gods gave the Sun God a great relief. For a time, all the monsters were surrounded by many creatures of the Kingdom of Gods.

Just as the Sun God slaughtered the third-level monsters, the third-level monsters were also madly slaughtering the rest of the creatures of the Kingdom of Gods.

For a moment, the sky was stained with blood, and it was as if it was raining blood.

Some people were moved by the dedication of the powerful and set up a monument on the world to record it.

In this battle, countless creatures in the world died, and more than 80,000 third-level creatures died.

However, just when many creatures thought it was finally over, a more powerful and terrifying aura appeared, and countless creatures fell into panic.

Many creatures felt that the world was about to be destroyed, so they did whatever they wanted. For a moment, the number of people who died in this world was much greater than the creatures killed by the remaining monsters before.

At this time, the Sun God was leading the remaining 130,000 third-level creatures, standing on the sky, waiting for the most powerful monster to appear.

His face was solemn, and a trace of fear had already appeared in his heart.

It was an innate fear of the strong. Although it was unavoidable, he never felt fear of his own death.

Even the Sun God was like this, let alone the other third-level creatures. For a time, many third-level creatures could not contain the fear in their hearts and fled to the lower world, intending to hide.

They were not afraid of death when they came, but facing this unknown existence, they inevitably collapsed.

The Sun God just took a look and didn't say much, while the God of Light was talking madly, but those people didn't listen at all.

As for the Dark God, he was mad, and his body kept flashing, killing those powerful people who kept fleeing.

"Dare to escape, die!!!"

An extremely powerful breath appeared, shocking the remaining existence.

It's not that these powerful people can't kill the Dark God together, but they don't dare. No one dares to be the first bird, not to mention that there are 100,000 dark powerful people behind the Dark God.

These powerful people all admire the Dark God very much and respect him very much. They come here to obey the Dark God's dispatch, not the Sun God's dispatch.

And among these beings, none of them fled the battlefield.

How could one fear the unknown when in darkness? How could one be frightened by terror?

The Sun God sighed and said nothing more. He was extremely disgusted with those gods who escaped, but he did not kill them because of his usual friendship.

However, the Dark God did not have such concerns and directly killed him.

Although the Dark God was opposed to the Light God, in fact, the Dark God could crush the Light God in terms of strength and power. If there was no Sun God above the darkness and light, the Dark God would have unified this world long ago.


Finally, the fourth-level monster finally stepped out of the light column. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. If it were not for the restrictions set by Ji Xian, he would have stepped into this world long ago.

"What a delicious world! Has another year passed since the last world was destroyed!" The fourth-level monster said. It would be one year after each birth, and would be imprisoned again, waiting for the arrival of the next world. But if it died, it would really die, but if it didn't die, it could continue until death came.

He looked extremely ugly, and there was endless poisonous miasma expelled from his mouth. However, these poisonous miasma poisoned the surrounding third-level creatures of the kingdom of God.

"The sun shines, and the world is saved!!!"

The Sun God saw that the poisonous miasma had a tendency to spread, and quickly spread his wings. A sacred and inviolable holy breath appeared, eliminating all the poisonous miasma, which prevented the death of many creatures of the kingdom of God.

"Please, everyone, follow me to kill this beast!!!"

The Sun God shouted loudly, and a huge amount of energy gushed out of his body and went towards the fourth-level monster.


The fourth-level monster did not move, but just snorted coldly, and the huge energy was destroyed in an instant.

"Sun True Fire!!!"

The Sun God flapped his wings and flapped them vigorously. The Sun True Fire spread out from his wings, instantly burning the sky and turning into a raging sea of ​​fire towards the fourth-level monster.

The fourth-level monster was shocked when he saw this. This small world actually contained a creature that could use the Sun True Fire. He did not dare to take it head-on and quickly dodged.

This dodge fell into the infinite darkness. The God of Darkness contained the strongest blow in it and bombarded the body of the fourth-level monster.


The sound of a collision resounded throughout the Three Realms, causing countless creatures with great cultivation to faint, and countless ordinary people to be directly turned into nothingness by the shock force.


The Dark God suffered a backlash and spit out a large mouthful of blood, which contained the breath of darkness, but this attack caused him to be injured and difficult to repair.

And this was caused by his sneak attack.

The fourth-level monster was attacked by the Dark God, his feet were imprisoned, and his body was destroyed by his feet. In pain, he hit the Dark God, paused for a moment, and then suffered countless attacks.

"Damn it!!!"

The fourth-level monster had never encountered such a fierce battle. In the past, it was either a push or a push. Now, as a fourth-level monster, it was actually injured by these low-level creatures of the Kingdom of God. If it were spread out, it would probably be a laughing stock.

A very powerful aura of law appeared on his body, instantly clearing out more than 100,000 creatures around him, leaving only more than a thousand powerful third-level creatures alive, but also seriously injured.

"This is the fourth level!!!"

The monster shouted angrily.

"So what if it's the fourth level?! My life is in my own hands, not yours! This is the erosion of darkness, the Great Darkness Spell!!!" The God of Darkness also shouted angrily, his body burning, his soul and his body burning crazily.

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