Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 123 Killing the fourth-level monster, the immortal world

As the God of Darkness burned his soul and body, his power continued to rise, until the moment he merged into the infinite darkness, an extremely majestic dark art appeared.

Spreading over the body of the fourth-level monster, it was instantly swallowed into darkness.

The darkness continued to spread on its body, and even if the fourth-level monster tried its best, it could not stop the erosion of darkness.


The fourth-level monster shouted, and began to burn its soul. The fourth-level soul was boundless, and once it burned, it erupted with an extremely terrifying aura.

The dark erosion on his body finally slowed down and even disappeared.

The Sun God and others did not let it cast spells, but used their most powerful techniques one after another, adding a lot of scars to the body of the fourth-level monster.

Seeing this, the God of Light and the remaining gods imitated the God of Darkness and began to burn their souls and bodies.

"The place illuminated by infinite light, the Great Light Technique!!!"

A burst of white light flashed across, and the aura of the fourth-level monster continued to decline, but it was restrained by the Great Light Technique, which reduced its combat power.

"We are willing to follow the God of Darkness, sacrifice ourselves, and turn into infinite darkness. We only wish to pull this demon into infinite darkness and never recover!!!"

The remaining eight hundred subordinates of the God of Darkness sacrificed themselves to the dark avenue one by one, burning everything and blending into the darkness, hoping to completely eliminate the fourth-level monsters.

I saw that the originally fourth-level monster was pulled by this breath in an extremely strange way. The dark breath that had been annihilated came from his body again, constantly eroding his body, intending to swallow it into infinity. In the dark.

Darkness is born along with light. When the heaven and earth first opened, darkness followed them.

Nowadays, many dark great supernatural beings are offering sacrifices to the depths of the endless dark avenue. It seems that the dark avenue is stirred up in the dark, and a wisp of dark breath is dropped, corroding the fourth-level monster.


The fourth-level monster roared loudly, burning its soul again.

At this time, the three-legged golden crow of the Sun God looked up to the sky and roared loudly, and the infinite true fire of the sun appeared and covered the fourth-level monster.

Half of the fourth-level monster's body is eroded by darkness and half of its body is the true fire of the sun, as if it is infected with the meaning of the dark sun.

The fourth-level monster kept roaring and venting, but neither the darkness nor the true sun fire was destroyed by it again, but more and more.

Until this fourth-level monster turned into ashes, was swallowed up by infinite darkness, and finally died.

And this fall also announced that Zhang Bin's Mythical Kingdom had survived the knockout rounds and successfully advanced.

It’s just that today’s Kingdom of God is in devastation and its prosperity is gone.

Endless mortals all died under the shock, and countless extraordinary beings also fell into coma.

Even the top-level combatants were almost all killed in the battle. Only the Sun God at the top was still alive, but he was also seriously injured.

The gap between the fourth-level monsters and the fourth-level God of Creation began to really show. Before the fourth level, the strength of the monsters and the God of Creation were equal. They might be higher or lower, but they were roughly the same.

After the fourth level, the vast majority of monsters cannot achieve eternal certification and immortality like the Creator God. They only reach the fourth level in terms of pure strength, but their survivability has dropped by countless amounts.

Moreover, the strength of the fourth-level creation god is unified by infinite time and space, so both its strength and survivability are far beyond those of the fourth-level monsters.

However, there are also outstanding ones among the fourth-level monsters, who are still like the fourth-level creation gods. However, such monsters are extremely rare, and they will not be reduced to being captured by high-level creation gods as a test.

"Huh~ I finally got through this damn knockout round. I don't know how Gao Long's progress is..."

Zhang Bin looked at the world below and finally successfully passed the knockout round. There are rules in the knockout round and the God of Creation is not allowed to participate. Because the subsequent competitions are all for the Kingdom of God and the God of Creation cannot participate, so this knockout round It also has nothing to do with the creation gods.

Otherwise, Zhang Bin would have entered the world long ago and fought with them against the enemy.

Dahan College.

In the kingdom of mythology.

"Damn it! How can this fourth-level monster be so powerful!"

Gao Long stared at the scene below, not daring to slack off. Although he could not enter the world, he was still worried about the battle situation below.

There is a fire god sitting in his mythical kingdom.

This fire god seems to control Nanming Lihuo. Although it is not as powerful and domineering as the Sun True Fire, it is not inferior to it.

The fire domain around the fire god appeared and was fighting with the fourth-level monster.

His world is not like Zhang Bin's, with two opposites. This world is a world of fire. Creatures of infinite fire manifest themselves. Many people with great supernatural powers have understood the way of fire.

The avenue evolves in countless ways, and endless laws are nurtured within it.

The same is true for the law of fire. The infinite fire spirit launched a suicidal attack on the fourth-level monster accompanied by various flames.

After an unknown amount of time, all the creatures in the endless fire realm died. In the end, the God of Fire killed the fourth-level monsters and finally fell into a deep sleep.

The strength of this Fire Realm world is somewhat inferior to Zhang Bin's world, but it is already an extremely powerful existence that can defeat fourth-level monsters with the third-level divine kingdom.

At least when the two of them were exploring the Kui Star Region with Ye Xuan, they were powerless against the fourth-level monsters, but now they can kill them.

This is the talent that everyone has shown after entering the five major academies. Not only Ye Xuan is growing, but these people are also growing.

In the Da Zhou Academy.

The immortal world belonging to Shui Yan.

"This thief is different from ordinary people, and he is accompanied by boundless fear. We need to show the secret method given by the immortal ancestors again to survive this disaster!" The strongest immortal king who was born from a small fish in a narrow fish ditch said in the lead.

The seven immortal kings are all at the third level of cultivation at this time, which is much stronger than before.

"It's just what I want!!!"

The other six immortal kings responded one after another.

The seven immortal kings merged into one extremely powerful creature. Although they were not as powerful as the Sun God in Zhang Bin's world and the Fire God in Gao Long's world, they merged into one peerless immortal emperor, whose strength was slightly higher than that of the Sun God and the Fire God.

But they did not reach the realm of fourth-level creatures, and they were far behind in both cultivation and combat power.

A true fourth-level creature could slap a fourth-level monster into dust with a slap.


The fourth-level monster showed a strange smile on his face, and then began to show a bit of interest.

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