Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 124 Many Worlds, Primordial Ancestral Witch

The peerless immortal emperor punched out. The punch that once slashed the third level with the second level now hit the fourth level monster, but he could only repel it, not seriously injure it.

The monster laughed endlessly, and the overwhelming power pressed on the immortal emperor. When he punched out, infinite laws accompanied it and entangled it.

The peerless immortal emperor's face changed, and he felt infinite fear in an instant. Then he dodged the monster's attack.

The two began to bombard each other. Although the peerless immortal emperor was a little behind the monster, with the help of many immortal masters, he was vaguely fighting the monster.

In the end, the peerless immortal emperor paid a huge price, sacrificed himself and all the extraordinary creatures in this world, and sent out a peerless blow.

That punch cut through the sky, illuminating the four directions of the universe, with infinite power added to his body, and countless laws were contained in it. The breath of immortals was magnificent and boundless, and the mighty power was like the might of heaven.


A loud bang appeared, and all the creatures in this world were destroyed, including the fourth-level monster.

With the death of the monster, Shui Yan was finally able to enter this immortal world. The original extremely brilliant immortal civilization had disappeared, leaving only this broken world.

He was a little silent, but he was not afraid or regretful. As long as he was given enough time, he could still breed a new immortal civilization.

It was a pity that the seven immortal kings who listened to his teachings in the past did not even have their true spirits now, and they could not even be resurrected.

Da Zhou Academy.

The knight world belonging to Liu Yong.

This knight world is extremely strange.

As Liu Yong entered the third level, this world became even more strange.

The way of the knight permeated the entire world. Although there was no individual strength that could match Zhang Bin's sun god, a special breath vaguely emerged in the world. As it kept wandering, this world seemed to be not inferior to Zhang Bin's world in terms of overall strength.

"For the glory of the Knight King!!!"

The endless paladins shouted, spreading the glory of the Knight King. The endless knights seemed to be integrated at this time, although they were of different races and their strengths were uncertain.

But at this time, it seemed that the world had become a whole, and this world was like an extremely powerful knight.

Although Liu Yong was not in the knight world, he was still infecting this world with the spirit of the knight.


In the Kingdom of Science and Technology.

Endless third-level creatures were produced by factories one by one. Those factories were constantly producing third-level creatures. One planet after another was quickly drained, and more and more third-level creatures appeared.

However, although these third-level creatures can be mass-produced, the top strength cannot do it.

I saw that the fourth-level monster was constantly waving its own breath. Wherever it passed, endless third-level technological creations fell. These third-level creations could not cause much damage to it. As soon as they caused a little damage, they immediately recovered.

Gradually, more and more factories were destroyed until nearly half of the factories were destroyed.

"Hurry up and use the two-dimensional foil. This is our last resort. Reset its dimension to zero!!!"

Pieces of two-dimensional foil were thrown at the fourth-level creature as if they were free of charge, and then spaceships were constantly activated and fled at the speed of light.

Once the two-dimensional foil was used, it spread rapidly, turning the places it reached into flat worlds.

"Interesting technological world, but can I escape at the speed of light? This is too much of an underestimation of me!!!" The fourth-level monster grinned, and saw him step into the two-dimensional foil.

What shocked those fleeing beings was that this fourth-level monster was actually unscathed, without any damage at all. You know, that was already their most powerful weapon. Once the two-dimensional foil was used, even the third-level creatures could not escape from it.

But the fourth-level creature in front of him actually ignored the two-dimensional foil. A strange picture came over, and a three-dimensional creature appeared in a flat space picture.

This evil creature laughed wantonly, stepped out of the plane world, and continued to destroy this universe.

"I give up!"

Ji Zhen finally spoke, and he sighed. If he didn't give up, even if this world fought to the last moment, it would definitely lose.

After all, his world could not cause any harm to the monster at all. Even if he persisted, it would be meaningless except that he could destroy his own world.

A black light appeared, covering the fourth-level monster, and then disappeared in an instant. He was imprisoned back, and then disappeared in Ji Zhen's technological world with the black light column.

In this way, Ji Zhen also lost the possibility of being promoted to a stronger ranking.


At the beginning of the competition, in the prehistoric world.

"I want to see what tricks these monsters can come up with." Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he came to the sky above the prehistoric world, where the endless void was.

A black light column cut through the sky, just located near the Kunlun Mountains, next to Pangu Temple.

In Pangu Temple.

Pangu's eyes flashed with obsession, a bright light appeared, and he said silently in his heart: There really are other worlds. These monsters do not have any aura created by the master, not even the aura of the three thousand great gods and demons. These are low-level creations, and what kind of existence is in that world?

"Chaos is not the only one. There seems to be an existence in this world that is invisible and leading the world to operate. In the past, the Venerable was born with the mission of opening up the world, and I thought it was given by the Great Dao."

"But the Great Dao is supreme and fair, so how could it give me the mission of opening up chaos? Now it seems that there is really a supreme existence in this world."

Pangu's obsession thought silently, but he did not say these things, and he did not dare to say them. If the supreme one really existed, if he was annoyed, this world would be annihilated in an instant.

If Pangu really fell completely, no one in the prehistoric world would be able to sense this. However, Pangu did not fall completely, and Pangu's obsession could finally sense this.

"Father God, I feel an extremely evil breath, as if it is going to invade the prehistoric world." Dijiang opened his eyes, and a majestic power appeared.

"I feel it too!"

Zhu Jiuyin and the other eleven ancestors also spoke.

"That is the evil existence in the cave, just kill it." Pangu spoke slowly with determination.

Pangu finally did not mention this other world, but just called it the cave.

The so-called cave is what Ye Xuan planted in the past, and this was also his intention.

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