Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 125 The Fear of a Level 4 Monster!

The prehistoric world contains endless worlds. These worlds have profound foundations and are called cave heavens. The next ones are called blessed lands. The third one is the Great Thousand World. Under the Great Thousand World, there are the Middle Thousand World and the Small Thousand World. World, whirling world, Hengsha world and many other divisions.

A whirling world is composed of countless Hengsha worlds gathered together. After the foundation is reached, it can be called a whirling world.

Infinite whirling worlds come together, and after the foundation is reached, it can be called a small thousand world.

And so on, until the cave.

The so-called cave sky is already an extremely huge world. When this world is released, it is not inferior to any other world.

And these endless foundations are only achieved by Ye Xuan injecting an unknown amount of divine energy to achieve the current effect. At this time, the scope of the chaotic world has expanded to the size of three thousand star fields, that is, there are three thousand observable The size of the universe.

Although this extremely majestic chaotic world is only of this size, it is already different from the previous chaotic world. Today's chaotic world contains endless worlds. An ordinary sand is an eternal sand. The world, as the saying goes, there is a world within the world, is the truth.

Although it doesn't look like a very big world, the details contained within it are extremely terrifying.

When the Chaos World fully grows up, the Great Thousand World inside it will probably be even larger than the current Chaos World.

"The prehistoric world left by Father God must be protected by us, brothers, come on!"

Di Jiang gave an order, and the Twelve Ancestral Witches flashed. They did not bring the rest of the tribe with them, because they felt the aura of those monsters. Although their strength reached the third level, their auras had fallen by an unknown amount in comparison. .


Under the leadership of Space Ancestral Witch Emperor Jiang, the Twelve Ancestral Witches arrived at the black light pillar not far away in the blink of an eye.

"Is this the passage to the cave? Why is it so evil!"

Hou Tu was a little unhappy and said with a frown.


Zhu Rong didn't have so much nonsense. After shouting, infinite flames were added to his body. What he controlled was the law of fire. Wherever he passed, the infinite fire domain was born. Every flame seemed to contain infinite fire. The true meaning is ordinary and extremely terrifying.

Wherever he went, the monsters turned into ashes.

The remaining eleven ancestral witches also used their magical powers. For a time, many magical powers appeared, and the aura of infinite laws spread.

Kunlun Mountains.

"With the Twelve Ancestral Witches, we don't need to take action anymore." Fuxi said to Nuwa beside him. This extremely low-level creature has the Twelve Ancestral Witches to take action, but it doesn't need the two of them to take action again. Take action.

"Brother, continue to condense the only true self!"

Nuwa also smiled and nodded.

After saying that, the two fell into a deep sleep again.

At the same time, the same is true for Yin Yang Taoist.

At this time, after seeing the Twelve Ancestral Witches taking action, many great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world stopped their desire to take action.

In an instant, more than 10,000 monsters were slaughtered by the Twelve Ancestral Witches. The reason why it was not just a thought was because the beam of light dropped monsters one by one in order to protect the world, not instantly.

"Huh?! There is a more powerful monster! This monster is finally almost as strong as ours!" Di Jiang said with some surprise.

The previous monsters could not even pass through in front of them. After the twelve ancestral witches slaughtered the previous batch of monsters, they all killed and injured dozens or hundreds of monsters with one blow, and this still depends on which path. How many monsters are ejected from the beam of light at once?

And the strength of the monster that is about to appear is finally not much different from that of their twelve ancestral witches.

"?! What kind of world is this?! How can it be so terrifying!!" As soon as the fourth-level monster appeared, I thought it was a world that could be killed at will like before, but as soon as I stepped into it, I noticed The horror of this world made him turn around and want to escape, but the beam of light was already closed, but it was not something he could evacuate.

"How did such a lowly creature achieve the strength like us?!" Zhu Jiuyin asked with some confusion.

"I don't know, just kill it!" Zhu Rong waved his hand and struck, a pillar of fire-colored light appeared, and the law of infinite fire appeared. The fourth-level monster instantly turned to ashes and disappeared, and the black pillar of light also disappeared instantly. not see.

Although their strength is equal, their combat prowess is not the same.

Beings like them, facing those lowly creatures, can naturally be wiped out with a wave of their hands.

Just like Ye Xuan is of the third level, the third level Creation God still cannot go through a round in his hands.

"...Zhu Rong, how could you act so quickly? I haven't even asked him about his origins yet!" Zhu Jiuyin said helplessly.

Zhu Rong was stunned for a moment, then said disdainfully: "Second brother, such a lowly creature, although its strength has reached our level, is actually vulnerable. Presumably the cave where it exists is no more than this, and it will be destroyed." Went out."

Zhu Jiuyin: "..."

"Okay, let's go back!" Di Jiang said. He thought these monsters were interesting, but he didn't expect that these monsters were nothing more than that, so he went back home.

Above the void.


Ye Xuan is also a little helpless. It turns out that the creatures in the prehistoric world are already so powerful. They can destroy fourth-level monsters with a wave of their hands. You must know that they are just creatures in the Kingdom of God, and they are still third-level existences!

There are many beings like the Twelve Ancestral Witches in the prehistoric world, almost infinite in number.

Above the Golden Immortal, before reaching the Primordial Realm, countless creatures in the prehistoric world are at this level.

However, the Twelve Ancestral Witches just waved their hands, and the fourth-level monster fell.

Ye Xuan's mind moved, and he left the prehistoric world.


On this day, too many people were eliminated by the elimination round.

Among the many students who came out of Jiangnan Province in the past, only Ye Xuan, Zhang Bin, Gao Long, Shui Yan, Liu Yong, Xin Ke, Lin Lan, and Ji Bi passed the elimination round.

Among them, Ye Xuan passed the elimination round very easily, while Zhang Bin and Gao Long passed it with all their strength. Although Shui Yan, Liu Yong, Xin Ke, Lin Lan, and Ji Bi had some differences in strength, they were not very big. These people all used up their twelve points of strength to pass, and the world they made was almost destroyed before they barely passed this point.

This is because the fourth-level monsters encountered by Xin Ke, Lin Lan, and Ji Bi were weaker than the previous two. If they had encountered monsters with the same strength as Shui Yan and Liu Yong, they would probably have been eliminated like Ji Zhen.

It can only be said that luck is also a kind of strength, but those who barely passed the elimination round will most likely be eliminated in the first round of the official Star Domain Competition, unless their luck explodes again and they encounter monsters that are not much different from themselves, they can advance to the next round...

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