Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 127 Taiyi enters Hunyuan, Hongjun wants to divide the treasure

This is his great magical power, integrating part of his own luck into the luck of the demon clan to help the demon clan become stronger.

At the moment when the luck of the demon clan soared, Emperor Jun waved his hand to separate the sun and the moon, and summoned countless demon clans to step into the sun, but completely blocked the intention of blocking Hunyuan set by Hongjun. The intention of Hunyuan was revealed, and the luck of the demon clan soared again.

The expression of Xihe on the sun condensed, and he instantly understood the true meaning of Hunyuan.

Xihe bowed and said, "Thank you, brother!"

At the same time, Wangshu on the moon had also understood the true meaning of Hunyuan. The sun and the moon were originally mutually beneficial and coexisted, so they naturally joined the demon clan.

And the perfection among the perfection of more than ten thousand demon clans, ten strongest beings understood the true meaning of Hunyuan.

"Thank you, Demon King!"

Ten strongest demon clans stood up and thanked the demon king Emperor Jun.


The infinite domineering intention swept through the demon clan again, and countless demon clan members changed color instantly. The weak beings in the prehistoric world all bowed their heads and kowtowed. Except for the beings who understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, the entire demon clan was oppressed and knelt on the ground.

But Taiyi had already entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self with his brother Dijun. The domineering and supreme power of the sun was fully displayed in him, and countless creatures kowtowed and chanted Taiyi's name.

Hunyuan once proved eternal proof. At this time, both of them have transcended the endless time and space. They only need to condense the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, and then they can manifest the great power in thousands of time and space and understand everything. At that time, everyone below the Hunyuan Dao Fruit is an ant.

But even the Hunyuan True Self realm can easily destroy Daluo. This is the so-called ants below Hunyuan, but the True Self realm is a common living being in front of the Dao Fruit realm, just like an ant.

With the might of countless time and space, this is not an ordinary Hunyuan.

In Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun's eyes suddenly opened, and his heart condensed. Has someone else broken through to the Hunyuan realm? Who could it be? !

As soon as his mind moved, he knew what he was thinking.

"It turned out to be Di Jun and Tai Yi!!!" Hongjun gritted his teeth. These two people were reduced to demon kings in the endless time and space, and finally fell in the war between witches and liches. Now they have transcended time and space and reached the Hunyuan realm.

The endless future has also changed accordingly. All kinds of changes in the future may also start to change and jump from this moment. No one knows what the outcome of the war between witches and liches will be.

However, at this time, these beings who have entered the realm of Hunyuan true self still cannot peek into the various possibilities in infinite time and space.

The great trend of the prehistoric world has completely changed.

As more and more beings enter the Hunyuan realm, the idea of ​​sealing Hunyuan will become weaker and weaker. It is only a matter of time before it cannot be sealed.

"Those beings who were previously led by me into the path of saints, if they have not yet entered the realm of quasi-saints, if they enter the realm of Hunyuan in the future, won't they have countless enemies for no reason?!"

Hongjun's mind flashed, and a trace of evil thoughts arose. From the moment he was entered by Luohou, he became one with Luohou, and the two depended on each other. He had no way to erase Luohou, and Luohou had no way to erase Hongjun.

And from that moment on, the desire in Hongjun's heart was completely magnified until he entered the realm of being enemies with all living beings.

Thinking of the tens of thousands of guests in Zixiao Palace, if some of them were allowed to enter the realm of Hunyuan, I am afraid that my life in the future would be difficult, but Hongjun could not kill them all. Killing them would not be enough, and it would cause great sins, which would be disliked by the Heavenly Dao, and it would be even more difficult to integrate into the Heavenly Dao.

"A thousand years later, outside Zixiao Palace, treasures will be distributed on the treasure-dividing cliff. If you kill corpses with innate spiritual treasures, you can enter the realm of quasi-saints."

A divine thought spread throughout the prehistoric world, and countless powerful people who had previously participated in Zixiao Palace were delighted.

Except for their companion spiritual treasures, most of the innate spiritual treasures were obtained by the innate saints who were a generation ahead of them. Now they have no spiritual treasures to kill corpses.

They are reluctant to use their own companion spiritual treasures to kill corpses. If they are entrusted with them and damaged in the battle, if something goes wrong with the three corpses, it will be a catastrophe that destroys the Tao.

Companion spiritual treasures are the most suitable spiritual treasures for themselves, and the innate is compatible with them. Therefore, many innate saints also like to use companion spiritual treasures to fight against enemies, because it is difficult to break them. If they are damaged, they can also use their own Tao to repair the spiritual treasure and make it back to good, provided that the innate immortal spiritual light of the spiritual treasure is not damaged.

But it is better to be safe than sorry. How can we be careless when it comes to achieving enlightenment?

Therefore, many saints planned to find the innate spiritual treasures, then kill the corpses, and hide the spiritual treasures entrusted to the three corpses in the depths, so that they would not be used on weekdays.

However, the number of innate spiritual treasures is fixed. Most of them are transformed from the companion treasures of the gods and demons of the past. There are thousands or tens of thousands of innate spiritual treasures, and there are only one or two innate spiritual treasures.

However, after the prehistoric world experienced the rule of the three tribes, except for those spiritual treasures for doing things, most of the spiritual treasures fell into the hands of the three tribes.

Among them, the dragon tribe had the most, followed by the phoenix tribe and the unicorn tribe.

With the near extinction of the phoenix tribe and the unicorn tribe, the two treasure houses naturally could not be kept. Luohou looted the unicorn treasure house, and Hongjun looted the phoenix treasure house. Of course, there were a lot of innate saints who looted, but Luohou and Hongjun were the big ones.

After Hongjun killed Luohou, although he failed to find Luohou's treasure house, he found a lot of treasures in those treasure houses by himself.

These innate spiritual treasures and even innate treasures, if the Tao contained in them does not belong to him, it is actually difficult to exert his own strength. However, no one will dislike that he has many treasures, so Hongjun has occupied them all. Now for Let those innate saints who had already formed a deadly feud completely fall into the holy way, so he put most of them on Fenbao Cliff.

There are more than tens of thousands of spiritual treasures on Fenbao Cliff. The innate spiritual treasures that the outside world has been seeking for a long time but cannot find are now hanging on Fenbao Cliff like cabbage.

"Please also ask the teacher to give me a treasure!"

Yuanshi paused and bowed.

Among the Three Pure Ones, only the Supreme Being has the most precious treasure of merit and virtue, the Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda to protect his body, but the other two have no treasures.

Hongjun nodded, and a treasure appeared, which was the Pangu flag. This Pangu flag was previously the treasure of an ancestor, but now it is in Hongjun's hands.

"This is the Pangu flag. It is an innate treasure and should be in the hands of the Pangu authentic sect."

Upon seeing this, Yuan Shi's eyes showed great joy, and he quickly held him in his arms, and with his spiritual consciousness, he immediately bowed: "Thank you, teacher, for your love!"

At the same time, he secretly sighed in his heart, it's a pity that the eldest brother and the third brother are not here, otherwise they would definitely get the treasure given by the teacher.

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