Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 128 Hongjun bestows treasures, and the disciple becomes a quasi-saint

Yuanshi was the Pangu sect, and using the Pangu flags was a matter of course and normal.

This Pangu flag also sensed Yuan Shi's aura, and became a little cheery, no longer as lifeless as it was in Hongjun's hand.

"Please also ask the teacher to give you a valuable treasure!!!"

Zhunti's eyes turned red when he looked at it. The West does not have as many treasures as the East. Although the West has not suffered any major disasters and its spiritual veins are intact, innate spiritual treasures are extremely rare, and the two are rarely born. .

Luckily, I traveled for a long time and got a twelve-grade golden lotus to protect me.

Zhunti is even more miserable. There is only one Seven Treasures Tree, which he refined with his own body, and can sew all things in the world.

"This is one of the five sacred flags. It is called the Green Lotus Treasure Flag, but it is destined to be with you." Immortal Ancestor Hongjun pointed out with his finger, and another treasure appeared. It was an innate spiritual treasure, although it was not as good as The innate treasure Pangu Banner is so powerful, but it is also an excellent treasure.

"Thank you teacher for the gift!"

The green lotus-colored flag flew towards the arms of the Taoist leader, and then something appeared, which was like a scepter.

"This is the blessing pestle, and it is also an innate spiritual treasure. It should be yours."

"Thank you teacher for the gift!"

The blessing pestle flew towards Taoist Zhunti's arms. Although this thing was a lot worse, it was still better than nothing.

"Please also ask the teacher to give me a treasure!"

When Kunpeng and Minghe saw everyone looking at them, they became a little anxious and quickly fell to the ground and begged.

Although Ming He has no shortage of innate spiritual treasures, and is accompanied by two innate spiritual treasures, Abi and Yuantu swords, and killing people is not linked to the cause and effect, but who would despise how much he gets? !

As for the Kunpeng, in addition to being born extremely powerful, it has two forms. In the water, it is a Kun, which is black. It can swim very fast, which is rare in the water. In the sky, it is a Peng, which is golden. It can fly as fast as it can. It is rare in ancient times.

But it happened that such a powerful being did not even have a companion spiritual treasure, which made him call out for the injustice of heaven.

"This is a banana fan. You have attained enlightenment for the first cloud in the world. Since there are clouds, there will naturally be wind to follow." Patriarch Hongjun ignored the two disciples and gave a banana fan to Hongyun. Ancestor.

Ancestor Hongyun had no desire or desire, and had no intention of competing for the treasure. At this moment, he was extremely happy to get the treasure. He immediately fell to the ground and said, "Thank you, Teacher, for giving me the treasure!"

Hongjun cast his indifferent eyes on the remaining two people, and an extremely powerful aura appeared.

Those are the Four Swords of Killing Immortals, which were the treasures of Luo Hu in the past. In Luo Hu's hands, they are no less than the innate treasures.

"These are the Four Swords of Killing Immortals and their formation diagram. They were obtained by my master in the past when I killed the Demon Ancestor Luo Hu. The power contained in them is extremely powerful. You must use it well. This sword formation must be indestructible by the Four Saints. It is extremely murderous. You need to make good use of him, don't commit too many crimes." Hongjun said as if he was caring about Kunpeng.

However, Kunpeng couldn't bear to hear these words. He nodded repeatedly, knelt down quickly, and shouted thank you for the teacher's kindness.

If the Four Immortal Killing Swords were in his hands, he would be bound to cause many evils, so how could he not commit more evils?

Hongjun naturally knew this, but he didn't care. After all, it was Kunpeng himself who sought death.


When everyone heard that the Four Saints were indestructible, they all looked at Kunpeng in surprise. This sentence meant that if Kunpeng became a saint, he would be the most powerful being here.

Even the Pangu Zhengzong’s Yuanshi, who was holding the Pangu flag, was probably not as powerful as him.

"This is the red lotus of the twelfth grade of karma. It is most suitable for you and should be your treasure." Another lotus appeared, but it was the same as the innate spiritual treasure of the twelfth grade of the golden lotus. It was the green lotus of the creation of the past. A lotus platform transformed into one of the four lotus seeds.

"Thank you teacher for the gift!"

Ancestor Styx knelt on the ground and shouted.

Originally, he was extremely jealous of Kunpeng, but now that he has this treasure, he is no longer jealous of Kunpeng. Compared with the killing of the Four Swords of the Immortal, this twelfth-grade red lotus of karma is obviously more in line with his way.

These treasures were all selected by Hongjun according to their respective ways. Only the treasures that are most suitable for him are truly good treasures, otherwise even if there are too many, they will be useless.

Just like Hongjun holding the Pangu flag, he was engaged in a life-and-death struggle with Luohu, but he still chose his own accompanying treasure and the jade plate of creation that was consistent with his own way.

This is why he was willing to give these treasures to many holy beings in the ancient world.

The purpose of keeping ashes in the treasure house is to prevent the innate saints in the prehistoric era from becoming more powerful. The purpose of dividing the treasure now is also to prevent the innate saints in the prehistoric era from becoming less powerful.

Hongjun's words and deeds all have his own calculations.

He wants to lead the most top-notch beings in the ancient world astray. The more people he introduces, the higher his status will be in the future.

He boasted that in the ancient world, there was at most someone as powerful as him, and no one more powerful than him, but if it was just inferior to him, that wouldn't do.

Only becoming the most powerful through the ages is what Hongjun wants in his heart.

Once desire appears, it is extremely difficult to kill it.

After Hongjun gave the spiritual treasures that were in line with their Tao, he also gave three spiritual treasures to the six major disciples. Although these innate spiritual treasures were spiritual treasures, they were not in line with their Tao.

And this is exactly what Hongjun left for them to kill the corpse.

"Now that the spiritual treasure has been given, you should enter the realm of quasi-saints! After beheading the corpse, leave and seek opportunities in the wilderness before you can become a saint!" Hongjun's words rang out and then disappeared.

In fact, none of the six saints has become a quasi-sage. In the past hundred thousand years, they have only listened to the teachings under Hongjun, understood the true meaning of the great road, and understood the way of a saint.

Now after hearing Hongjun's words, the six people no longer hesitated and chopped off all three of their bodies.

The six saints have all reached the late stage of quasi-sage cultivation, and they are only one step away from entering the realm of saints.

"What the teacher said is indeed true. Listening to the saint's teachings first will be of great help in chopping corpses. No, the six of us have directly entered the late stage of quasi-sage cultivation!" Yuan Shi's daily serious face , after feeling that his power had increased a lot, he immediately laughed and said.

"Hahahaha! What Senior Brother said is true. Apart from our teacher, we, the Six Saints, are already the strongest in the ancient world. We should leave this place and enter the ancient world to seek opportunities to become saints!" Kunpeng was the most arrogant and got Zhu Xian With the Four Swords, he no longer puts anyone in his eyes, not even the so-called eldest brother Yuan Shi.

Yuan Shi's face changed slightly. He subconsciously disliked Kunpeng, but since he was the disciple accepted by the teacher, he had no choice but to endure it, so he said slowly: "Fifth Junior Brother, could it be that he has forgotten the boundless starry sky."

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