Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 129: Taishang Tongtian enters Hunyuan, Hongjun unites with Dao and Luohou emerges

Yuanshi didn't finish his words, after all, this was in Zixiao Palace, but just this one sentence made Kunpeng's face change greatly.

Kunpeng's face was uncertain, and then he snorted coldly and said: "So what? When we enter the realm of saints, we will stand on the top of the prehistoric world!"

"My fellow brothers and sisters, Kunpeng bids farewell!"

After saying that, his figure flashed, and he left Zixiao Palace and stepped into the boundless prehistoric world.

"My fellow brothers and sisters, I'm going back too."

Yuanshi slowly stood up and said goodbye.

Then his figure flashed and disappeared in Zixiao Palace.

The others also said goodbye and left Zixiao Palace.


Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountain.

Taishang and Tongtian were in it, and their auras kept lingering. All kinds of inexplicable meanings appeared, and the rhyme of Tao appeared. One was quiet and inaction, but if you do, you can do everything.

One is born with pride, with endless sword intent and infinite hegemony hidden in it.

Those who successfully comprehended the existence of the true meaning of Hunyuan from the Taoist Xingchen in the past all returned to the prehistoric world. In the prehistoric world, the thought of Hunyuan was locked. If someone did not comprehend the true meaning of Hunyuan, even if he knew the thought of Hunyuan before, he would forget it in an instant, just like Xihe on the sun and Wangshu on the moon.

But both of them knew that their brother and sister would soon step into the true self of Hunyuan and protect them, so they followed their brother and sister to the sun and the moon.

Now Xihe and Wangshu have also comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan.


A piece of the true meaning of Hunyuan emerged, and a touch of the true self of Hunyuan condensed, the only and supreme, the supreme meaning, was vast and mighty.


"Today, once I enter the Hunyuan realm, I will not be an immortal if I look back on the mortal world."

Taishang uttered the words, and his Wuwei Taiji Dao slowly emerged, revealing a mysterious and obscure Dao.

The so-called immortal is the immortal Dao worthy of Hongjun, that is, the Dao of the saint.

He was very fortunate to meet the Taoist Xingchen that day, which allowed him to seize the opportunity and glimpse the true Dao.


Another Hunyuan true meaning emerged, but it was Tongtian in the endless time and space, successfully condensing the only true self and stepping into the realm of Hunyuan true self.

The breakthrough of the two people's cultivation did not spread throughout the prehistoric world, but was intentionally restrained by the two in Buzhou Mountain, quietly and without a sound.

"Brother! Today, we just barely grasped our own destiny! It's just a pity for the second brother, who fell into the boundless wrong path for no reason, alas!!!" Tongtian showed infinite fighting spirit on his face, wishing he could kill to Zixiao Palace now and rescue the second brother Yuanshi.

"Don't worry, Third Brother. The Immortal Ancestor has already achieved the highest realm, and his cultivation is far superior to that of Fellow Daoist Xingchen. On that day, Fellow Daoist Xingchen was still somewhat inferior to the Immortal Ancestor, but the two of us could not fight him. When he enters a higher realm in the future, we will go to settle accounts with Hongjun!" Taishang knew Tongtian's intention and persuaded him.

He had always wanted to rescue Yuanshi, but he was unable to do so due to his strength.

If he went there now, not only would he not be able to rescue Yuanshi, but he might even arouse Hongjun's hatred, and it was very likely that Yuanshi would be killed.


In Zixiao Palace.

Many treasures on the Treasure Dividing Cliff were taken away by tens of thousands of innate saints, and even the Treasure Dividing Cliff was taken away without any spiritual treasures left.

Countless innate saints turned to kill one of the three corpses and entered the realm of quasi-saints one after another.

Hongjun's face lit up, and he murmured to himself in ecstasy: "Finally I have stepped into my immortal path and into the holy path! I have been compensated by the luck and should be in harmony with the way of heaven!!!"

"There are fifty great ways, and forty-nine are derived from heaven. The way of heaven is incomplete. Today, I, Hongjun, will use my body to complete the way of heaven and benefit all living things in the world. From now on, the way of heaven is Hongjun, but Hongjun is not the way of heaven!"

This sentence spread throughout the prehistoric world, and no one did not know it. Many innate saints also understood it and praised Hongjun's great perseverance. They risked themselves for the sake of the prehistoric people, so they recited the name of the Taoist ancestor.


With the arrival of a loud shout, a boundless sense of heaven appeared in the sky, and an indescribable sense of oppression seemed to appear in the hearts of all the prehistoric people.


An extremely rampant smile appeared, but Luohou, who was suppressed by Hongjun before, appeared again. He laughed wildly with an extremely weird smile.

Hongjun's face suddenly changed, and he shouted: "Luohu! Go back!"

A series of Dao rhymes appeared, and the Great Dao of Immortality appeared behind him, trying to suppress Luohu completely.

But Luohu's body was not abnormal at all. He only showed a hint of amusement on his face, and said with a smile: "Hongjun, Hongjun! As the saying goes, the higher the Dao, the higher the devil. This is the truth. I have taken half of the Dao fruit, so your half is mine!!!"


As Luohu laughed, endless demonic thoughts emerged, and the Heavenly Dao that originally belonged to Hongjun was taken away by half again!!!


Hongjun looked like a madman, and could no longer tolerate Luohu's behavior, and the fire of anger continued to rise.

Then a clear light flashed in his eyes, and he instantly suppressed all his evil thoughts and anger.

"Tsk tsk, what a pity! If it's a little later, your body will be mine, hahahaha!!!" Luo Hou said sarcastically with a smile on his face.


The infinite primordial true meaning fell, and the half of the Dao fruit was sealed again, and Luo Hou's figure gradually disappeared.

"How long can you stop me? Hahahaha!!!"

Luo Hou laughed wildly in the last moment of time when he disappeared.

After Luo Hou disappeared, Hong Jun's face turned extremely livid. He was in the Heavenly Dao, looking at all things in the prehistoric world. Everything in the prehistoric world was in his eyes at this time. He could know the things in the prehistoric world with a thought.

Although the Heavenly Dao was only half, it also made up a lot of Dao fruits for Hong Jun, making his cultivation stronger. Although he could not kill the Hunyuan True Self instantly, it was far from an existence that the Hunyuan True Self could resist.

However, if the Hunyuan True Self could not be killed, even if it was suppressed, it would be useless. The Hunyuan, even if suppressed, would appear anytime and anywhere, which means that it could not be completely suppressed, and his cultivation would continue to rise.

Just like Luo Hou, Hong Jun had sealed it early, but he could not completely seal it. Luo Hou could still appear from time to time, and even robbed him of half of his hard work.

In other words, if Luohou never leaves his Dao fruit, he will probably be absorbed by Luohou half of his plans.

At this time, Yuanshi also returned to Buzhou Mountain.

“Big brother, third brother, I’m back!” Yuanshi said with joy.

Although he went astray, he felt that it was his big brother and third brother who went astray.

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