Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 130 Yuanshi is filled with regret, Tongtian wants to fight Hongjun

Yuanshi's cultivation level has skyrocketed, and his strength has increased by many times. He came back today because he hadn't seen each other for a long time, and he also wanted to show his strength so that Taishang and Tongtian could practice the way of the saint with him.

The so-called way of the saint is the real way in the prehistoric world.

If there are other realms above the Daluo Jinxian, why haven't we seen anyone enter that realm in the prehistoric world for so many years, and why haven't we seen anyone enter that realm!

As for the Taoist of Stars, he has been regarded as a saint by many saints. It is just as Hongjun said. There are nine saints in the world. In addition to Hongjun, there are eight others, and his disciples account for six of them. With the addition of a primordial purple qi, he can become a saint, and with the Taoist of Stars, there are exactly nine saints.

Therefore, Yuanshi is very much in agreement with the way of the saint.

"Second brother (Second brother)."

Taishang and Tongtian were overjoyed. Yuanshi was back. Their efforts paid off. However, they no longer needed to go to Zixiao Palace to snatch Yuanshi.

In this way, they only needed to pin Yuanshi down in Buzhou Mountain.

They didn't provoke Hongjun, and Hongjun wouldn't provoke them either. After all, the two Hunyuan True Self realms were really difficult to deal with.

Hongjun's top priority was to fully manifest the remaining Dao fruit in the heavenly Dao, not to kill or chop anyone.

If he fought with Taishang and Tongtian, I don't know how many more variables would appear.

"Big brother, third brother, you see my realm has already broken through to the realm of quasi-saints. Now, except for my teacher and that saint, I am the strongest in the prehistoric world!" Yuanshi didn't say much else. He directly told his own cultivation and looked at Taishang and Tongtian with a happy face.

The two hadn't noticed before, and just now they saw Yuanshi was very happy. Now that Yuanshi said this, the two looked over and their faces suddenly changed.

"Second brother, how can you be so reckless!!!" Taishang sighed and said quickly.

They also knew that Hongjun was in harmony with the way of heaven, but they didn't take it too seriously. Hongjun was obviously in the state of Taoism. All the previous plans flashed through their minds. They understood everything in an instant and knew why Hongjun was like this.

Just like the state of Hunyuan, all kinds of magic are indescribable.

Yuanshi was stunned when he heard the words, frowned, and asked: "Why do you say that, brother?!"

Before Taishang could reply, Tongtian on the side could no longer bear it, and his cultivation was so strong that it broke out completely.

"Hongjun thief, how dare you harm my second brother like this!!!" Tongtian's green hair fluttered without wind, and the infinite sword intent was unsheathed, but he could no longer bear such humiliation.

The three of them were transformed from Pangu's original spirit, and they were the authentic Pangu. The three brothers supported each other all the way. Although there were some minor frictions, they were still real brothers and close relatives.

Seeing his second brother being killed like this, Tongtian couldn't stand it. He immediately drew the Qingping sword in his hand like a sword out of its sheath, and an endless fighting spirit rose in his heart.

"Hongjun!!! Come and fight!!!"

Tongtian's angry voice resounded throughout the Kunlun Mountains, and even in the infinite wilderness, countless creatures heard this shout.

It was this shout that changed the faces of countless innate saints who heard this. Tongtian rebelled against Zixiao Palace and should have lost the opportunity to become a saint, but why was this power no less than that of the Xingchen Taoist in the past.

Could it be that Tongtian also became a saint? ! !

But Tongtian obviously didn't have a saint position! ! !

But Tongtian followed the Taoist Xingchen out of Zixiao Palace. Could it be...

All of a sudden, those innate saints also reacted instantly. What the Taoist Xingchen said was true, and the realm of saints was just a delusion! !

The real avenue is just as the Taoist Xingchen said! Now Tongtian has entered that realm, and they actually cut themselves with a knife and entered the so-called quasi-saint realm! ! !

For a moment, those innate saints all roared in their hearts, but they did not dare to speak out loud, but instead cursed with the immortal ancestors.

Then, one by one, they went to the depths of the infinite starry sky.

In Buzhou Mountain.

"Big... Big brother, why did the third brother become so powerful?!!" Yuanshi was horrified and asked hurriedly.

The extremely strong power shocked him so much that he could not move. You know, he had just entered the late stage of quasi-saint, and he was only one step away from the strongest saint! ! !

"This is the realm of Hunyuan, which is above Daluo, the realm of the real Dao. In the past, Hongjun and Luohou fought, and Luohou also entered this realm. After the battle, Hongjun blocked the thoughts of Hunyuan of all living beings with the meaning of supreme Hunyuan."

"Only those who understand the true meaning of Hunyuan can feel it, and then condense a little true self in the thousands of time and space, so as to enter the real realm of Hunyuan."

Taishang explained that he did not stop Tongtian this time, because Tongtian was already furious. If he did not let him stretch out, with Tongtian's way, I am afraid that there will be a gap that will be difficult to cross in the future.

He could only let Tongtian do it. Anyway, he has become a Hunyuan realm, but it is extremely difficult to die.

And for this Yuanshi who has already cut himself, he is also a little at a loss.

Hunyuan can do everything, but it is also extremely difficult to complete for those who are not perfect in the Dao body.

After all, he cut himself with a sword. Cutting the three corpses was actually cutting off his own Taoist body, so that it could stimulate stronger potential and possess greater strength.

It's like stabbing a horse in the butt with a sword. The horse's speed surges due to the pain, but after that, it will eventually run out of energy, that is, it will reach the end of its potential.

If the Tao body is damaged, it can still take hundreds of millions of years to repair it, but if the Tao body cuts itself off, it will not be able to be unified.

In other words, these innate saints who cut themselves off are all useless.

Yuanshi suddenly felt ashen, his face was extremely pale, and he could not speak.

He actually ruined his own avenue with one hand...

"Alas! Second brother... Third brother and I have just stepped into it, and we know that you killed yourself, but it was the two of us who harmed you!" The Supreme Being sighed, if they had been tougher, they would have taken Yuan Shi away. That's good.

It's just that Yuanshi was bewitched by him and refused to leave until his death. Instead, he blamed Taishang and Tongtian for not knowing the way.

Yuan Shi's face was extremely ugly. He opened his mouth, closed it again, and then opened his mouth again and sighed: "Alas! How can I blame the eldest brother and the third brother for this? This is my own fault!"

"Fortunately, the eldest brother and third brother were not dragged into the water in the past. The damage today is nothing more than Yuan Shi himself!" Yuan Shi said with a smile on his face.

The Supreme Being looked very distressed and said immediately: "Don't worry, second brother, third brother and I will definitely find a new path for you in the future!"

Yuan Shi shook his head and said: "Brother, when you step into the realm of Hunyuan, how can you not know the realm of Hunyuan? How can I step into the realm of Hunyuan with my broken body now! Alas! It's a pity that I have been in the wrong relationship with the Dao all my life. !”

Seeing this, the Supreme Being just sighed and said nothing more.

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