Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 131: Tongtian Taishang fights Hongjun, and the two emperors of Da Ri save Erqing

Heavenly Dao important place.

"Tongtian? Hunyuan? You can't wait to seek revenge on me as soon as you enter Hunyuan?!"

"Hahaha! It's a pity that one of the Three Pure Ones has been abolished!!!"

Hongjun showed a smile on his face. The so-called Pangu Three Pure Ones are no longer called the Three Pure Ones, because as time goes by, Yuanshi will be left far behind by Tongtian and Taishang.

As the mastermind behind all this, Hongjun is very satisfied at this moment. This is the effect he wants.

"If you want to fight, then fight! Let all the people in the prehistoric world know who is the real strongest!!!"

Hongjun's figure flashed and appeared in the sky.

Tongtian was full of anger, holding the Qingping sword, and angrily shouted: "Hongjun thief! How dare you harm my second brother! Block the great way of all the people in the prehistoric world, today, you should be killed!!!"

After that, a surge of fighting spirit appeared, the Hunyuan Dao rhyme appeared, and the infinite sword intent merged into the Qingping sword in his hand, causing the world to be shocked.

This is Hunyuan, my will is the will of heaven, my life is the destiny of heaven!

"Kill me? Hahahaha!!! I have existed since the beginning of the prehistoric world, and I have survived the disasters of fierce beasts and dragons and phoenixes. I have killed the demon ancestor Luohou and entered the realm of Hunyuan Dao fruit. Now I am in harmony with the way of heaven and hold the power of the way of heaven. How dare someone say that he wants to kill me?!" Hongjun laughed wildly as if he had heard a joke.

Tongtian did not say much, and stabbed out with a sword. The infinite sword intent penetrated the prehistoric space. Wherever it passed, the space was shattered and time was annihilated and stopped flowing.

It seemed that just this sword could kill all the creatures in the world.

This scene shocked many saints who were paying attention to this place. I don't know how many saints were casting their thoughts here at this time, watching the battle between the two strongest Hunyuan realms.

One is Tongtian, one of the Pangu Sanqing who entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self in the new generation, and the other is Hongjun who has lived forever and is in harmony with the way of heaven.


Hongjun uttered the word, and the immortal wheel, the treasure of the immortal way behind him, emerged. A stream of immortal aura emerged from it, and a sense of great righteousness came out from it, heading towards Tongtian.

Boom! ! !

When the infinite sword intent collided with the immortal aura, a stream of clear air emerged. That was the avenue that Tongtian cultivated, called the Cangqiong avenue, which was comprehended from the pure air of the sky.

But the most profound cultivation was the sword way. Tongtian was the one who walked the farthest and deepest in the sword way in the prehistoric world, and even the Taoist of Xingchen could not compare to him.

These innate sacred beings, in addition to the avenue that they cultivated, also cultivated many other avenues. This is a very normal thing, but compared to the avenue that they cultivated, they still went the farthest and deepest.

When Hongjun raised his hand, another infinite Dao rhyme appeared, and the power of the heavenly way appeared.

With a flip of his hand, he completely dissolved the sword intent of Tongtian, and then he turned his hand over, wanting to suppress Tongtian here.

"Taiji gives birth to two yin and yang!"

A loud shout appeared, and a quiet and inaction aura emerged. When the Taishang Daoyun was displayed, the power of the Heavenly Dao was completely dissolved.

It was the Dao of Taiji. The Dao of Taiji is the Dao of heaven and earth, and it can naturally dissolve the power of the Heavenly Dao.


"Taishang has also entered the realm of Hunyuan!!!"

The faces of all the sacred beings watching the battle changed drastically. They, who have not yet comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, are staying in the depths of the starry sky. They dare not enter the prehistoric world, otherwise they will forget the idea of ​​Hunyuan in an instant.

When Hongjun saw another Hunyuan in front of him, he was not afraid, but smiled and said: "It is worthy of being Pangu Sanqing, but it is a pity that there will be only two Qing in the future!"

Things have developed to this point. He knows that he can no longer hide it from the prehistoric people, but his goal has also been partially completed. He no longer hides it and speaks directly.

When these words came out, the faces of the prehistoric saints changed again. They all thought of Yuanshi who was staying in Zixiao Palace. They couldn't help but sigh and feel fortunate in their hearts. The sigh was for Yuanshi, and the relief was for themselves.

"Looking for death!!!"

Tongtian was furious again when he heard this. Even if he was defeated, he would definitely vent this anger.

At this time, Yuanshi was in Buzhou Mountain, but he had no worries. He turned around and went towards Hongjun.

"Ridiculous! Hunyuan is not the final state, and Hunyuan also has different levels of realm!" Hongjun sneered, and a Dao fruit appeared in the world. However, there was only half of the Dao fruit, not a whole one, which was very strange.

But even this half of the Dao fruit, the Dao rhyme contained in it is far beyond the Dao rhyme manifested by Tongtian and Taishang.

Hongjun's eyes showed a disdainful look, and he pointed with one hand. In the prehistoric world, the thousands of Daos vibrated, and the auras of immortals turned into supreme immortals and went towards Tongtian.

Hongjun snorted coldly, and a powerful and boundless immortal road pressed towards Taishang.

"Fight, fight, fight!!!" Tongtian kept waving the Qingping sword in his hand. Although the immortal was extremely powerful, he was still defeated by Tongtian in the end and was killed by him.

However, the immortal was transformed by Hongjun's Dao fruit and Dao rhyme. As soon as he fell, another immortal was born and entangled Tongtian tightly.

Hongjun and Taishang continued to clash on the side. Although Taiji Dao was powerful, it was ultimately no match for Hongjun's immortal Dao.

The Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda was above Taishang's head, and the Xuanhuang Qi descended, covering him.

As for Hongjun, the wheel of immortality appeared behind his head, and golden light flashed out. His whole body was filled with Dao rhyme. With the blessing of the Jade Disc of Creation, the immortal way and the way of creation were intertwined and entangled with each other, endlessly, and came towards Taishang.

Taishang was not afraid at all, his face was normal, and he slapped out with one palm, dissolving all the breath shot by Hongjun.

However, Hongjun was an existence that entered the realm of Dao Fruit after all, and then he was in harmony with the Heavenly Dao. Under his full strength, Taishang gradually became a little weak.

"Today, I will let you understand what the Hunyuan Dao Fruit is!!!"

As soon as Hongjun finished speaking, the half Dao Fruit suddenly bloomed with infinite immortal light.

Boom! ! !

"Taishang, Tongtian, you should suppress it for billions of years!!!"

Hongjun's cold words came out, carrying the great way of the supreme immortal, and under the blessing of the Heavenly Dao and Dao Fruit, it became extremely powerful.

At this moment, Taishang and Tongtian, who were both Hunyuan, looked so weak in his eyes, as if they could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

The Great Dao of Immortality pressed down on Taishang and Tongtian. No matter how they tried, they could not escape this disaster. Slowly, their figures became more and more transparent, as if they were really going to be suppressed by Hongjun.

"Hongjun!!! It's time to stop!!!"

An infinite power appeared, coming from the nine heavens, with supreme majesty on his body, and infinite power seemed to annihilate everything.

Another extremely domineering momentum appeared, suppressing the divine thoughts of the saints who were spying on this place from all around.

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