Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 132 Taiyi rebukes Hongjun and discusses the Dao in the sun

Hongjun's face changed drastically when he heard this. He quickly put away the Dao fruit and the infinite immortal path, and looked up at the nine heavens with vigilance.

I saw Dijun, wearing a three-legged golden crow imperial robe, standing in the sun above the nine heavens, looking down at everything in the world.

That extremely majestic momentum was exactly what he released. Although the emperor had a broad and boundless mind, he also had the wrath of thunder and the power of the king.

Next to Dijun was Taiyi, who was in charge of the sun's dominance. He just stood there, and he had infinite deterrence, making many sacred things around him feel fear.

A round of mighty sun appeared behind the two of them. It was the manifestation of the sun, with the great power to illuminate and deter everything in the world.

For the Three Pure Ones, Dijun and Taiyi did not have much friendship with them, but for Hongjun, the two had an endless feud with them.

Although it was only a little short of successfully blocking their avenues and not really blocking them, the intention to block people's avenues was already an endless feud.

No matter who it is today, as long as they are hostile to Hongjun in the prehistoric world, the two brothers will help them.

"Di Jun, Taiyi! What does this have to do with you?!" Hongjun was quite afraid of Di Jun. He could feel a strong breath from Di Jun's body, which was far stronger than Taiyi, Tongtian, and Taishang, and seemed to be stronger than Xingchen Taoist!

But Di Jun had just entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self not long ago, why was it like this, Hongjun didn't know, but he was also quite afraid.

"Since you blocked the thought of Hunyuan, it has something to do with my two brothers!" Di Jun's cold words came out, his eyes staring at Hongjun coldly. If it weren't for his insufficient cultivation at this moment, Hongjun would have fallen a long time ago.

Although he is the light of the sun, he saves the world and illuminates the heavens. He is a natural emperor of heaven with a very broad mind, but he doesn't have a good face for the enemies who block his way.

"Get lost!" Taiyi didn't say much, just one word, his extremely cold eyes revealed a ruthless look.

He was born with the ruthlessness and tyranny of the sun, and he still didn't look good when facing Hongjun.

The Chaos Bell, the treasure that accompanied him, floated unsteadily, and the domineering Dao rhyme appeared, as if he could confront Hongjun at any time.

When had Hongjun ever suffered such a great humiliation? His face was uncertain, and his eyes were fixed on Taiyi. He thought to himself that if he had known the humiliation today, he would have kept Taiyi in Zixiao Palace no matter what!

But the four Hunyuan in front of him were no longer something he could deal with. He snorted coldly and disappeared.

"Thank you, fellow Taoists Dijun and Taiyi, for helping us!" Taishang and Tongtian hurriedly performed a Taoist salute and thanked them.

Di Jun returned the greeting and said, "We are all transformed by the Father God, so we should help each other. How can we bear to see Hongjun persecuting you two Daoists now!"

Although Taiyi did not say much, he also returned the greeting.


Taishang showed a hint of appreciation in his eyes, and he obviously admired Di Jun very much.

Tongtian said apologetically, "Brother, it's all my fault that I was impulsive and almost hurt you. Fortunately, Daoist Di Jun and Daoist Taiyi showed up, otherwise I'm afraid..."

Before Tongtian finished speaking, Taishang stretched out his hand to stop him and said, "You and I are brothers, we depend on each other, no need to say more."

"You two Daoists, why don't you follow me to the Sun and discuss the Dao?" Di Jun said with a smile, and he could feel the tolerance and warmth of the Sun from his face.


Neither Taishang nor Tongtian were hypocritical people, so they nodded and said.

In the Sun

"Daoyou Dijun is truly peerless! Such a bearing is truly extraordinary!" Tongtian could not help but exclaim as several people sat on the futon.

"Of course, my elder brother is peerless, and he will surely become the peerless emperor of the ancient and modern times!" Taiyi, who was standing aside, said proudly after hearing Tongtian's words.

Taiyi, who was always taciturn, could not help but speak out when Tongtian praised Dijun.

This surprised Tongtian and he said, "I have never seen Daoyou Taiyi speak so many words!"

"Hahahaha, my second brother is born with such a temperament, I hope you two Daoists don't worry about it!" Dijun laughed and explained.

"No problem, no problem!" Taishang also smiled and shook his head.

All of them were transformed by Pangu, and Dijun's temperament and mind were so broad, so Taishang and Tongtian were also very appreciative.

"The demon race is really extraordinary!"

Tongtian, who was standing aside, saw the demon race gathered around to practice in the sun and exclaimed.

Among these demons, all of them have the same cultivation as before, and ten of them have also realized the true meaning of Hunyuan. It is unknown when they can enter the realm of Hunyuan true self.

This time may be long or short, depending on personal ability and opportunity.

"Haha! Daoist friend, you are too kind! Compared with the Kaitian Dragon Clan, it is much worse!" Di Jun said modestly.

Although he did not know what kind of power the dragon clan is now, he knew that after the end of the dragon clan war, so much time had passed. The power of the dragon clan must have expanded wildly, but it was isolated from the four seas by the ancestor dragon and could not communicate with the prehistoric world.

The four seas dragon clan did not leave the prehistoric world, but it was not the result of Hongjun leading many innate saints to gather in the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, but because of the order of the ancestor dragon.

Only by cultivating Hunyuan and proving a deeper realm can one reach the great way. The so-called dynasty hegemony is nothing but empty in the end.

"The dragon race is the strongest race that has existed since the beginning of the world. The demon race of Daoyou is just a newborn. Now there is such a scene, and it is still unknown whether it will catch up with the dragon race in the future." Taishang nodded repeatedly while watching from the side.

The ten demons have already understood the true meaning of Hunyuan. With the addition of Dijun and Taiyi's sister Xihe, there will be eleven more Hunyuan beings.

Although it is unknown when the ten demons will be able to enter it, they can be regarded as half a step into the Hunyuan true self.

Understanding the true meaning of Hunyuan is only the qualification to enter the realm of Hunyuan true self, but in fact, not every enlightened being can enter it.

But in today's world, there is no difference between understanding and about to enter. Everyone has a good foundation and can naturally enter it.

"Discuss the Tao?"

Suddenly, Dijun asked.

"Discuss the Tao." Taishang nodded.

"Discuss the Tao!" Tongtian nodded.

Taiyi was speechless, but he just showed his own Dao rhythm. A huge sun appeared from behind him. In the sun, a three-legged golden crow flew up. The three-legged golden crow held a small bell in its mouth, and it exuded an infinite domineering aura.

The sun seemed to want to destroy all the disobedient people in the world. It was unparalleled in power, and the ruthlessness of the sun was revealed without a doubt.

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