Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 133: Rahu appears and confuses Yuanshi

After Tongtian saw it, he also quickly manifested his own Dao Yun. An infinite sword intent rose into the sky and shot directly into the sky. The infinite Dao Yun evolved. In the sky, there was a blue sword standing on it. It is so majestic and sharp that even the sky cannot hide its brilliance.

And there is another Taoist in green standing between heaven and earth, with his back to the people. Although he is not sharp, he seems to be more powerful than the sword that reaches the sky.

Taishang Daoyun appeared. In the sky, a solitary boat floated on it. Although there was no water in the sky, it could still be crossed out of thin air. An old man in white Taoist robes sat on the solitary boat with a boat on his lap. A crutch, patrolling the sky, and a pagoda following behind.

A great sun appeared from behind Emperor Jun, just like the Taiyi, a three-legged golden crow soared up and down, with infinite power and mighty light illuminating everything in the world, making the darkness in the heavens disappear and evil not invading.

The three-legged Golden Crow has two legs holding an innate spiritual treasure respectively. One is a book and the other is a picture. It is a beautiful scene of a fairy scroll.

Infinite Taoist rhyme emerged from the four people, constantly colliding, and then constantly comprehending each other's Tao.

They don't want to learn each other's ways, but they want to turn others' ways into their own.

The four beings who have entered the realm of Hunyuan are discussing the Tao, while those who have realized the true meaning of Hunyuan are in retreat, trying to condense the only true self from the endless wilderness.

As for those monsters who have not yet understood the true meaning of Hunyuan, although they want to understand it in their hearts, they are unable to understand it at all.

Kunlun Mountains, Buzhou Mountains.

Yuanshi stood on the top of Buzhou Mountain, looking at the world from a distance, with ups and downs in his heart. He felt that before he could reach the truly wonderful moment in his life, he fell into boundless darkness, as if he could see the end of his life at a glance.

"Eldest brother...third brother..."

Yuanshi murmured to himself, obviously they are the three pure beings, one body and the same origin, why have they become like this now? Both Taishang and Tongtian have entered the supreme realm, but he, only he is still there Be proud of this bullshit quasi-sage who kills himself!

But now I think about it again, what a shame this is! It is simply a shame among shames!

Suddenly, an unprecedented emotion burst out.

He began to hate, began to dislike, and began to be jealous. Why was he the one who entered such a situation? Why was he the only one in the Three Purities to fall into this situation!

Once a little evil thought arises, it will be difficult to enter the fairyland.

"I have a way to allow you to enter the great avenue from the realm of quasi-sage..."

A demonic thought appeared, bewitching Yuanshi.

Yuan Shi's expression changed and he said in horror: "Who are you?!"

"I came from ancient times and planned a war between three clans. Later I fought with Hongjun. Although I lost a little bit, I also obtained half of Hongjun's Taoist fruits. My name is Luohu, and everyone in the world calls me the Demon Ancestor!"

When Luohu was in the Zixiao Palace that day, when Hongjun was preaching, he selected three of the six disciples who sat down to have a wisp of evil thoughts planted in their hearts. Hongjun never knew about all this. Even the three of them themselves don't know.

Among these three people, Yuan Shi was among them.

Luo Hu will take away half of everything Hongjun has, including his disciples.

Although Yuanshi is a Pangu sect, his character determines that he is likely to be seduced by him into the evil way.

Now, the time has come.

"Demon Ancestor!" Yuanshi's pupils shrank sharply, and he was extremely shocked in his heart.

"Didn't you fall?!"

According to rumors, the Demon Ancestor Luohu fell at the hands of the Immortal Ancestor Hongjun. Hongjun eliminated this scourge for all living beings in the world and prevented them from suffering the pain of war again.

In fact, it is a battle between the two great ways, in which the immortal way wins and the demonic way loses.

The words of Luo Hu back then are still in Yuan Shi’s mind. Luo Hu said that Tao creates demons and exists, Tao rises and demons disappear, Tao falls and demons arise, one after another, the two coexist.

"I have fallen, but I also said that I will come back in the future, hahahaha!" Luo Huan's demon thought laughed arrogantly.

Although he has fallen, he has not truly fallen. He is parasitic in Hongjun's body, but he cannot control Hongjun, and Hongjun cannot expel him from his body.

Now that Yuan Shi saw Luo Hu looking like this, he had already guessed most of it. No wonder Hongjun, the thief, needed to be in the way of heaven. Maybe his path went astray and he was tricked by the Demon Ancestor in front of him.

And since Demon Ancestor Luo Hu can still appear in his heart, it means that Shenhe Tiandao cannot completely complete Hongjun's Dao Fruit, or it can be said that Shenhe Tiandao has also been messed up by the Demon Ancestor in front of him.

When he thought of this, Yuan Shi was even more horrified.

"Do you mean what you said?" Yuan Shi said dubiously.

If others said this to him, he would definitely not believe it, but as a Demon Ancestor on the same level as the Immortal Ancestor, he would believe it.

The most important thing is that the Demon Ancestor's achievements are so brilliant that even the existence of the Immortal Ancestor has been overshadowed by him. If it were not for the existence of Luo Hu, I am afraid that today's prehistoric era would really have become the so-called saint prehistoric. Hongjun covered the sky with one hand.

However, now, although almost everyone knows that there is a realm above Daluo Jinxian, many monks in the Hunyuan realm still don't know.

"That's natural! Besides, do you have any other choice now besides believing in me? Hahahaha!!!" Demon Ancestor Luohu laughed crazily, and a little demonic thought manifested from the bottom of Yuanshi's heart.

A black figure appeared, and infinite demonic thoughts turned into the body of Rahu.

Yuanshi's pupils shrank. This was the first time he met Luohou face to face. It was just a demonic thought, and the extremely terrifying aura contained in it enveloped him, making it difficult to escape.

He had previously used his divine thoughts to spy on the battle between the Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor. He naturally knew Luohou, but although Luohou was in his prime at that time, the power and terror he exuded were completely different from now.

He knew that Luohou must have entered a higher realm, and that realm was a realm that he would never be able to enter in his lifetime.

"What should I do to get the teachings of the Demon Ancestor!" Yuanshi said immediately without any hesitation.

It can be said that only the Demon Ancestor or the Immortal Ancestor could do this in this world. After all, even his eldest brother couldn't do it, which meant that it was no longer something that could be solved by someone who had condensed the Hunyuan True Self.

He knew that the Demon Ancestor Luohou might be deceiving him and using him, but he had no power or possibility to refuse.

If I hear the truth in the morning, I will die in the evening. This sentence has never been just a saying.

Countless beings want to achieve the great way, and these innate sacred beings are also like this. From the beginning of their birth, they were born to seek the truth.

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