Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 134 Yuanshi falls into the devil's way, the demon clan wants to move

"It's very simple. Become my disciple and become my disciple, and you can enter the realm of Hunyuan just like your elder brothers!" Demon Ancestor Luohu said with a smile on his face, that smile was so full of joy. The charm in those words is something that no living being can refuse.

In the past, the reason why the Sanqing Dynasty was willing to worship under Hongjun's sect was to seek the mysteries of the great road. Now Luo Hu asked Yuan Shi to worship under the demon sect, but Yuan Shi did not hesitate for a moment.

I saw Yuanshi immediately leaning down and bowing: "Disciple Yuanshi, pay your respects to the teacher!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Demon Ancestor Luohu laughed wantonly, and waves of demonic aura rose into the sky, flooding the sacred Buzhou Mountain with demonic aura.

However, under Luo Hu's great magical power, no one except Yuan Shi could see the demonic energy above Buzhou Mountain, so the saints in the entire Kunlun Mountains did not notice any different phenomena.

"All living beings should worship me, respect me, and those who worship into the Demon Gate can enter the realm of Hunyuan!" Luo Hu pointed out, and a demonic thought entered the center of Yuanshi's eyebrows again. That demonic thought contained what should be done. Ability to repair one's own flaws and enter the realm of Hunyuan.

When Yuanshi got this evil thought, he treated it like a treasure as if he had obtained the supreme scripture. He was overjoyed and worshiped quickly: "Disciple Yuanshi, thank you very much for your love, teacher!"

As for the so-called Hongjun, he had long forgotten about it. Now he only had endless resentment for Hongjun in his heart. If he reached the level of cultivation, Hongjun would die in his hands.

The culprit who caused him to fall into such a situation was Hongjun. How could he forget this, so in his heart Hongjun was already an unforgivable sin.

If he can't step into the realm of Hunyuan, then what's the point of living here.

If there is no hope for the road in life, it is better to die.

Now that he finally had a chance to step into the avenue, how could he be willing to let it go.

Luo Hu left and disappeared without a trace. Together with the demonic energy, he disappeared into Buzhou Mountain.

Yuan Shi didn't know why the other party came, nor why he left. Luo Hu didn't give him any request, and told him the method without hesitation.

Although I don’t know if this method is true, Yuanshi will definitely try it.

But Luo Hu's behavior made Yuan Shi deeply worried. The more the other party was so desireless, the more he felt that there was more involvement behind it.

But no matter what price he has to pay, he must step into the path of Hunyuan!

Kunlun Mountains.

A young man dressed in white was sitting in front of a game of Go, but opposite him was his own clone, a young man dressed in white.

This person is Fuxi. Fuxi is talking to himself, but he is also having a great time playing. He is playing chess to enter the Taoism. It seems that he is just playing chess, but the chessboard is like the heaven and the earth, and it is unfathomable.

Nuwa is on the other side, comprehending her own way, and condensing her only true self in the endless wilderness.

And Fuxi wants to find the only true self in the endless wilderness by controlling the chess game, condense it, and then enter the realm of Hunyuan.

His chess game is not something randomly created by nature, but his accompanying spiritual treasure, the heaven and earth chessboard, which is also at the level of innate spiritual treasures.

As for Nuwa's accompanying spiritual treasure, it is the Life and Creation Pearl, which inherits the Law of Creation and the Law of Life. When the two are combined into one, it is like a small law of creation, with a hint of supreme creation.

Although one of Fuxi and Nuwa was transformed from Yang Qi and the other was transformed from Yin Qi, their accompanying spiritual treasures are not things of Yin and Yang.

Because the innate spiritual treasure of the Yin-Yang Way was occupied by the Yin-Yang ancestor, the innate Yang Qi and the innate Yin Qi turned into the Yin-Yang swords and became the companion spiritual treasure of the Yin-Yang ancestor.

The avenue that Fu Xi majored in was not the Avenue of Yang, but the Avenue of Heaven and Earth. This chessboard of heaven and earth accompanied by the most precious treasure was just like the Avenue of Heaven and Earth, and the Avenue of Heaven and Earth was also called the Avenue of Heaven and Earth.

Qian is the sky, Kun is the earth, and the Great Dao of Qian and Kun is between heaven and earth, planning everything, using all beings in the world as chess pieces, and being the chess player.

The avenues Nuwa majored in were the Avenue of Life and the Avenue of Creation. Both of them were extremely high-ranking avenues, with huge potential, even higher than that of Fuxi.

On the chessboard of heaven and earth, white pieces and black pieces are scattered in an orderly manner, and one after another big dragons appear alternately. The Tao Yun appears above these chess pieces, turning into one after another big dragons, leaping on the chess board.

Suddenly, the black dragon swiped fiercely, and the white pieces on the chessboard disappeared without a trace. As for a white piece standing in Tianyuan.

Only a little white light suddenly appeared, and the black chess on the board turned into a black chess, which was located on the opposite side of Tianyuan. There was no reverse side on the chessboard, but strangely, it was located on the opposite side.

"The earth element has been completed, the heaven element has emerged, today I, Fuxi, will enter the realm of Hunyuan!"

As the words came out, an extremely terrifying aura appeared on Fuxi's body. As soon as this aura appeared, it swept across the entire Kunlun Mountains. However, due to Fuxi's deliberate restraint, it did not leave the Kunlun Mountains.

A Hunyuan Taoist rhyme emerged, with black and white auras flowing out of it, intertwined and separated from each other, the Great Way of Heaven and Earth, and the Tao of Yin and Yang was faintly included in it...

Fuxi's eyes became even deeper, as if they were an abyss, unable to explore the bottom of it.

the other side.

Ancestor Yin Yang opened his eyes and sighed: "The innate sacred figure at the foot of Buzhou Mountain has finally entered the realm of Hunyuan! But I was surpassed by it!"

Then, he was immersed in the Yin Yang Avenue again.

The great road of yin and yang is mysterious and mysterious.

Not in the mountains.

"Is that...Fuxi's aura..." Yuanshi opened his eyes and looked not far away from the foot of the mountain. There was Fuxi and Nuwa's cave, which was very close to Mount Buzhou.

And he also knew at this time that Fuxi had also entered the realm of Hunyuan that he had dreamed of.

Yuan Shi began to feel unhappy, then sighed and continued to meditate on the great road with his eyes closed.

Although he has gone astray and has a method, he has to wait until his cultivation has reached its peak and perfection before he can use that method to attack the realm of Hunyuan.

Above the sun.

Dijun, Taiyi, Taishang, and Tongtian opened their eyes and smiled at each other.

After the four people discuss the Tao, they will be able to understand what the other person's Tao is like. If they enter the Tao, they will know what their character is like. After entering the Hunyuan, every word and action will be manifested by the Tao.

Therefore, talking about Tao can also help you understand the other party's character. This is also the most direct and true method.

"I observe that in the ancient wilderness, the Wu Clan is becoming more and more powerful. It is transformed by Pangu's bloodline and is known as Pangu's authentic sect. It wants to unify the ancient wilderness. Although our demon clan does not want to dominate the ancient wilderness, we also want to find a safe place for the demon clan. So as to avoid such conflicts.”

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