Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 137: The World of Great Conflict, the Star Domain Arena

Emperor Jun's words spread throughout the prehistoric world along with the light of the heavenly court, and all the creatures in the prehistoric world heard these words.

Under Mount Buzhou.

"Nuwa, Nuwa, how long will it take for you to enter the Dao? You can't miss this grand ceremony!" Fuxi held the white piece, smiled, and then placed it on the chessboard.

Suddenly, the chess game changed suddenly, and the atmosphere in the sky also changed.

Above the sun.

"It's your majesty's voice!"

A group of demon clan Daluo, their eyes lit up, and they were extremely happy. Finally, their emperor was going to ascend to the throne of the emperor of heaven.

Above the prehistoric world, in the endless void.

"The demon clan has established the Heavenly Court. The progress of the witch clan is a little behind. Until now, no one has broken through to the Hunyuan realm. How can the witch clan compete with the demon clan now?"

Ye Xuan looked at everything below. Although the twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan have all comprehended the meaning of Hunyuan, none of them can break through to the realm of Hunyuan True Self.

Such a witch clan is inevitably a little behind in the current world of great contention.

Not to mention the dragon clan that was born at the beginning of the world, the demon clan that was established by taking in part of the prehistoric tribes is now much stronger than the witch clan.

After all, if you don't enter Hunyuan, you are all ants.

Taiyi alone can now slaughter all the witch clan.

If it weren't for Di Jun's broad mind, if someone else was the king of the demon clan, he would have eliminated all the existence that might threaten the demon clan.

What Emperor Jun did was just to make the prehistoric tribes unite to fight against the beasts as they had done before, so he established a so-called demon tribe. The demon tribe is actually a union of many tribes in the prehistoric tribe.

Emperor Jun is the emperor recognized by them all. It is not easy to do this, but Emperor Jun has obviously done it long ago.

In the eastern part of the prehistoric world, the demon tribe is respected.

In the central and western parts of the prehistoric world, the witch tribe is respected.

Now that the demon tribe has entered the heaven, the power of the demon tribe will naturally increase wildly. With a territory exclusively for the demon tribe, the development will be extremely rapid.

Just like the four seas, although there are countless races in it, it is actually the world of the dragon tribe. It is absolutely overwhelming and crosses the four seas. The ancestor dragon even split the four seas with supreme magical powers.

In this way, the dragon tribe develops extremely rapidly.

In the dragon race today, in addition to Zulong, who is about to enter the realm of Daoguo, there are also four great dragon kings and four Hunyuan Zhenwo realms. As for the existences that have comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, there are countless.

Ye Xuan shook his head, and with a thought, he left the prehistoric world.

Since the prehistoric world is still developing as he wants, he can let it go for the time being and let it develop.


Da Zhou College.

Although Ye Xuan can study in any of the five colleges in name, in fact, Ye Xuan rarely goes to other colleges.

In college, what is really useful to him is not the teacher's teaching, but the information and resources, which Ye Xuan has also comprehended early.

Resources are indispensable for every college student. Many geniuses like Ye Xuan do not need others to teach them at all. At most, they ask teachers for advice when they encounter difficulties.

The most useful thing for them is resources.

The most important resource is the divine source, which is also the last free support provided by the country to people. After entering the society, all resources need to be obtained by themselves, either like these teachers, become teachers and principals to educate the next generation and receive salaries.

Or you can only hunt monsters by yourself and let them explode the divine source or some good things to sell.

Of course, there are people who rob like the star bandits, but you have to be careful not to run into tough guys, otherwise it will be a dead end.

Some people even go directly to the battlefield, gain military merits on the battlefield, and can exchange for corresponding resources.

In Daming Academy, most of the students come out of the above battlefields.

The Creation Continent is not a symbol of peace, but the place where the main war breaks out. As for the Three Thousand Star Regions, they are all small-scale training, just like the Sakura Country, the Western Eight Countries and the Jiaonan Country, which are the training places of the Great Xia Country all year round.

Some Creation Gods who have just entered the society have chosen to go to these three countries.

Ye Xuan is now the number one in Zuxing, and he has 100,000 divine sources in a week. When he enters society, it will be difficult for him to obtain such a large amount of divine sources.

Many people get less divine sources than they did in school after leaving school.

After all, everything in Zuxing is calculated according to the specifications of the star field.

The number one in Zuxing may not even make a splash in other star fields. After entering society, he will be lost in the crowd.

Suddenly, a divine thought came.

"It has been ten days since the elimination round of the star field competition. I believe everyone has recovered in these ten days. If you can't recover in ten days, it can only be said that your war potential is too low."

"After the elimination round, the number of people who successfully advanced from Huaxia Star Field and Zuxing is 283,696. This number is more than three times that of last year. In the past ten thousand years, no class can compare with it."

"That is to say, this session is a time of great competition. The competition you will encounter will be much more difficult than in the past. Even in the long run, there will be no session that can compare to it."

"In a time of great competition, there will be a genius. I, Ji Xian, am in the realm of the sixth-order God of Creation, waiting for your arrival!"

"Next, it will be the first game of the official competition. Then two people will fight against each other, one after another, until the strongest player of your session is born. Maybe some people will be byes in some games, but this is not important. What is important is that luck is often a kind of strength."

"One game a week, until the strongest student is decided!"

After saying this, Ji Xian's voice disappeared.

"One game a week? More than 200,000 people? It will take nearly five months to finish the game..." Ye Xuan muttered. Five months, now is the midterm of the last semester.

It takes half a year to participate in a competition. Most people in this competition, don't they just participate and barely win, and then rush to make up for their own world?

But fortunately, such troubles are destined not to belong to Ye Xuan.

"Zu Xing Ye Xuan vs Hua Xia Xing Territory Shui Bang."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them flew to the battlefield of the Xing Territory Competition.


Xing Territory Arena.

Ye Xuan looked at Shui Bang. He thought Shui Bang was a man, after all, the word "Bang" was mostly used in male names, but it turned out to be a woman.

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