Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 138: Divine Kingdom War, Taiyi Appears

"Are you the legendary number one in the ancestral star?"

Shuibang looked at Ye Xuan with a hint of disdain in the corner of his mouth.

They usually pay no attention to everything about the Ancestral Star. After all, the Ancestral Star is too weak compared to other star regions.

There is nothing we can do. After all, the place is only that big and the population is only that much. How can we compare with behemoths like them, let alone the Chinese Star Territory, which is among the top ten star territories every year.

Water State, ranked 23,872 on the Chinese Star Territory Ranking, is not among the top 10,000 in the Chinese Star Territory Ranking, so naturally it is not ranked in the Great Xia Kingdom's overall ranking. .

But this does not mean that her strength is low. After all, the Chinese Star Territory is a super star territory that is always in the top three. Although it falls from the top three from time to time, it has never fallen out of the top ten.

Therefore, she could not see where Ye Xuan's ranking was in the national rankings.

Moreover, this Tongtian Ranking is still ranked based on all university students in Daxia Kingdom. In other words, leaving aside those sophomores and even seniors, Shuibang may be ranked very, very high in this class.

At least among the more than 280,000 people, she was definitely at the forefront, which was why she had the confidence to look down on Ye Xuan.

In fact, Ye Xuan is now ranked in the top 100,000 in the national rankings, exactly at the 99,999th place.

Compared to the 1,280,000th place when he first joined the Tongtian Ranking, it can be said that he has broken through an unknown number of rankings.

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows. Good guy, his reputation has spread to the neighboring star field, and it seems that this little girl is very disdainful of him!

"Stop talking nonsense, just do it!"

Ye Xuan didn't bother to talk to people who were rude to her.

Being beautiful is nothing, what creation god is not beautiful, his strength is just passable, but he is more than a little bit worse than him, and he actually dares to look down on him.

Buzz! ! !

A passage in the prehistoric world opened, heading towards the world behind Shui Bang.

"Hmph! My kingdom is the kingdom of fire. I will turn your kingdom into ashes!!" Shuibang snorted coldly, staring at Ye Xuan.

This kind of world passage all lands randomly, so Ye Xuan doesn't know exactly where it lands.

Ye Xuan was too lazy to pay attention to her, and with a thought, he cast his eyes on the ancient world.

In the wilderness.


"Hey, how can there be a cave in the heaven?!" Di Jun frowned. He had just refined the heaven. There is a core in the heaven. After being refined, he can control the power of the heaven.

After the Emperor Jun was refined, he isolated the Thirty-sixth Heaven, making it the same as the Four Seas. It was not something ordinary people could come in if they wanted to.

By this time, Sanqing had already returned to Buzhou Mountain.

In the vast heaven, only Di Jun and Tai Yi were left.

"Don't dare to go to the cave, don't endanger the heaven!" Taiyi snorted coldly, he actually dared to cause trouble in the heaven, just wait for him to go and destroy that world.

"Well! Now I'll leave it to the second brother. I'll go back to the sun first. After all, the third sister is still there, and I'm afraid that Hongjun will take the opportunity to disturb her." Di Jun nodded, and asked about leaving the matter to him. Taiyi, he was naturally extremely relieved.

When it comes to cultivation, Di Jun believes that he is the leader of the three-legged Golden Crow, but when it comes to combat prowess, I am afraid he will never be able to compare with Taiyi...

Well, not just him, but almost everyone, Taiyi seemed to be invincible at the same level, sweeping across all existences.

"Brother, don't worry, just go and I'll come back!" Tai nodded, and in a flash, he stepped into the passage of the world.

"Hahahaha! It's really like a blind cat meets a dead mouse. Is it the world of fire? Let me show you what the three-legged golden crow is! What is the real flame!"

Ye Xuan couldn't help laughing crazily at the side, causing Shuibang to frown.

Before the creatures of the Kingdom of God step into the other's world, the God of Creation cannot peek into other people's worlds unless they check it through the Tongtian List. However, a chaotic world like Ye Xuan's is already classified as an absolutely confidential world.

Even if the other party's creature steps into the chaotic world, the other party cannot view the chaotic world.

This is the benefit of authority, and this is also the protection given to him by the five deans.

In the Kingdom of Fire God.

As soon as Tai Fang stepped into this world, he was attracted by it.

"It's actually a cave filled with flame elves!" Taiyi was delighted and wanted to take this place as his own.

Then he looked at the flame creatures and frowned. For some reason, he felt that those flame creatures were extremely disgusting from the source.

"Such a beautiful world should not have such lowly and despicable creatures!"

Taiyi is the ruthless supreme being, manifesting his true body, and the three-legged golden crow appears. The extremely noble three-legged golden crow is like a great sun, and the true fire of the sun is revealed by its body.


Taiyi shouted loudly, and rays of true sun fire burst out from his body and flew into the world. Each ray of true sun fire turned into a field of violent fire, bringing these creatures that originally existed in the flame to life. of burned to death.

"How is it possible?!" Shuibang was horrified when he saw this. Her world was a world of flames, how could it be set on fire by a mere three-legged golden crow? !

Is it possible that the opponent's three-legged Golden Crow is the real sacred creature of the legendary Da Ri Hua Sheng? ! !

"Children! There is an invasion of supreme terror, gather together to fight the enemy!"

As Shui Bang's words appeared, one after another flame creatures appeared, including the sky god transformed by flames, the sun god and the three-legged golden crow.

In her kingdom of flames, there is also the three-legged golden crow. Not only that, there is also the manifestation of the fire god Zhu Rong, and the ten fierce beasts transformed by flames.

All kinds of legendary creatures are manifested in the form of flames here.

Obviously, this is also a mythical kingdom, but unfortunately, in her mythical kingdom, those creatures have not really turned into mythical beings, and are ultimately weaker than Ye Xuan.

One after another, the flame gods of the third-level peak and perfect existence gathered outside the sun, and under the leadership of Huo Tianzun, they went towards Taiyi.

Extremely terrifying gods also appeared in the world one after another to fight to protect the world.

Shui Bang looked at the extremely powerful third-level creatures in her world, and a smile appeared on her lips. These beings had slaughtered the fourth-level monsters in the previous elimination round. Now facing a mere third-level creature, they were naturally invincible.

She thought to herself that this creature must be the most powerful being in Ye Xuan's world, and probably the only god who survived the elimination round. Otherwise, it would be impossible for the battle between the kingdoms of God to send only one creature.

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