Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 139 Taiyi destroys the world, Ye Xuan's name

"When my flame gods completely kill your mythical creation, you will know what it means to be a true pride of heaven!"

Shuibang looked at Ye Xuan and mocked with disdain.

He is just the number one who took advantage of the few people in the Ancestral Star. If he were thrown into their Chinese Star Territory, let alone being the number one in the Star Territory, it would be very difficult to even see his name in the top 100,000 in the Star Territory list. Hard to say.


Ye Xuan sneered and was not in a hurry to refute. When the facts are in front of him, ridicule will be the most powerful. Now the refutation is just a slap in the face and has no meaning.

In the Kingdom of Fire God.

Huo Tianzun is the supreme and powerful leader of the Flame God Kingdom. He is an existence in the Flame God Kingdom that has survived since the creation of the world.

He is the oldest existence and the most powerful existence.

No matter how powerful the creatures are, they are just chopped off dust in front of Huo Tianzun.

This time, the three-legged golden crow hanging high in the sky is no exception in their eyes. They firmly believe that Huo Tianzun is the truly invincible existence.

Boom! ! !

Boom! ! !

As the true fire of the sun raged wantonly, it detonated the entire Kingdom of Fire God, and the infinite flames were actually burned by the true fire of the sun and exploded.

The sound of bursts of explosions resounded throughout the world, and countless lives were lost.

And those flame creatures that originally gathered in the big sun were instantly affected by the explosion, and most of them were killed or injured.

Shuibang saw that most of these creatures were destroyed by the big sun just after they went out for battle. The original disdain on his face instantly disappeared, replaced by a look of horror.

She looked at the big sun in disbelief, gritting her teeth and planning to risk her life.

A divine thought was transmitted to the Kingdom of Fire God.

Huo Tianzun's face turned pale, but he still chose to obey the Creation God's will and led the remaining gods towards the great sun.

He is also the three-legged golden crow and the incarnation of the sun, so he can clearly feel something from that figure. That figure seems to be the source of everything, an intangible existence.


Huo Tianzun transformed into his true form and led the endless flame gods towards Taiyi.


Seeing this, Taiyi snorted coldly, and a series of rhymes manifested. A big sun appeared behind him, completely frightening the flame gods. The gods behind Huo Tianzun all knelt on the ground, prostrate themselves, and did not dare to raise their heads. Look directly.

Huo Tianzun also felt the extremely heavy depression in his body, which was unavoidable and impossible to escape.


Fire Tianzun burned his origin, finally broke through the terror brought to him by the great sun, and headed towards Taiyi.


One word falls, and everything is destroyed.

The sea of ​​fire in the sky seemed to be in rebellion. It followed Taiyi's instructions and wrapped the Fire Heavenly Lord in it. Then a loud noise came, and the entire Fire Heavenly Lord and the infinite fire domain exploded.

Boom! ! !

In the Kingdom of Infinite Flame, no living being exists at this time.

Everything disappeared with one word from Taiyi.

Taiyi, who was born to rule the ruthless and domineering Sun, now completely unleashed his own terror on the world of flames.

This time, I don't know how many creatures were destroyed, but Taiyi was not afraid at all. Everything was destroyed, so naturally there was no so-called cause and effect.

"Only in this way can it be used for the demon clan's military training!"

Taiyi was extremely satisfied, nodded, walked towards the passage he came from before, and disappeared into this divine kingdom.

"How can this be!!!"

In the Star Territory Challenge, Shui Bang's eyes were full of despair, and she still couldn't believe it. She couldn't believe that this was the number one among that ancestral star! ! !

Among the previous Ancestral Stars who were number one, which one is not a waste in the star field competition? !

How come this generation actually gave birth to such a terrifying existence!

This scene happened before her eyes. If she had known it would end like this, she would have surrendered directly.

"I surrender……"

All living creatures in the Water Kingdom have been wiped out. If she continues to refuse to admit defeat, Ye Xuan will have no choice but to completely destroy her Kingdom. Only in this way can the final outcome be decided.

But there is nothing wrong with her brain. Countless creatures in the Kingdom of God have been destroyed, so how can she continue to fight!

"Oh, is that all you have? You can't even defeat any living being in my kingdom of God. How dare you be so arrogant and arrogant before?!" Ye Xuan saw that the matter had come to an end and immediately sarcastically returned.

"Oh, no, it's not that I'm invincible, I'm completely crushed! Hahahaha!!!"

Ye Xuan withdrew his spiritual thoughts and disappeared in the star field, leaving only his arrogant and comfortable laughter.

Shuibang sat slumped on the ground, his eyes a little dull.

But in just a moment, she had already adjusted her mentality, and her eyes were filled with hatred for Ye Xuan.

Chinese Star Territory, Yunmeng System, Yunmeng Galaxy, Ruiyun Star.

Shuibang's face was ashen and extremely ugly.

"Bangbang, why do you look so ugly? Have you met a difficult opponent?" Next to her is her best friend Tang Xia, who is also very strong. She is stronger than Shuibang, and her strength ranking has entered the Chinese Star. Domain 10,000, ranked 9832nd.

Tang Xia also ended the battle. When the other party saw that it was her, knowing that they were outmatched, he immediately gave up, very quickly.

Therefore, she ended the battle early.

Shui Bang sighed and reluctantly replied: "I met Ye Xuan who ranked first in Zuxing."

"Him? Is he very strong?" Tang Xia frowned and asked.

Although she had not learned about Ye Xuan's name, she had heard of it.

"Very strong, very strong. He just sent out a god in the world, and all the creatures in my kingdom of God died in the hands of that god..." Although Shui Bang came out of despair, he was still a little depressed.

Originally, he wanted to kill the top 100 in the star field competition, but he met Ye Xuan early, which directly shattered his dream.

This is not the top 100, and it is said that the top 100 rankings will be decided. This is the first round, and half of the more than 280,000 people, that is, more than 140,000 people, will be eliminated directly.

These people have no chance to come again.

As Ji Xian said, luck is also a kind of strength. If you lose, you lose.

"So strong?!!"

Tang Xia was shocked and a little unbelievable when he heard it.

She knew how strong her good sister Shui Bang's world was. Although she was not her opponent, she was still the top one in the same class.

It was not a problem to break into the top 100.

And she, Tang Xia, was even more likely to compete for the top 10.

But she couldn't just send out a living being to kill all the living beings in Shui Bang's kingdom.

"Not only could I not beat that living being, but that living being just waved his hand, and all the living beings in my kingdom died..." Shui Bang said, as if she felt that scene again.

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