Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 140: Within the top 100,000 on the overall rankings, Tang Xiaxiaoshuibang

As a creator god, he cannot participate in the battle between the kingdoms of God, otherwise he will be eliminated directly if he violates the rules.

Shui Bang recalled carefully that even if he went there in person, he might be killed by the three-legged golden crow!

Not afraid, but definitely!

"Hiss!!!" Tang Xia took a breath, with horror in her eyes.

If she was still thinking about revenge for Shui Bang at the beginning, now she hopes that she will never meet Ye Xuan, otherwise she will be eliminated by him!

"What kind of god is that? Isn't it a fourth-level god?!" Tang Xia couldn't help asking, it seems that only fourth-level creatures can do this.

Who knew Shui Bang actually shook his head and said, "That's not a fourth-level god, but it seems to be almost there. That fourth-level god has a trace of fourth-level aura on his body."

"Is that so! That means that even if that god is not the most powerful creature in Ye Xuan's world, it is almost there." Tang Xia nodded. Although she was still a little shocked, she felt much better.

It was enough to know that it was not just a random creature, otherwise it would be too depressing.

However, she still had no idea about defeating Ye Xuan.

Unless she could break through to the fourth-level Creation God, forget it.

"Let me see what rank he is in!" Tang Xia opened the Tongtian Ranking and entered the national ranking.

The national ranking is only for players who have reached the top 10,000 in their own star field.

In other words, the number of people in the national ranking is more than 30 million...

Even if the Creation Continent and Zuxing are not included, there are still 30 million people.

Tang Xia was ranked over 3,270,000 in the national rankings, and there were more than 3 million people ahead of her.

She didn't search one by one, as that would be a waste of time, but directly searched for the keyword, Ye Xuan.

Instantly, many densely packed names about Ye Xuan appeared, and the one at the top was the 99,999th.

"Hiss!!!" Tang Xia gasped in shock.

Shui Bang, who was standing by, saw this and asked hurriedly, "What's wrong? What's his ranking?"

"This... this... how is it possible? ! ! He's ranked 99,999th! He's only been in the first year of college for more than two months!!!" Tang Xia screamed in disbelief.

"What?!!!" Shui Bang was also so scared that he was shaking with fear, and there was no thought of revenge in his heart.

The difference between the two was too huge, and it was simply impossible to compare them.

Not only her, but even Tang Xia, it was impossible to compare.

She couldn't even enter the national rankings, while Tang Xia, who ranked more than 9,000 in the Huaxia star field, entered the national rankings and was also more than 3 million. But Ye Xuan, the first in the small ancestral star, actually rushed into the top 100,000 of the national rankings!

What does this mean?

This means that Ye Xuan has trampled on the entire class and has gone to compete with those seniors in the fourth year!

That's right, almost all of the students ranked in the top 100,000 are seniors!

Only a few individuals may be the peerless geniuses of the third year, as for the sophomores, don't even think about it...

But now, Ye Xuan, as a freshman who has just entered the first or second month, has entered the top 100,000...

This means that many seniors who have reached the fourth level of cultivation have been trampled under Ye Xuan's feet.

It is not a skill to reverse the fourth level monster with the third level. The geniuses who can do this in the three thousand star fields are like the nobles crossing the river. Oh, no, there are many more than the nobles crossing the river!

However, it is very rare for a third-level Creation God to surpass a fourth-level Creation God. It is so rare that it will take many years for such a peerless genius to appear in the Three Thousand Stars!

And now, this peerless genius has already met Shui Bang. Shui Bang used to mock him with disdain. In this case, he deserves to be mocked in return.

"Good sister, this kid is too strong. I can't help you with revenge. You should find a stronger husband to suppress him as soon as possible. Well, it is impossible for this generation, and there should be no one in the previous generation. There should be someone who can suppress him in the previous generation, but there must be very few, and they may not be able to suppress him for how long."

"Well, there must be many people in the previous generation who are stronger than him, but it seems that they can't suppress him for more than a year or two..."

"Why not do this, you marry an old man, you can definitely suppress him for ten thousand or eight thousand years, how about it?"


Tang Xia couldn't help laughing crazily at the end.

In fact, when Tang Xia first started talking, Shui Bang was somewhat moved, but the more he listened, the more he felt something was wrong, and by the end his face had turned black.

"Go to hell! Why don't you marry those old men!" Shui Bang rolled his eyes and said.

The lifespan of the God of Creation has long been infinite. In fact, they don't take lifespan seriously, and few people take it seriously.

Because for the God of Creation, talking about lifespan is too boring, after all, everyone is immortal, so everyone talks about cultivation, after all, cultivation is high and low.

And the old men in Tang Xia's mouth, who can suppress Ye Xuan for 1800 years, are all those super old monsters who have reached the sixth level...

No one knows how long those sixth-level Creation Gods have lived. People only know that no new sixth-level Creation God has been born in millions of years.

After the fourth level, one step at a time, no matter how powerful a genius is, he cannot quickly improve his cultivation. Before the fourth level, there were many people who went from the first level to the fourth level, and there were also people who broke through in one or two years for millions of years.

But those people did not make it to the sixth-level Creation God.

Even if they think Ye Xuan is not an ordinary person, no matter what, even if the other party can really break through to the sixth-level Creation God, it will take a long time to do this. Therefore, they used 18,000 years to describe it, which actually means that they have already recognized Ye Xuan very much.

Otherwise, the adjective would be millions of years.

"To be honest, I want to think about it, but I don't like it! Haha..." Tang Xia said half-jokingly and half-seriously.

How could those super strong men who have reached the sixth level of cultivation be tempted by a mere beauty? Besides, in this era where everyone is a beautiful woman or a handsome man, who cares about beauty or ugliness? In fact, even the creation gods who get married and have children are relatively rare.

Not to mention those high-ranking sixth-level creation gods, they are really obsessed with their own great way, and have long seen through those beauties.

Of course, there are also creation gods who are immersed in this way, leaving behind countless descendants.

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