Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 141 Jiangnan Yaohai, Lintian No. 1 Middle School is going to fly?

Ancestor Star, Dazhou Academy.

"Among us, only three of us, Ye Xuan, Zhang Bin, and Gao Long, have passed this battle, right?" Liu Yong said bitterly, sighing in his heart.

Although his Kingdom of Knights was powerful, it was a shame. He encountered an extremely powerful player and swept his Kingdom of Knights with just a hundred souls.

"It seems that only three of us have passed, but there seems to be one person from Jiangnan Province who has also passed the first round!" Shui Yan frowned and looked at the list of star field competitions.

Their ancestral star has a special promotion list, which is divided into divisions and notes which university the opponent is from.

In addition to Ye Xuan, Zhang Bin, and Gao Long, who were born in Jiangnan Province, there was another person who was studying at Jiangnan University, and those who studied at Jiangnan University were almost all natives of Jiangnan Province. .

"Yao Hai? Who is it? I've never heard of it!" Zhang Bin on the side also frowned and replied, and then he looked at Gao Long on the side.

Gao Long quickly shook his head and replied: "Don't look at me, he probably didn't come from Jiangnan No. 1 Middle School, but I don't know if he came from another school."

"Yao Hai?!" Ye Xuan on the side muttered, and everyone looked at him.

"Do you know him?" Liu Yong became interested and asked quickly.

Under the gaze of everyone, Ye Xuan nodded and said with some confusion: "But I don't know if it's the Yao Hai I know..."

"Contact him! Contact him and find out what's going on!" Gao Long said on the side.

"Yeah, let's get in touch!"

"But that Yao Hai came from Lintian No. 1 Middle School. You all know that Lintian No. 1 Middle School is the only one who entered the Tongtian Ranking. Where can I add him?" Ye Xuan spread his hands and said helplessly.

"Then don't you know how to add Yao Hai, who is on the Tongtian Ranking, to ask about the situation?!" Shui Yan said quickly.

"It makes sense, hurry up!"

Everyone urged, and when Ye Xuan saw this, he had no choice but to nod.

He first searched for Yao Hai's name in the Tongtian Ranking and found that the opponent was actually ranked 1444th in the Ancestral Stars Ranking of the Tongtian Ranking. Although he entered the national rankings, his ranking was almost at the bottom. No, it’s okay not to look at it...

After Ye Xuan applied, he began to check the other party's information.

"Damn it, I really came from Lintian No. 1 Middle School!"

It was okay not to look at it, but he was shocked when he saw it, and Ye Xuan exclaimed.

He remembered Yao Hai deeply. When he had just skipped a grade and joined the senior high school, that kid said he wanted to beat himself up. However, he lost to Si Kang in the competition for qualifications for the Academy's Tongtian Ranking. Uncle's hands.

He's the guy who likes to show off, the guy who yells that Poseidon plays him.

"Awesome, Lintian No. 1 Middle School has a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. This is another genius!" Liu Yong couldn't help but admire.

"He agreed." After Ye Xuan saw that his friend was approved, he clicked on the other party's message interface, but before he could say anything, a lot of words were sent to him.

Ye Xuan looked at it, with a dark look on his face.

This is exactly what it says:

Yao Hai: Haha! Now you know how powerful I am! Let me tell you, that guy is no match for me. As soon as my Poseidon takes action and I wave my hand casually, that guy is gone. How about that? Am I strong? You won't have it as easy as me, right?

Also, why was there no response when I added you?

Ye Xuan: I have set a restriction that prohibits adding friends. As you know, I am the number one in Zuxing and am famous among many people. There are always some minor characters who want to add me. Where do I get so much time to reply to them one by one, right?

In addition, others don’t know about my world, but you should know it. Wouldn’t it be possible to send just any creature to destroy the other party instantly?

Ye Xuan sneered, secretly thinking that this kid is still exactly the same as before, he hasn't changed at all, he likes to show off so much.

Seeing his sneer, Liu Yong quickly asked: "What's wrong? You two don't have a good relationship?"

Ye Xuan shook his head and said: "That's not the case. The main reason is that this kid is so good at pretending that I can't stand it anymore..."


Everyone was speechless. Is there anyone who is better at pretending than you?

the other side.

Yao Hai was lying on the sofa and cursed angrily in his heart: Good guy, I finally managed to show off in front of you, but you did it again with your backhand? !

After a while, Yao Hai calmed down and changed the topic and asked.

Yao Hai: How is it? Are you comfortable staying in the five major colleges?

Yao Hai went from Lintian No. 1 Middle School, passed the college entrance examination, and was admitted to Jiangnan University. As long as Poseidon didn't play him, he could continue to be brave. If Poseidon hadn't played him, he wouldn't have been beaten by Si Kangbo. beat.

But the ending is the same, no matter what, you can't escape being eliminated.

Ye Xuan: Can it be uncomfortable? You can travel around the five major colleges and go wherever you want, but people like me can't learn much useful knowledge there. Alas, I can only mess around in the five major colleges, so that I can barely maintain a living.

Yao Hai: "..."

Yao Hai was completely speechless, but there was nothing he could do. Who told him that he couldn't control Poseidon perfectly back then? Otherwise, how could he have ended up like this today? If he could control Poseidon perfectly, he would have entered one of the five colleges a long time ago. .

But it's strange to say that for some reason, that Poseidon seems a little weird and can't control it perfectly.

However, fortunately, he has temporarily reached a very balanced agreement with the Sea God, that is, the Sea God must help him.

On the other side.

Ye Xuan smiled when he saw Yao Hai did not reply, and his heart instantly felt much more comfortable. From the beginning to the end, no one dared to show off in front of him. He was the only one who could show off in front of others, not others.

"Is Lintian No. 1 Middle School going to rise? Two students passed the first round of competition in one class?" Gao Long said with a smile. The opponent he met was not very strong, and he should have passed the assessment dangerously.

In fact, there are not so many geniuses who can easily cross the level and kill monsters. Most of them have to fight hard to take them down.

Therefore, although he can't say that he crushed the monsters in this battle, there is still not much suspense about the outcome.

"What else? After I climb up, Lintian City may be as important as Jiangnan District in Jiangnan Province, haha!" Ye Xuan said his ambition without concealing it. After achieving success, it is a very normal thing to give back to his alma mater.

And when Ye Xuan really climbs to that top level, it will only take a word for him to take over Lintian City. This is the benefit of strength. When strength reaches a certain level, power will follow.

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