Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 147 The authority of heaven! Divine resistance!

The majesty of the sun seemed infinite, which made many innate sacred beings change color.

"Today, the demon race established the Heavenly Court, taking over the responsibilities of the ancient Heavenly Court, the duty of the Heavenly Court, and patrolling on behalf of the Heaven. I am the demon king, and now I want to ascend to the throne of the Heavenly Emperor. Please watch the ceremony!"

In the words of Emperor Jun, there was infinite majesty. The Dao rhyme of the sun appeared, and it also moved the stars in the boundless starry sky.

One after another, the light of the stars spread out from the sun. Although it was not as mighty as the sun, it was also extremely dazzling.

On those stars, there were demon race Daluo Jinxian sitting on them, and they appeared to show the strength of the demon race to the gods of the heavens.

Afterwards, these scenes drove many palaces in the Heavenly Court to appear in the sky, and burst out extremely bright and dazzling light to illuminate the entire prehistoric sky.

At this moment, the endless creatures in the prehistoric world saw the Heavenly Court above the sky, and they instinctively began to kowtow, shouting the name of the Heavenly Emperor in their mouths.

All this has not stopped yet, and a trace of the power of the Heavenly Dao is faintly emerging, as if it is really going to hand over the responsibility of patrolling on behalf of the Heaven to the Heavenly Court. This scene makes the faces of the gods in the Heavenly Court and even those who have not yet arrived at the Heavenly Court change greatly.

"How is it possible?!"

"Is the Heavenly Dao really going to hand over such a responsibility to the Heavenly Court?!"


A buzzing sound came, but it seemed that the power of Di Jun, a Hunyuan, was not enough to take down the responsibility.

Di Jun was not anxious, but looked at Taiyi standing beside him, smiled, and said: "Second brother."

Taiyi nodded, walked out slowly, his expression was indifferent but contained an extremely domineering voice: "I am Taiyi, please watch the ceremony!"

The Dao rhyme behind him showed that a big sun emerged, the Dao rhyme appeared, and the Chaos Bell inside it made a sound.






The Chaos Bell rang nine times in a row, which was the maximum number, and also indicated that the establishment of the Heavenly Court was the ultimate existence, which should be celebrated by the world.

The sound of the Chaos Bell, with Taiyi's domineering Dao rhyme, resounded through the heavens, making all those who wanted to do something wrong frightened and dared not to show up easily.

The wisp of Heavenly Dao power, which represented the control of part of the power of Heavenly Dao, became extremely strong and began to float towards the Heavenly Court.


A cold snort came from the chaos, but it was Hongjun who had already merged with the Dao in Zixiao Palace.

He merged with the Heavenly Dao and held most of the power of Heavenly Dao. Now that the Heavenly Court was established, they wanted to deprive him of some of the power. How could he see it happen with his own eyes?

What's more, Di Jun and Taiyi had a grudge with him before, so no matter what, he would intervene.

This cold snort, carrying the infinite Dao rhyme of the Great Dao of Immortals and the power of Heavenly Dao, suppressed the power of Heavenly Dao alive.

Even Taiyi and Dijun were unable to activate it.

Seeing this, Dijun cast his eyes on Fuxi. Fuxi understood, nodded, stood up, and said: "I am Fuxi. Today, the Heavenly Court shall be established. Please come and watch the ceremony!"

Behind him, there was a rhyme of Taoism. It was the rhyme of Qiankun. Qiankun transformed into two yin and yang, two yin and yang gave birth to four images, and four images gave birth to eight trigrams. Endless changes were displayed in that rhyme of Taoism.

Obviously, Fuxi had obtained a ray of the true meaning of yin and yang, and there were two kinds of clear and turbid qi entangled with each other, but it was transformed by the rhyme of Qiankun.


The power of the Heavenly Dao, which was originally shocked by Hongjun, trembled again, and flew towards the Heavenly Court against Hongjun's suppression.

After discovering the Heavenly Palace, Dijun and Taiyi invited Fuxi and Nuwa to join the demon clan. After experiencing the battle between Hongjun and Taishang and Tongtian, they felt deeply that Hongjun was not someone they and Nuwa could deal with. In order to avoid being suppressed by Hongjun, they agreed to join the demon clan.

"Half of the immortal fruit is floating, and all the heavenly ways return to silence."

Hongjun's words came from the chaos again, but he pressed down the half of the Dao fruit that had been completed. In an instant, even if the power of the heavenly way was trembling all over, it still did not move forward in the end.

"Little sister, it's your turn." As soon as Dijun spoke, Xihe nodded and walked out.

"I am Xihe. Today, the Heavenly Court has been established. I shall take charge of the authority of Heavenly Dao. Please come to the ceremony, all the gods of heaven and earth, and watch the ceremony!"

Behind Xihe's head, a big sun appeared. Unlike the previous Emperor Jun's magnificent brilliance and Taiyi's tyranny and ruthlessness, her big sun contained a hint of warmth, which made many gods feel good about it.

If it is said that Emperor Jun makes people admire and Taiyi makes people feel awe, then Xihe makes people feel like a spring breeze, which makes people feel warm.


The previous wisp of Heavenly Dao power was no longer suppressed by Hongjun, and it rushed towards the Heavenly Court like a galloping horse.


This scene made all the gods watching the ceremony between heaven and earth feel terrified by the three golden crows of the big sun.

The big sun gave birth to a total of three golden crows. Now the three innate gods have all stepped into the realm of the true self of the primordial universe. The primordial Dao rhyme appeared, which was enough to suppress many beings in the heavens.

The Great Dao actually has such great love for the Three-legged Golden Crow clan!

But then again, there are only three Three-legged Golden Crows.

"Even the first immortal ancestor who achieved the Dao of Hunyuan couldn't do anything to the demon clan. The power of reward and punishment and the position of Sitian will really fall into the hands of the Heavenly Court!"

"That's also very normal. On the bright side, there are four Hunyuans! Who knows how many there are behind the scenes?!"

"Yes, four Hunyuans are enough to dominate everything in this prehistoric world. Even the Immortal Ancestors are not their opponents!"

Many saints started to discuss this.

The strength of the demon race made them feel terrified. There were four Hunyuans alone. What if there were less than Hunyuan? How many Daluo would there be? !

On the other side.

Three innate saints who had existed since ancient times gathered together and began to discuss something.

"We have been born since ancient times. It was fine for the Three Heavens to rule us in the past, but now we are being ridden on the neck by these younger generations. They want to reward and punish on behalf of the heaven, want to be the Sitian, and want to patrol on behalf of the heaven!"

"We can't stand it! We can't accept this!!!"

The old ancestor Yangmei glanced at the other two, who were the old ancestor Shichen, who had always been on good terms with him, and the old ancestor Yinyang of the Kunlun Mountains.

"Want to control the prehistoric world?! Dream on him!"

The old ancestor Shichen said it bluntly, with great disdain for the demon race in his words.

"Then what are you waiting for? Do we have to wait until the authority of Heaven really descends upon Heaven?!" The Yin-Yang Patriarch looked at the two with disdain. These two people can only talk nonsense. Why do they have to find so many excuses? Just do it directly!


The Yin-Yang Patriarch took the lead in attacking, and the Yangmei Patriarch and the Shichen Patriarch hurriedly followed.

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