Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 148 Taiyi fights the three ancestors, Dijun retreats from Hunyuan

The three Hunyuan True Selfs that have existed since ancient times are confident of their powerful means and are not afraid of the four Hunyuans in the Heavenly Court.

Therefore, they soared into the sky, emitting extremely terrifying Dao rhymes all over their bodies.

One is the Dao rhyme of space, one is the Dao rhyme of time, and one is the Dao rhyme of yin and yang.

Heading towards the Heavenly Court, the three of them were extremely fast, much faster than the Heavenly Dao authority suppressed by the Dao Ancestor.

In addition, the three of them were just below the Heavenly Court, so they naturally arrived in the Heavenly Court in an instant.


The three Hunyuan True Selfs appeared in the thirty-three heavens in an instant.

"Emperor Jun, Taiyi, come out and fight!!! If you want to take control of the authority of the sky, you have to ask the three of us if we agree!!!" The old ancestor Yangmei started the mouth cannon mode again.

The old ancestor Yin and Yang snorted disdainfully. If he had to join forces with them to deal with the demon clan, he would have been too lazy to pay attention to Yangmei.


A terrifying Dao rhyme containing the power of Yin and Yang went directly to the front of the Heavenly Court, that is, the Lingxiao Palace.

The Yin-Yang Patriarch has always been like this, he is ruthless and doesn't talk much. What's the point of talking nonsense? Just do it!

"How dare you!!!"

A cold snort came out from it, and an extremely powerful Dao rhyme burst out from it, completely annihilating the Yin-Yang Dao rhyme.

A supreme and domineering figure walked out of the Lingxiao Palace with the Chaos Bell in his hand. When he looked at the Yangmei Patriarch, the Shichen Patriarch, and the Yin-Yang Patriarch, if it weren't for the time when the Heavenly Court was established, he would have killed these three ancestors on the spot.

The space Dao rhyme emerged from Yangmei and attacked Taiyi with the most sharp attack.

The time Dao rhyme emerged from Shichen, and rushed towards Taiyi with the meaning of the years breaking and the heavens going back.

There are also Yin-Yang Dao rhymes entwined with each other, endlessly.

A big sun appeared behind Taiyi. The blazing sun distorted the surrounding space and burned endless time. Even the endless yin and yang could not survive for a moment in the Dao rhyme of the sun.

Taiyi's eyes condensed, looking at the three sacred beings who had entered the realm of the true self of the primordial chaos. He snorted coldly and said, "You three sacred beings have offended the Heavenly Court and should be executed, but today is the day when the Heavenly Court is established. I will temporarily bypass you three and retreat quickly to save your life!!!"


A melodious voice appeared. It was the sound emitted by the Chaos Bell. This sound of the Chaos Bell annihilated the Dao rhyme of time, broke the Dao rhyme of space, and caused chaos in the Dao rhyme of yin and yang.

This is the power of the Chaos Bell, the innate treasure, which can suppress all the Daos of the heavens. It was the Chaos Bell that suppressed the chaos in the chaos. Although it is not Pangu's personal control now, it is extremely simple to use it to suppress the three Daos of the same realm.

Although he would definitely not be able to defeat the three beings in the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo in a long battle, it would not be a problem to deal with them in a short time.

Ancestor Yangmei and Ancestor Shichen all changed color when they heard the words.

Only Ancestor Yinyang sneered and angrily said: "Ha, innate treasure? Do you think you are the only one who has it!"

Then, the Taiji diagram emerged from under his feet and supported Ancestor Yinyang on it.

The Yinyang Daoyun that was previously suppressed by the Chaos Bell reappeared again, but it was the effect of the Taiji diagram.

The Taiji diagram wrapped the new prehistoric world in the past, and it also had a defensive effect. If it is called the first treasure of defense in the prehistoric world, the Taiji diagram should be the best.

"In the endless years, we should bow our heads and respect the Emperor of Heaven. Today, we will withdraw from the Heavenly Court. This matter will not be blamed. It took a lot of hard work to get Hunyuan. Don't fall here!" In the Lingxiao Palace, the words of Emperor Jun came slowly.

Along with it came the terrifying Daoyun of Emperor Jun that contained all the heavens.


The Dao rhyme turned into infinite fire, brushing over the three people. The Dao rhyme was extremely terrifying, which frightened the three people, but they did not dare to attack again.


The Yin-Yang Patriarch shouted, and his figure flashed, and he retreated from the Heavenly Palace without hesitation.

Just one Taiyi suppressed the three of them. If there was another Emperor Jun, the three of them would surely die here today.

The Yangmei Patriarch and the Shichen Patriarch looked at each other, and immediately worked together to perform the Great Way of Time and Space to enter the infinite time and space, and disappeared.

"Huh! How come these young people are more terrifying than each other?!" The Yangmei Patriarch said with a palpitation.

The Shichen Patriarch shook his head and said with an expression of escaping death: "If they were not extremely terrifying, how could they come later! You know, they are the remnants of Pangu!!!"

The words of the Shichen Patriarch made the Yangmei Patriarch fall into silence.

Yes, those young people are the remnants of Pangu!

As the remnant of the Great Dao God and Demon, he is already so powerful. That is Pangu, who crushed three thousand Great Dao Gods and Demons with just one person. How can his remnant not be terrifying!

If these younger generations are not terrifying, how can they, who only began to emerge after the disaster of fierce beasts and the disaster of dragon and phoenix, have now surpassed them and obviously made a step forward.

In the Heavenly Court.

Finally, the power of the Heavenly Way, which represents the authority of the Heavenly Way, floated down in the Heavenly Court and came to the position of the Heavenly Emperor.

Golden light shone on Di Jun's body. From then on, Di Jun became the first Heavenly Emperor recognized by the Heavenly Way, and the first Heavenly Emperor in the true sense!

As the golden light disappeared, he could clearly feel that he had gained another authority in the world. From then on, the Heavenly Way patrolling on behalf of the Heaven was reasonable and legal, and in line with the Heavenly Way.

This is the righteousness, and it is also the authority.

"We, the Three Pure Ones, congratulate the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven!" Outside the Lingxiao Palace, the Three Pure Ones arrived together, and their voices of congratulations resounded through the clouds.

Since the authority of the Heavenly Dao has already fallen, it means that the Heavenly Dao has recognized it, and the Three Pure Ones appearing to congratulate at this time is the best time.

"Thank you, three Taoist friends, please take a seat and witness the moment when the Heavenly Court ceremony is completed!" Emperor Jun said loudly, personally leading the three people in and sitting down.

The Three Pure Ones performed a Taoist salute, then entered the Lingxiao Palace, and sat down on their own. In order to consider Yuanshi's face, the three people did not sit very close to the front, because Yuanshi was not Hunyuan. If they sat too close to the front, they might be envied.

In the Lingxiao Palace, Emperor Jun then sat at the top, in the throne of the Emperor of Heaven.

On the high platform, there are six thrones that are only slightly lower than the throne of the Emperor of Heaven. They are the thrones of the six Hunyuan of the demon race.

There were ten great demon clan masters who had comprehended the true meaning of Hunyuan, standing on both sides of the hall. Behind them were 365 great demon clan masters who had reached the perfect state of Hunyuan Jinxian and were only waiting for the opportunity to comprehend the true meaning of Hunyuan. They were also responsible for the existence of 365 positive stars.

Apart from these demon clans, there were no more demon clans in Lingxiao Palace. The rest of the endless demon clans were all located in the thirty-three heavens, guarding the layers.

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