Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 149 Congratulations from all the gods, establish the Heavenly Palace!

"I, Xingchen, bring my disciple Ziwei to watch the ceremony, congratulate the Emperor of Heaven, congratulate the Heavenly Court!"

Another voice came from the infinite starry sky and landed in the thirty-three heavens.

Afterwards, two figures appeared, they were the Xingchen Patriarch and the Ziwei Taoist.

This time, Di Jun personally went out to greet them, and said with a smile: "Please take a seat, Taoist friend."

The Xingchen Taoist nodded and walked in with a smile.

He sat in the most senior seat. Although these seats were not on the same high platform as the Emperor of Heaven's throne, they were all on the high platform, only a little short of the Emperor of Heaven's throne, and he was treated the same as the other six Hunyuan of the demon clan.

For this point, the Xingchen Taoist did not say much, which was reasonable. The Emperor of Heaven was supreme, and it was normal for the seat to be a little higher.

As for the Taoist Ziwei, he sat under the high platform, minding his own business, and did not say much. If he did not enter Hunyuan, how could he be treated the same as Hunyuan? Not everyone is Sanqing. Besides, Xingchen is his teacher, not his elder brother.



With the recognition of the authority of Heaven, more and more innate saints came to the Heaven to congratulate.

Those who entered Hunyuan were all welcomed by Emperor Jun himself, and those who did not enter Hunyuan were welcomed by Bai Ze, one of the ten great demon clans.

Slowly, between heaven and earth, except for the four ancient saints, Hongjun, the Immortal Ancestor, Yangmei Ancestor, Shichen Ancestor, and Yinyang Ancestor, who had tried to stop them before, most of the other major forces or great cultivators came to the Heaven to give gifts.

Including the Six Saints and Dong Wanggong conferred by Hongjun.

There were only two major forces missing, one was the Wu Clan, which was also prosperous today, and the other was the Dragon Clan in the Four Seas, which had been strong since ancient times.

Boom! ! !

"We, the twelve witch ancestors, have come together to watch the ceremony, to celebrate for the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven!"

The twelve witch ancestors appeared, and their extremely powerful bodies seemed to be innate spiritual treasures, extremely powerful.

The Dao Yun appeared and stepped into the Lingxiao Palace.

Behind the twelve extremely powerful bodies, there were eight hundred great witches at the peak of the Golden Immortal Realm standing neatly behind them.

When the witch clan arrived, Emperor Jun's figure flashed.

"Welcome all the Taoist friends of the witch clan to watch the ceremony, please take a seat!" Emperor Jun's majestic voice sounded, which contained infinite tolerance.

The twelve witch ancestors and the eight hundred great witches entered the Lingxiao Palace together. Only three of the twelve witch ancestors had achieved the realm of Hunyuan Zhenwo, so when they saw that the seats on the backstage were almost all in the realm of Hunyuan, they frowned.

Then, seeing Yuanshi alone, they all went to that seat.

"Please invite the twelve witch ancestors to take their seats." Emperor Jun's words sounded again. If the twelve witch ancestors sat there, it would be fine. No one would think that the twelve witch ancestors of the witch clan could not enter the Primordial Chaos.

But if those eight hundred great witches sat there together, would it be a bit too much?

So, Emperor Jun said, this sentence means that the twelve witch ancestors can take their seats, but the rest can forget about it.

Since the witch clan entered the Lingxiao Palace, the gods of the heavens have all cast their eyes on the witch clan.

The witch clan regards itself as the authentic descendants of Pangu, and the twelve witch ancestors are even more powerful. They are born with twelve laws. Now, three of them have entered the Primordial Chaos realm, dominating the prehistoric land, singing the praises of maintaining the prehistoric land left by the Father God, and maintaining the peace of the prehistoric land.

Now, it just happened to be against the demon clan that controls the Heavenly Court. After all, the duty of the Heavenly Court is to patrol on behalf of the Heaven, perform the duties of the Heavenly Court, and reward the good and punish the evil.

And such a witch clan would actually come to the demon clan to watch the ceremony, and brought so many great witches, which made them a little confused. Are these people really here to watch the ceremony? !

If so, then they are in harmony, but Di Jun’s words just now may lead to the outbreak of a war, all depends on how the witch clan’s stubborn brains understand it.

Just when many saints were looking forward to the arrival of a war, they saw...

"You, sit down!" Di Jiang did not conflict with Di Jun, but did not say much.

The witch clan has always respected the eldest brother Di Jiang, so when Di Jiang spoke, they did not say anything, and sat down by themselves, while the twelve ancestor witches sat on the high platform.

There is nothing difficult to understand. In Pangu Hall, there are only seats for the twelve ancestor witches, and the other great witches have no seats.

Buzz! ! !

"We, the eight dragon commanders, have come here to congratulate the Heavenly Court and the Emperor of Heaven in accordance with the order of the Dragon Emperor!"

At this time, the eight dragon commanders have also transformed into the innate Dao body, that is, the body of Pangu, which is the human form of the later generations.

After hearing this, Di Jun hurried to the outside of the palace, and Taiyi followed him.

Di Jun's eyes condensed. Wow, the eight dragon commanders from the dragon clan are actually all in the state of Hunyuan!

The foundation of the dragon clan is really unfathomable!

"Thank you all for coming. I know the intention of the Dragon Emperor. Please take a seat!" Di Jun smiled and said.

Of course, he also knew what the dragon clan meant. Being willing to come here to congratulate means that they acknowledge the existence of the Heavenly Court. Of course, Di Jun would not really have nothing to do and go to the four seas to make comments. That would simply be looking for trouble.

So far, all the prominent figures or representatives of forces in the prehistoric world have come, except for those who have grudges against the demon clan or Di Jun.

"I am Emperor Jun, who was transformed by the charm of Father Pangu, conceived in the sun, and the emperor of the demon race. I see that between heaven and earth, all races are fighting and unable to do anything. I can't bear it, so I want to establish the Heavenly Court and call myself the Heavenly Emperor, to follow the ancient Heavenly Court, to rule all races, to be in charge of the heavens, to patrol on behalf of the heavens, to reward the good and punish the evil!"

"Now, the Great Dao, the Way of Heaven, and all the gods of heaven witness it together!"

As Emperor Jun's majestic voice sounded, the prehistoric Heavenly Court suddenly shone brilliantly, illuminating the endless time and space of the heavens.

In the prehistoric world, it seemed that all kinds of order were born, no longer as chaotic as before.

Rumble! ! !

In the sky, golden light flashed out, filling the entire thirty-three heavens.

This is the most merits born since the creation of the world.


Endless Heavenly Dao merits went to all the demon tribes. Emperor Di Jun received the most, which was 30% of Heavenly Dao merits. Then the 30% was divided into six parts and went to the six innate gods Taiyi, Xihe, Changxi, Wangshu, Fuxi, and Nuwa.

Although there were six parts, they were not evenly divided, but some were more and some were less. Taiyi got the most and Nuwa got the least, which was obviously based on the merits of establishing the Heavenly Court.

The last 40% was divided into countless small parts and went to the endless demon tribes that permeated the thirty-three heavens. All the demon tribes had a share.

The Heavenly Court had been established and recognized by Heavenly Dao. It bestowed boundless merits and covered the endless demon tribes.

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