Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 150 Consecration, the perfect human race!

And Di Jun has become the Emperor of Heaven, taking charge of some of the powers of Heaven and assuming the duties of Heaven.

"The Heavenly Court has been established. Today, all ministers should be canonized to congratulate the Heavenly Court!"

"The demon clan Chang Xi is canonized to control the movement of the stars in the sky. He is the Xi Emperor of the demon clan and is in charge of the affairs of the demon clan! All the demon clans in the world worship the Xi Emperor, and all races in the ancient world should respect the Xi Emperor!"

"Canonize the demon clan Wangshu, take charge of the goddess of the ancient world, become the demon clan Shu Huang, and be in charge of the affairs of the demon clan! The demon clan in the world all worship Shu Huang, and all clans in the ancient world should respect Shu Huang!"

"Canonize the demon clan Fuxi to be in charge of the laws of heaven and earth. He will be the demon clan's emperor Xi and be in charge of the demon clan's affairs! The demon clan in the world will worship the Xihuang, and all races in the ancient world should respect the Xihuang!"

"The demon clan Nuwa is canonized, in charge of the marriage tradition of heaven and earth, as the demon clan emperor Wa, and in charge of the affairs of the demon clan! The demon clan in the world all worships the emperor Wa, and all races in the ancient world should respect the emperor Wa!"

The demon clan can have an emperor and the demon emperor side by side, but heaven cannot have a second emperor. This is the mystery of the canonization of Emperor Jun.

Therefore, even though they are both Demon Emperors in the Demon Clan, their actual authority is still quite different. However, the three innate saints who were canonized did not feel anything wrong with this.

These four great masters of the demon clan who have entered the realm of Hunyuan True Self have all been canonized as emperors of the demon clan.

Immediately, the demon clan's destiny became stronger, and these four people's cultivation level was further enhanced by the feedback from the demon clan's destiny.

The canonization is still going on. After the four demon kings have been canonized, a new round of canonization has begun.

"Canonize Baize, Ji Meng, Yingzhao, Feidan, Feilian, Jiuying, Shangyang, Qinyuan, Bitie, and Guiche as the top ten demon commanders, who exercise the majesty of heaven, command heaven's troops and horses, and take charge of heaven's military affairs. , crusade against all disloyalty!”

The ten demon commanders were all overjoyed when they heard this. Now that they can control the heavenly troops and horses, their power is only slightly inferior to those in the Hunyuan realm. They are already the supreme beings in the heavens.


After conferring the top ten demon commanders, they began to consecrate demon kings. The demon masters guarding each heaven would be a demon king, for a total of thirty-three demon kings.

Later, he was consecrated to the 365th Road Zhengshen and many other positions...

After the Heavenly Emperor Dijun established and canonized many monster clans, many innate saints frowned.

Because Emperor Jun canonized prominent figures in the Demon Clan, he only left out the existences closest to him and the strongest existences in heaven, namely Taiyi and Xihe.

They did not believe that a being like Di Jun could not tolerate Taiyi and Xihe, who came from the same origin as him.

The three saints in the Hunyuan realm came from the same three-legged Golden Crow clan, and later became brothers and sisters. Although they were not biological brothers and sisters, they were both transformed from Pangu's charm, and their relationship was no worse than that of biological brothers and sisters of acquired creatures. .

And now, the three people who have been with them all the way, Di Jun, have achieved the status of Heavenly Emperor, are supreme, and are in charge of the power of Heaven. They are already the most powerful existence besides Hongjun who conforms to Heaven.

Even the authority of Heaven is actually greater than that of Hongjun who is in line with Heaven, because the most important thing is to hunt and punish on behalf of Heaven, and this authority was taken away by Heaven and manifested in the Emperor of Heaven. .

But at this time, the two supreme beings Taiyi and Xihe did not have any canonization, which undoubtedly made them feel extremely surprised.

In the void.

Light flashed out of Ye Xuan's eyes.

“Now that Heaven has appeared, it’s time for Human Race to appear too!!!”

As far as the human race is concerned, Ye Xuan is naturally the most selfish race. This selfishness does not refer to anyone. If we say who he is most selfish to since the founding of the Chaos World, it is not the God of Demons. Nothing else.

A god and demon in the middle level of the Dao was forcibly given two accompanying treasures, the God-killing Spear and the 24th-grade Demonic Black Lotus, turning him into the strongest Dao God besides the five supreme ones. magic.

But for the human race, he will not give his selfishness to anyone specifically, unless there is someone he admires very much. However, although there is no individual selfishness, the overall selfishness, Ye Xuan, who is also a human race, will naturally be there.

After all, the human race should be the protagonist of the world. This was set by Ye Xuan from the beginning.

However, the protagonist of heaven and earth has returned to the protagonist of heaven and earth, and the prehistoric world still has a hundred schools of thought contending. This is also the reason why the dragon clan can be strong to this day.

Even if the human race dominates the future, the two lich races will still not disappear between heaven and earth. Only when a hundred schools of thought contend and a hundred flowers bloom will the strongest people be born.

The most powerful people will also constantly climb to new levels. If the human race is made invincible, it will fall into endless internal fighting. This is not what he wants to see.

"Since the human race is going to appear, naturally we cannot have the ant-human race that was reduced to the plaything of the saints in the legends of the previous life. What I want is those perfect human races where everyone is like a dragon! These human races should not be entangled in all kinds of selfish desires. They should put the human race first. There must be no rape!"

"You can have selfish desires, but you can't betray the interests of the human race. Creatures that betray the race are shameful wherever they go. They should be nailed into the history of shame and be reviled by all races!"

"If every human race has the talents of those innate saints, then this human race will be a perfect human race..."

Ye Xuan murmured to himself and began to plan for the human race that would appear later.

It was easy to deal with in the primitive world. He could make the human race the protagonist of the world with just one thought, but this was obviously not in line with his pursuit. No matter what race he was, he should rely on his own efforts to reach the top.

Just like the dragon race and the demon race, they all achieved their dominance through their own achievements.

Ye Xuan learned from history and never manipulated the prehistoric world. He just determined the general direction and left the rest to the races to fight for themselves.

Therefore, the difficulty lies in how to create that perfect race...

This kind of thing can only be found in the outside world. Otherwise, it is impossible to create it in the prehistoric world.

And what kind of picture will the human race with the innate talents of the gods create in the prehistoric world? What kind of legends will they leave behind?

Ye Xuan thought of the extremely powerful protagonists and extremely wonderful supporting roles in the novels of his previous life.

There is the Saint Body Emperor who lived through nine lives and ascended to heaven...

There is the Destined Demon who looked back three thousand years before the demon and did not want to be an immortal in the mortal world...

There is the peerless Heavenly Emperor who has made decisions for eternity...

There is Han Tianzun who is admired by thousands of people...

There is the Seventh Young Master of the Miro Palace who uses gods for human beings...

Thinking of the countless classic characters in his previous life, Ye Xuan wanted to create this perfect human race immediately, so that a trace of the Tao rhyme of these classic existences could be manifested and transformed into the existence of the perfect human race in the prehistoric world.

If all those protagonists were manifested, how would this human race prosper, and how wonderful would this prehistoric world be!

For a moment, Ye Xuan was excited.

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