Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 151: Dong Wanggong returns to heaven, and the immortals and demons of Zixiao Palace become o

"The Heavenly Palace has been established, and the luck of the demon race is extremely magnificent, which may be even better than that of the dragon race!"

"Not necessarily! Look at the eight dragon commanders sitting over there, all of them are in the realm of Hunyuan! Not to mention the four dragon kings and the Dragon Emperor!"

"That makes sense, but when the dragon race established the Divine Palace in the past, there were no such merits. Look at the demon race, the Heavenly Palace is recognized by the Heavenly Dao, and the Heavenly Dao not only gave them boundless merits, but also the authority of the Sitian position!"

"Yes, this Heavenly Dao merit is probably the most merit born since the creation of the world, right? Even if it is not as good as the merit of the creation of the world in the past, it is probably not far behind!"

All the gods in the heavens are discussing whether the demon race is the strongest force in the world after the establishment of the Heavenly Palace.

As for the witch race, although the area they occupy is very large, it is not included in the discussion by these innate gods. After all, the witch race now has only three Hunyuan, and its luck is far from being strong enough to be compared with the demon race.

The only thing they were arguing about was which of the dragons and the demons was the first tribe in the prehistoric world.

And the reason they participated in the discussion was only for one reason, that is, whether to choose to join the heaven or go to the four seas.

Because in the prehistoric world, there were constant calamities. If you don't achieve the mixed origin, you will not be able to escape from the calamity. As for the so-called saints, although they can also be immortal, except for those saints who have cut themselves and waited for death, other saints will not choose to cut themselves even if they are killed.

And joining these huge forces will naturally be guaranteed. On weekdays, you can also rely on the power of the heaven or the dragon clan to prevent some ill-intentioned beings from daring to touch them.

Dong Wanggong had a bitter face at this time. He didn't want the so-called saint's opportunity, but he had cut himself. Since there was no hope for the road, he could only choose one way to go to the end.

However, even though the path of the saints, which was sneered at by many saints, now became the last way for those saints who were deceived and cut themselves with him.

Therefore, many people have already set their sights on him.

If he had not stayed in the cave all day, and had not come here to celebrate the heaven, he would not have dared to step out of the cave door.

Those saints were frightened by the heaven, but they did not dare to make any moves when Dong Wanggong rushed to congratulate. The Hunyuan people were almost omniscient. If they were known or their actions were not thorough, then these incomplete saints who took action would be in trouble.

So, Dong Wanggong made up his mind, stood up from his seat, came to the center of the hall, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and shouted: "Your Majesty! I, Dong Wanggong, am willing to join the Heavenly Court, and I hope that the Heavenly Court will protect me."

Di Jun heard this, glanced over, nodded, and said: "Since you have entered my Heavenly Court, you should be protected by me, and you can move into the thirteenth heaven Xu Ming Tang Yao Tian!"

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Dong Wanggong was moved and bowed again.

After seeing this, some gods also expressed their willingness to join the Heavenly Court.

For a time, the power of the Heavenly Court grew a little bit again.

In the Zixiao Palace.

"Hahahaha! Now you know what it means to be alone and weak, right?! When you faced the dragon clan in the past, you felt the same way now!" Luohou laughed wantonly.

He began to taunt Hongjun crazily, but the aura on Hongjun's body was constantly changing.

The fairy aura that permeated his body before had long disappeared, replaced by half fairy aura and half demon aura.

Hongjun has half of his body as an immortal, which makes him look extremely sacred and extraordinary, and half of his body as a demon, which makes him look extremely strange.

"Hmph! Don't forget, the demon clan is powerful. Even if you are reborn, you still have to crawl under their feet! What's more, you have faced the dragon clan before! How dare you laugh at me?!" Hongjun snorted coldly and said sarcastically.

Hongjun's right half of the body, the half that belonged to Luohou, opened his lips and a demonic intent came out, saying: "Haha, now that the Heavenly Court has been established, the most important authority of the Heavenly Dao has also been separated. Even if you take all the Heavenly Dao authority from me, what's the use?!"

"What's more, you can't take those authorities away from me! And you can't make up for the lack of your own Dao fruit through the Heavenly Dao. You failed again, a complete loser!"


"Hmph! Although I failed at this time, I still succeeded in the infinite time and space, and still became the ancestor of the Dao!" Hongjun snorted coldly, obviously very confident in his final achievement.

"Oh? Did you see your Heavenly Dao authority being stripped away in the infinite time and space? Or did you see the dragon clan and the demon clan so powerful? Or did you see the Hunyuan thought that was blocked by you break the seal?" Luohou sneered again in an instant.

He just couldn't stand Hongjun's appearance, he was extremely hypocritical, arrogant and disgusting.

"You!" Hongjun's mind moved, and infinite anger emerged, but he couldn't cause the slightest harm to Luohou.

"Hahahaha! Haven't you realized it yet? As long as I exist in your body for one day, I can take away half of everything you planned, making all your plans fall through, and finally all kinds of variables will appear, so that you will never be able to step into the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo!"

"That is the real Hunyuan realm. As long as you step into it, you can destroy the demon race and the dragon race!!!"

"So, let me out! Only after I come out can you complete the Dao Fruit and step into the true supreme realm!!!"

Luo Hu's bewitching voice appeared, constantly tempting Hongjun.

He wanted Hongjun to release him, so that he could truly step into the realm of Hunyuan. If things continued like this, not only would Hongjun be unable to step in, but he would also be unable to step in.

"The forces of immortals and demons are not mutually exclusive. The immortals disappear and the demons rise. The demons rise and the immortals disappear. This sentence comes from your mouth. This is also true. If I release you, wouldn't it be a real disaster to myself?! By then, if If you stepped into the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo first, wouldn't it be me who killed me?" Hongjun said lightly.

He was very angry at first, but after hearing Luo Huo say let him out, Hongjun suddenly sobered up.

No matter what, it was impossible for him to release Rahu.

Without Rahu, although there are troubles in completing the Dao Fruit, it is just a little more troublesome. After his constant planning, he will one day successfully enter that realm.

However, if Luo Hu existed in the wilderness, he could not imagine what he would face then.

"Hahahaha! Are you admitting that you might not be as good as me?!" After hearing this, Luo Hu laughed wantonly.

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