Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 152 Emperor Jun achieves enlightenment! The Emperor of Heaven has a broad mind!

"Whatever you think, I will never let you go. If you have the ability, break the seal and escape." Hongjun's indifferent words sounded again.

"Hahahaha!!! I have already occupied half of your body. How far is it from breaking the seal?!" Luohou's rampant laughter kept coming, as if he would never stop laughing.

Hongjun's face changed when he heard this. He was already in great danger at this time.

He was an immortal and a demon, and his desires were rampant. If he was not careful, he might be controlled by Luohou and fall into the boundless devil.

If he really fell into the devil, he would not know when he could come out, just like Luohou, who did not know when he could control his body.

But if Luohou was expelled from the body, there would be no such danger. But on the one hand, if Luohou did not cooperate, he would not be able to expel him. On the other hand, even if Luohou cooperated to expel him, it would be a greater threat to him.

A trace of clarity flashed in Hongjun's left eye, and a wisp of immortal energy floated again, and half of the Dao fruit and the authority of the Heavenly Dao came together.

A wisp of the Great Dao of Immortality emerged, and the restless Luohou was suppressed again into the half of the Dao fruit.

Hongjun regained control of half of his body, and the half of the manifestation of the devil also completely disappeared, turning into a complete Hongjun.

"Hmph! Just stay in there!"

A dark world was nurtured in the half of the Dao fruit.

Luohou, dressed in black, stood on a solitary boat, sailing on the river and sea transformed by the devil.

"Hehehehe, Hongjun! The day when I come out is not far away!!!" Luohou laughed loudly on the solitary boat.

He was not afraid of Hongjun hearing it, because this was the world of the devil, the manifestation of the devil, full of endless desires, and moved at will, but Hongjun did not dare to set foot here, for fear of being contaminated by it.

In the Heavenly Court, the thirty-sixth Heaven, the Qingwei Heaven of Taiqing Realm, this is where the Heavenly Emperor Dijun, Taiyi and Xihe live. In addition to the three of them, there are four other gods.

That is, the four emperors of the demon race today, namely Chang Xixi Emperor, Wang Shushu Emperor, Fuxi Xihuang Emperor, and Nuwa Wahuang Emperor. These four demon emperors are also in this highest heaven, and they have all built their own palaces.

Of course, the specifications are still inferior to the palace complex of the Heavenly Emperor.

As for the two gods Taiyi and Xihe, they have no position in the Heavenly Court, but they still hold the power of the Heavenly Court. Everyone knows that these two gods are the core of the demon race and the core of the Heavenly Court, which is much more important than the four demon emperors.

And Taiyi and Xihe also live in the palace complex of the Heavenly Emperor, living with Dijun. Of course, the palaces are still different.

In the palace complex of the Heavenly Emperor.

A dark yellow imperial robe covers the entire thirty-sixth heaven.

That is the imperial robe of the Heavenly Emperor Dijun.

In the eyes of Emperor Dijun, the Dao rhyme kept flowing.

A Dao fruit gathered from the Heavenly Court. It was a Dao fruit condensed from the luck of the Heavenly Court and the demon race, and it was the same as the Dao fruit that Hongjun and Luohou had fought for before.

The only difference was that one side was condensed by Ye Xuan through a trace of luck between heaven and earth, and the other side was condensed by Emperor Dijun through the luck of the demon race and the Heavenly Court, which was at its peak.

These two Dao fruits are both fake and real.

If Emperor Jun can successfully break through to the realm of Hunyuan Dao fruit, that Dao fruit will naturally condense into reality and become the first Hunyuan Dao fruit between heaven and earth.

The Dao fruit that Hongjun and Luohou fought for was split into two at the last minute, so it has not become a real Dao fruit until now.

Emperor Jun is the Heavenly Emperor. He was born from the combination of Pangu's charm and the Dao of the Great Sun. He was born as a golden immortal and stood above the heavens.

From the endless wilderness, he condensed his only true self and stepped half a foot into the realm of Hunyuan.

Now, the Lord of Heaven, the Emperor Di Jun, who controls the glory and majesty of the sun and saves all living beings, condensed the Hunyuan Dao Fruit when the Heaven was established.

Om! ! !

The Hunyuan Dao Fruit entered Di Jun's body and combined with it.

This time, no existence made trouble, no plan was involved, and no sacred thing had such means to break into the Heaven and quietly have any evil thoughts about this Dao Fruit.

As the Dao Fruit entered the body, it gradually merged with the Emperor Di Jun.

Rumble! ! !

An unprecedented power spread throughout the infinite time and space of the heavens.

A figure wearing the three-legged golden crow and the black and yellow emperor robe appeared in the endless wilderness.

At this moment, all the creatures in the wilderness can feel the greatness of the Emperor of Heaven, and can feel what the power of the Emperor of Heaven is, which cannot be violated!

The authority of the Heavenly Emperor Di Jun was increased again at this time. Most of the authority originally controlled by Hong Jun had become Di Jun's hands.

No one dared to call Di Jun's name directly, and no one dared to think of Di Jun's name in their hearts. The Hunyuan, if you think of his name, you will know his god.

Can't say, dare not think, this is the real Hunyuan.

The Heavenly Emperor Di Jun stood on the thirty-sixth heaven, his figure appeared in the world, and countless creatures thought of him in their hearts. The Heavenly Emperor is the supreme one!

In Di Jun's eyes, time and space appeared one by one, and scenes quickly passed through his heart.

In an instant, the endless time and space were all known by Di Jun.

From then on, in the endless time and space, the name of Emperor Di Jun should shine throughout the heavens and the worlds. In the infinite time and space, no one dares to insult Emperor Jun. Those who insult the Emperor will fall into the hell of endless suffering and suffer the punishment of the eighteen hells forever.

"So that's it! So that's it!"

"The so-called human race, the witch and the lich race are all passers-by..."

"But so what? I am the Emperor of Heaven, I should tolerate all living beings and races, even if it is the human race that wants to replace the demon race?! Just do your best to protect the demon race!"

At this moment, Emperor Jun glimpsed the future scene from the infinite time and space, and knew the infinite changes.

In many time and space, the witch and the lich race fought, and finally the human race created by Nuwa benefited. Almost all of them, the high-level demons, died, even him and Taiyi.

"Heavenly marriage..."

"Hongjun? You are so despicable in the infinite time and space of the Ten Thousand Worlds. Although you have done this in those time and space, you have not done it in this time and space!"

"Hongjun, you shall die!"

How broad-minded is Emperor Dijun? Even though he knew that the human race would appear and might replace the demon race, he never intended to stop it, because Nuwa was the Queen of the demon race.

As the Emperor of Heaven, how could he not tolerate a brand new race created by the Queen of the Demon Race?

What's more, there is no demon race between heaven and earth. Those who are inclined to the demon race are all demons!

But this son of Hongjun has caused great harm to the prehistoric world in the infinite time and space. Today, he has entered the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, and he shall kill Hongjun!

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