Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 153: The fourth-level God of Creation! Hongjun must be killed!

Above the prehistoric world, in the void.

"As expected of the Emperor of Heaven! Such great means and great talent are unique in the world. In the infinite time and space, he has achieved the state of Hunyuan, and he has achieved it forever. From then on, he will forever transcend the world!" Ye Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

He didn't expect that the first person to be born in the prehistoric world was Di Jun.

"Knowing that the human race will be born in the world, knowing that the human race will replace the demon race, such a race, as the supreme Emperor of Heaven who can control the prehistoric world, will he still let the human race appear!" Ye Xuan couldn't help muttering to himself, looking at the peerless Emperor of Heaven below, he also had a little curiosity in his heart.

He was curious about whether Di Jun, who was born with the light of the sun, would not tolerate the human race.

Of course, if there was no Ye Xuan in this world, as the only Heavenly Emperor who truly achieved the Hunyuan, he would be fully capable of preventing the birth of the human race. He only needed to destroy the human race when Nuwa created the human race.

As for why he did not destroy Nuwa directly, it was because Nuwa was just the Heavenly Dao who gave birth to the human race.

If the human race had not yet appeared, then under the influence of the Heavenly Dao, even if Nuwa died, there would be new gods to create, but if the human race had already appeared, it would be different.

Although the Heavenly Dao trend is that the human race will prosper in the future, since the human race has already appeared, if something happens in the middle and causes the human race to be extinct, it can only be said that the human race itself is not lucky enough to support that great prosperity.

Although being a Heavenly Emperor cannot be involved in too much karma, as a Hunyuan, he is no longer involved in karma. Even if he takes action to destroy the human race, the strong backlash of luck will not fall on Di Jun.

Of course, Ye Xuan would not let anyone stop him from creating the human race, and not just the human race, he wanted to create a perfect human race!

"The Emperor of Heaven has become Hunyuan. Now, he should condense the divine nature and be promoted to the fourth-level God of Creation!" A ray of light flashed in Ye Xuan's eyes.


The divine fire appeared between Ye Xuan's eyebrows, and this divine fire burned out of thin air. Then, there were divine patterns on his body, and his whole body became the body of the God of Creation.

The body of the God of Creation must master a law to condense the body of the God. If a point of the law is indestructible, the body of the God can be endlessly regenerated.

And this is also the symbol of the third-level God of Creation.

However, Ye Xuan's body of God is not condensed by the law, but is based on the three thousand great ways, and infinite laws and endless rules are intertwined and manifested, condensing an unprecedented body of God.

This kind of body of the God of Creation is definitely born from the system of the God of Creation, and it is the most powerful body of God so far!

Otherwise, Ye Xuan would not be able to defeat the fourth-order Creation God with his third-order body!

Buzz! !

Three thousand great ways emerged from behind Ye Xuan, and the power of the great ways appeared one after another, like an endless abyss.

In the prehistoric world, a wisp of Hunyuan true meaning floated up, which was the Hunyuan true meaning emitted from the body of Emperor Di Jun, heading towards the divine fire.

At this time, after absorbing the wisp of Hunyuan true meaning, the divine fire in Ye Xuan's brows turned into a Hunyuan Dao fruit, and the three thousand great ways behind Ye Xuan continued to emerge towards the Dao fruit.


Another fusion, the three thousand great ways turned into a great way of power, which was the manifestation of the great way of power combined with the three thousand great ways. This is not the real great way, but the ultimate great way of the unity of the three thousand great ways.

Boom! ! !

A sound came, and the Dao fruit exploded, and a godhead appeared inside, which was a godhead formed by the combined power of the three thousand great ways of Hunyuan.

The godhead was located at the center of Ye Xuan's eyebrows, replacing the previous divine fire and settling there.

Then, the godhead contained the avenue of force, and around the godhead were the five supreme avenues that wrapped it, followed by the twelve supreme avenues that wrapped the five supreme avenues, and then five hundred superior avenues that wrapped the twelve supreme avenues, and then two thousand medium avenues that wrapped it, and finally the four hundred worst avenues wrapped it outside, turning it into a thin film.

In this way, the avenue godhead formed by the avenue of force and the three thousand avenues finally condensed!

On the godhead, the avenue of force formed by the integration of the three thousand avenues was in the center to control the three thousand avenues, and there were the five supreme avenues of creation, destruction, destiny, infinity, and chaos to coordinate everything.

This kind of godhead is also the only one that has condensed from ancient times to the present.

As the godhead condensed, Ye Xuan seemed to have comprehended infinite mysteries. In an instant, all the things in the past and the things in the future, at this moment, all appeared in his heart.

The fourth level, once proved, forever proved, transcending in infinite time and space.

From this moment on, Ye Xuan can see his future scenes in endless time and space.

Of course, the future is not fixed. Even if the future in all time and space is the same result, it is still possible to change when this time and space really happens.

Although Ye Xuan is still very shallow about the Three Thousand Great Daos, this godhood condensed by two theoretical Three Thousand Great Daos has made him invincible among the same level when he first entered the fourth level of the Creation God.

However, this is still not enough for him to cross the level and kill the fifth level of the Creation God!

Because above the fourth level, one step is a world. To be precise, the early fourth level and the middle fourth level are two major realms. Ye Xuan has crossed two major realms and can easily defeat the late fourth level Creation God!

Ye Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the Three Thousand Great Daos operated in it.


As he clenched his fist, the Dao was hidden deep inside.

He needed to be more careful when facing enemies in the future, be careful not to blow them up with one punch...

Ye Xuan looked at the prehistoric world again, because Di Jun was about to beat Hong Jun, and this scene had to be seen.

In Zixiao Palace.


As Di Jun entered the realm of Hunyuan, Hong Jun's Dao fruit had also turned into a real Dao fruit under the refining of falsehood into reality, which had already completed most of the Dao fruit and turned into a real Dao fruit.

Although it was not a complete Dao fruit realm, it was already a real half-entry into the Dao fruit realm.

Although it was impossible to glimpse the various possibilities of the future and the past in infinite time and space, at this time, his cultivation and combat power had already increased a lot.

Now, although he was still not an opponent of the real Dao fruit realm, he could already eliminate the existence of the Hunyuan true self realm with one move, which was the power of Dao fruit becoming true.

"Hongjun, you must be killed!!!"

A voice full of majesty came from outside the Purple Sky Palace. It was the Emperor Dijun who had arrived.

From the Thirty-Six Heavens to the outside of the Primal Chaos, it was not very far. Dijun came to the Primal Chaos in a moment of thought. With another thought, he found the Purple Sky Palace and arrived at the door.

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