Universal Creation: Creating a Chaotic World at the Beginning

Chapter 154: The fusion of immortals and demons, the divine power of the Emperor of Heaven!


The door of Zixiao Palace opened instantly, and a figure appeared outside.

"Emperor of Heaven! What do you want to do here?!" Hongjun frowned and asked. Although he knew that the other party came here to kill him, he still had to talk a little to avoid this disaster.

He was not a fool. The other party shouted that he should be killed.

"Luo Hou, join forces! Otherwise, we will all die here today!!!" Hongjun quickly communicated with Luo Hou with his mind and released a little of his suppression on Luo Hou.


Luo Hou's words came from the darkness.

Suddenly, a breath of the Great Dao of Demon appeared from Hongjun's body, and instantly occupied half of his body.

The Dao fruit that was broken in the past also merged into one at this time, turning into a complete Dao fruit.


An extremely mysterious Dao rhyme emanated from Hongjun's body. It was different from the ordinary pure Dao rhyme. It was the Dao rhyme that was manifested by the alternation of two great ways.

Hongjun, a fairy and a demon, half fairy and half demon, is obviously one body, but now he has become two different appearances, which is extremely strange and powerful.

"Ha!" Di Jun sneered after seeing this, and was too lazy to waste words, and attacked with one move.

He also discovered the problem of Hongjun's breath, but he didn't care too much. Even if Hongjun and Luohou joined forces, what was he afraid of.

The brilliance of the infinite sun emerged, a bright Dao rhyme appeared, and the great power of Hunyuan burst out in the endless time and space.

The terrifying breath went towards Hongjun!

Boom! ! !

This attack spanned infinite time and space, and gathered in the long river of time and space.

"In the boundless wilderness, all the heavens and worlds are now under my control!" Hongjun said with a little emotion. He has never mastered this kind of power since that day.

At the same time, he did not slow down his movements, and a wisp of immortal and demonic aura emerged from the endless avenue. A long river of time and space quietly appeared, and the power of immortals and demons merged into one, entangled together, and attacked.

Boom! ! !

The immortal and demonic Dao rhyme and the light Dao rhyme collided completely, constantly disappearing and wiping out, and finally cleared everything and canceled out the two.

"Hahahaha! As expected of the Emperor of Heaven, he is indeed extremely powerful!" Luo Hou laughed wildly, controlling his body, and endless demonic thoughts burst out.

Transformed into a pair of huge hands, covering the sky, and pressing hard towards Di Jun.

Since entering the Hunyuan, you should respect its title and not call it by its name. This is respect for the Hunyuan realm.

This attack encompassed all the surrounding time and space, and it seemed unavoidable.

"The Immortal Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor are also very powerful when they work together!" Di Jun laughed instead of getting angry. He pointed out with one finger, and a golden light flashed out, completely turning the monstrous demon hand in the sky into nothingness.

Since there is no way to avoid it, let's break it with one blow!

"Hahahaha, if the two of us don't work together, we will really be killed by you, a young man!" Luo Hou was also very open and aboveboard, and said directly and openly.

On the other side, Hongjun's face was extremely dark, and I don't know what he felt.

"I have a magical power, which was established by Guantian Court. If you can take it and don't die, I will retreat. If you can't survive, it means you are too weak!" Di Jun said indifferently.

He didn't want to get entangled with Luohou too much. Luohou had long been immortal and extremely difficult to kill. As long as there were immortals between heaven and earth, Luohou would be able to come back sooner or later. But Hongjun was different. He could be wiped out in infinite time and space.

"Please give me a move, Emperor of Heaven!" Luohou said with a serious face.

He didn't dare to be careless at all. Since it was a move that Emperor Jun used as a killer, it must be a great magical power.

"This magical power is the magical power I realized when I saw the establishment of the Heavenly Court and the rise of the demon race. Its name is:"

"Emperor of Heaven!!!"

As Emperor Jun's words appeared, an extremely terrifying breath burst out from his eyes. Wherever he looked, the great power of the light and the rhyme of the Tao covered it.

The great power of light, along with the infinite true fire of the sun, swept towards Hongjun like sweeping everything!

Wherever the Sun's True Fire went, all the chaotic turbulence was burned away by it. The terrifying chaotic turbulence turned into a void under this blow.

"Great Terror!!!"

Hongjun's pupils shrank. Both he and Luohou were shocked and joined forces wholeheartedly, not daring to be negligent.

"Immortals and Demons Coexist, Peace for All Ages!!!"

A stream of immortal Dao rhyme appeared, and the infinite demon Dao rhyme also followed. The fusion of the two was faintly better than the original Dao.

His magical power was formed by Hongjun and Luohou using the Dao rhyme of the Great Dao, which turned into a large shield to cover Hongjun.

Boom! ! ! !

The two great magical powers of the Hunyuan Dao Fruit realm collided with each other, making a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth. The collision between the magical powers annihilated the Zixiao Palace in the chaos and destroyed countless chaotic turbulences around.

In the prehistoric world.

A loud noise was heard, sweeping across the boundless starry sky and the thirty-six heavens, and even countless territories under Mount Buzhou, all of which heard the loud noise.

All the spirits in the prehistoric world who had not yet reached the state of Daluo crawled on their stomachs and dared not move. The might of heaven was like the destruction of the world, which made them extremely terrified.

In the chaos.


Hongjun suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, which was a mixture of immortal and demonic auras. It was not the blood of his body, but the manifestation of his Dao injury.

This was just one of the great magical powers used by Di Jun. He did not use his innate spiritual treasures and the treasures of Taoism, but he severely injured the two.

He entered Taoism as the Emperor of Heaven, and his seal of the Emperor of Heaven became the treasure of Taoism. Its power was no less than that of the innate treasure, but it was extremely powerful and only he could use it.

"The Emperor of Heaven has good means!" Luo Hou did not forget to praise Di Jun even though he was deeply injured by Taoism.

The more he faced Di Jun, the more he could feel his opponent's strength and invincibility.

"Immortal Ancestor? That's all. If you dare to offend the Heavenly Court again in the future, you must be killed!" Di Jun sneered, and his peerless power emerged. He flashed and left this place.

The reason why he did not kill Hongjun was because they were all in the realm of Hunyuan Taoism, and they could not kill him at all. He could just severely injure him. The Taoism injury just now was enough for the other party to nourish for many years.

When he came, he thought Hongjun had not entered the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo, but he did not know that Hongjun and Luohou had merged and actually reached the realm of Daoguo again. Although this Daoguo was a little worse than his, he still could not kill the other party.

Hunyuan Daoguo, when you get great freedom and freedom in infinite time and space.

Hongjun, the combination of immortals and demons, is Hongjun in the Hunyuan realm. He is half immortal and half demon, but he is also difficult to kill. It's just that he has no permanent proof in infinite time and space. His strength and cultivation are all in the realm of Hunyuan Daoguo.

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